The Good Life. |
He's 41 today, so the "big one" was last year (and how ironic that he barely beat his 41st birthday to have his first heart attack scare at 40?) Blood pressure and cholesterol meds, healthier eating choices (sometimes), daily morning walks and a switch to half-caff (which in itself might cause my first heart attack scare) are our first steps toward a modified lifestyle. In fact, yesterday's walk included a short jog. We do plan on walking/jogging this morning, but in honor of Keith's birthday, we'll be setting aside our healthy eating habits and gorging ourselves at our favorite local Japanese steakhouse. Here's to overeating! It may be the boy's birthday, but I still have to work all day: music school from 9-2 and praise band from 3-5, which makes Saturday my longest official workday of the week, at a whopping - gasp - eight hours. I'm looking forward to the week after next, because the school is closed for Thanksgiving - one of our four annual week-long closings. Sadly, instead of vacationing, we'll be renovating. Which is good! but not vacation. Thank God for Christmas. I mean because of Jesus, of course, and not because of a second week-long closing. Okay, maybe I mean a little bit because of a second week-long closing. NaNo News: I'm supposed to be at 22,000 by the end of yesterday and 24,000 by the end of today. My current word count is 21,728. I'm a little distracted by an impending home sale closing - sorting through a garage full of stuff for donation/keep/trash always takes longer than you allocate. And with work and birthday stuff going on today, I'm not sure if today will be my catch-up day. Also, I'm stuck in a super-long chapter. It's not that I'm rambling, really, I mean I'm not saying the same things over and over again or rewording myself in some boring manner that just makes the whole chapter seem to go on forever for readers who got the point that I was trying to make pages and pages ago... Sorry. I think this chapter was underdeveloped in my outline. So while the plot and characters continue to grow, I need new chapter headings and possibly a plan to get me to the next chapter in my outline, and it's slowing me down. Reach 275 students at MTMS by 12/31/11. 234. Writing: (1) Blog at by the end of the month: PENDING. (2) 30 minutes of daily freestyle writing: YES, and I've kept up with my challenge, but I'm behind my NaNo goal. Count points: Nope. I think I'm just praying that fat decides on its own to melt off of my body. |