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A series I wrote that is loosely based on Twilight about Wolf Shifters |
Chapter 23: Kenyon I was really looking forward to seeing Sorrell again, but I wasn't at all shocked that she didn't come to school. I was glad she was able to rest after what happened the night before at the party. The good news was I was able to focus more on other things, including school work without her there, but there was an emptiness that I couldn't shake. The last period of the day was a little better, being able to see Sorrell's dad. Before I sat down at the beginning of class, I asked about her, and her dad just confirmed what I had though, she was home sleeping off the night before and since I had still seen Darrius a couple of times roaming the halls, it was safe to assume that he had gotten away with it. I generally tried to pay the most attention in Mr. Garnett's class. I guess subconsciously I was trying to impress him to score points with Sorrell, even though it became clear that her and her father were never on the best terms. I was how ever beginning to enjoy his class, just because of my love of writing and of Harlem Renaissance poetry. I kept all my poetry and sketches in a notebook that I carried with me everywhere, so that Aunt Talya would not find it and find out about Sorrell. I was putting some finishing touches on a poem, when Mr. Garnett asked me to stay after. I did as he asked, after the rest of the class had filed out I walked up to his desk. He was putting his things in a briefcase, I was guessing he was about to head straight home to check on Sorrell. "I just wanted to apologize for last night. I didn't mean to lash out at you." "No apology needed, Mr. Garnett. I totally understand. I would be the same way if Sorrell was my daughter." "Yes, well, she is a sweet girl." He added. "Yes she is and when someone takes advantage of her and treats her like that, it just-" "Easy killer!" I realized I was clinching Mr. Garnett desk and grinding my teeth angrily. Just thinking about it made my blood boil all over again. "I'm sorry." He chuckled. "No apology necessary. I should be thanking you. If you hadn't have been at that party. I don't know what would have happened to my baby girl." I shivered at the thought. "I am just glad I could be there help." "You're okay in my book!" he slapped my shoulder and smiled. "Thank you Mr. Garnett." I turned to leave and then turned around. "Can I ask you something?" "Of course." I straightened my posture hoping that it would help me be taken more seriously. "How would you feel if I want to ask permission to ask your daughter out?" He raised is eyebrows."Is that right?" I cleared my throat. "Yessir. I would like to take Sorrell out on a date." Mr. Garnett smirked as he scratched his chin. "I have to say Mr. Phalan, I am very impressed by you taking the time to do ask me for permission to date my daughter. That really means a lot but you are aware that my approval at this point may hurt your chances, more than it helps. All I can give you is an endorsement." "Where I come from, an endorsement from the father means a lot." "Just be good to her, and respect her. She…" he trailed off. "We have been through a lot." "Always, sir!" I shook his hand "Thank you sir." I then headed to football practice. While in the locker room, dressing out, Randy gave me a quick talking to. "What ever happened last night, we are going to leave it there, understand?" demanded Randy. I didn't hear him. I didn't care. All I saw was rage. There he was out on the football field as if nothing happened. My canine teeth we a little more prominent and as I walked toward the field in my brand new football uniform, I let out a quiet growl. "Hey man! Good to see you. Sick party last night right?" It took me a minute to realize that he was talking to me. I decided to play along. "Yeah, sick." "So, did you and Sorrell have fun last night?" I squinted at him. "What do you mean?" "You can't be that much of a boy scout." "So you are asking, if I had my way with her, while she was drugged?" My mouth was dry, I felt more rage than I had ever felt in my life, my skin was past itching, it was burning, I tried to stay focused so I wouldn't phase right where I was standing. He got into position to run a play. It was me on defense and Darrius and Randy on the offensive side. He said something to me as I got in my position, "You can thank me later." He gave me a wink. Those words burned into my brain like a cattle brander. "Thank you!" I whispered. Suddenly some yelled ‘hut’, and all I saw was red. I don't