The Good Life. |
My mother: "Congratulations on being homeless." Moving and Renovation Move crap out of the studio: No progress. Payroll was due yesterday, and the mess drove me crazy. No place to sit and work. Renovation: Gah. To be fair, I erected some shelves and organized the closet. But that's just where customers can see. The back is a wreck. Reach 275 students at MTMS by 12/31/11. Good day! We enrolled like five new students yesterday. We lost a couple, too, so we're still in the 230's. Writing: Blog at by the end of the month: Yes. I keep trying to link it at Facebook, but I forgot to set the meta data when I first hit "Publish," and now Facebook won't pull up the new data (specifically, the photo and description.) I revised the rest of my writing goals: One character profile and background story per day: Not yet. One fiction contest entry per day: No, but entered a poetry contest. ? One original song per week: Mon: Compose lyrics. Tue: Polish lyrics. Wed: Set to music. Thu: Polish and record. Well, no, since I started in the middle of a cycle. I started re-reading and organizing works I've previously begun. Fri: Launch. Sat: Snippets/brainstorm. Sun: Snippets/brainstorm. Count points: No. |