The Good Life. |
I caught up and then exceeded my word count goal today. Now I'm 1k ahead instead of 2k behind. I was on a pretty good roll, but then I got tired of writing. I don't think I could do that as a regular eight-hour-a-day job. I'd go crazy. BUT... it does feel good to be writing every day, even if only an hour or two. I'm thinking of my post-NaNo writing strategy. I want to focus on songwriting, but I was also thinking of setting a one-fiction-contest-entry-per-day (week?) goal to keep developing my fiction skills. A songwriting contest would be cool. Does one exist, or am I going to have to create it myself? Moving and Renovation Move crap out of the garage: One load taken to Goodwill. I can fit a lot of boxes in my Jeep-with-a-capital-JUNK. Move crap out of the studio: No activity since the first load, but this will come in droves with the renovation this week. I'm also sort of waiting to hang holiday decorations, since that's half the junk that needs to move around/out/somewhere besides in the middle of the back-room-which-shall-be-a-computer-lab. Renovation: Starts tomorrow! Knitting: No activity. Reach 275 students at MTMS by 12/31/11. Um, 23-something. We're officially closed for Thanksgiving Break (one week), so I'm sorta kinda technically on vacation. Except I'm moving, renovating, going to see a teacher's recital tomorrow, decorating for the holidays, etc. etc. Speaking of the holidays, I'll be roasting my first bird this year. Wish me luck. And if I'm an utter failure, you'll never know unless I tell you. Or unless someone else who tries the bird tells you. But if anyone did that, I'd have to kill him. Writing: Blog at by the end of the month: 30 minutes of daily freestyle writing: N/A in November. 2,000 NaNoWriMo words per day: Ahead of goal at 39k. Count points: No. |