even know if he caught the ball, I was locked on target. Within a matter of seconds I was right on him, but something hard and heavy hit me like a freight train, then I blacked out. When I finally came to I was looking at the sky, with Randy on top of me, I pushed him off and stood up. Everybody on the team looked like deer in head lights, staring at me with their mouths agape. I looked around but didn't see Darrius. Randy kept trying to grab me and calm me down, but I kept pushing him off. I was still looking for Darrius. There was a crowd of people over by the benches near the stands, I pushed through, and there he was, on his back, his right leg obscurely to the right with the bone and padding poking out. He had just opened his eyes and screamed bloody murder when he saw the condition of his leg. "I am suing you for everything you have." He yelled. Coach Arthur broke through the crowd. "Alright everybody back up and don't touch him. I am going to call an ambulance. " He then walked up to me. "A word with you Mr. Phalan." "Coach?" "I don't even know what to say." "I understand coach." "You are aware you are off the team." "I totally understand coach." "Alright!" Randy and I went into the locker rooms and dressed out into our school clothes and waited on how the situation would pan out. Satordi was called down to the school, as well as Darrius's dad. He actually looked like Darrius's twin only taller and with more muscle mass and facial hair. Satordi ended up talking to Darrius Sr. and striking a deal with him, so that Darrius and his family would stay out of the news and I would stay out of Juvenile Hall. When we got to the ranch Satordi told me to follow him to wooded area on his land. I wondered if he was showing me the plot where he would bury me. Randy went back to the collage so I was by myself. So there I was face to face with Satordi in the middle of the woods. The wind pulled his long silver hair away from his face. It anger and disappointment read on his eyes. I looked down at the ground. "Satordi, I am sorry!" He spoke slowly. "You have not begun to be sorry!" "Satordi, I-" Suddenly, I felt tremendous force push me backward. I must have soared back ward a few yards, went through a tree and hit the ground. An aggressive pain took over me. The more I tried to move the more the pain seared through my body. I could not breathe and began going into a deep panic. Everything went white, somewhere in the lightness I saw my dad's face looking back at me. A single tear escaped from my eye from the pain. I struggled hard to breathe. The light faded and everything went dark. My breathing became more regular and I could see the stars in the sky. "Your move Kenyon!" When I looked up Satordi was standing over me. Was he serious? I didn’t move. "You’re bold enough to attack someone weaker than you, but are afraid to try someone more powerful." The pain had subsided a bit so I stood up and just walked away. "So you can just walk away from me, but when it comes to the mortal-" "I get it Satordi! I’m a coward!" I started to walk away. "Kenyon, front and center!" I turned around and looked at Satordi. "I messed up!" "I know you did." Satordi said. "I have been on this earth a long time and have seen a lot of things and I have always know one thing to be true." "What's that?" "A man in love does some crazy things." He chuckled. "How did you…? "Not much goes on at this ranch that I don't know about. Even I know not to tell your aunt everything." I had to laugh. I was speechless. "Nothing more precious a man can posses than a woman's heart, and never forget that." "I don't know about having her heart yet." "Kenyon, your brother will be a great Alpha one day, but you have a great heart and that is a gift as well." "How?" "Of all things in the world, of all talents and abilities, love is the most powerful. It can do all things. That is your gift. Never forget that." "Yessir!" "Go home, and get some rest. After school we are going to the hospital to apologize to the Clancy’s " “But Satordi-.” “No buts!” he said. I sighed. “Fine!” “One more word of wisdom; it is one thing to fight to protect the ones we love, but it is another to be a dumb brute that beats up the weak because he can.” “Alright Satordi.” I began to head back home again, Satordi again called. "Kenyon!" "Huh?" "Your aunt is going back to see your father this weekend. Invite her and her family to the ranch for the weekend." I smiled. Satordi was brilliant. I walked all the way back to the cottage. I was still sore, and covered in twigs and dirt. I took a long shower and went straight to bed. |