The Good Life. |
This article makes me want to write 90,000 words instead of 50,000. 90,000 is a good, symmetrical number for one month. At my current daily goal of 2k, I'll write 60k, which also has nice symmetry, but isn't as long as 90k. I may target 3k per day next year. In fact, can we do this again before next November? One per year just isn't enough. NaNo is wicked fun. And post-Christmas-stuck-in-snowdrifts January is so boring. I did plan on dedicating December to songwriting, though. And Prep is half the fun. Maybe Prep in January and write in February? It's a leap year!!! I could write 87,000 words. But wait, we're EDITING in February. Okay, fine. Prep in December, then JaNoWriMo? I need to plan out 2012. GOAL: Publication Before Devastation ! All these "fun" writing projects interfere with my paid freelance writing. But since I just started earning (a little bit of) money at work, and since we skyrocketed to 234 students in the last week, maybe I don't need the freelance work anymore. On the other hand, it might be good for my writing resume. Now that I'm doing it again, I remembered I enjoy writing and might consider it for a future career choice. Reach 275 students at MTMS by 12/31/11. 234 and probably not going to reach that goal. Why did I have that goal again? It was 300 originally, which is ridiculous, but even 275 is a stretch. Based on last year, we grew by 200 in 12 months (roughly Oct. 1 - Oct. 1), which is about 50 every quarter. So 250 by the end of December is more in line with history. I must be some kind of overachiever to think I could reach 300 *or* 275 by 12/31. But at our current rate, we'll probably exceed 250. That would be nice, because I get a sweet pay raise at 250 students. Writing: (1) Blog at by the end of the month: Pending. (2) 30 minutes of daily freestyle writing: Indeed, and thank you, NaNoWriMo and Count points: O.M.G. What is the matter with me?? Stupid Halloween. I've gained three pounds in the last two weeks or so, despite walking a mile every morning (which, at 170 -excuse me, 173- pounds, is more work than it was at 145 pounds.) The walking is good and gives me energy. The eating habits will change. What's with my cycling ambition? I floundered for like a month, and now I'm ready to take on the world. I accomplished several long-term to-do list items yesterday. Wait a minute... cycling ambition... sudden attack of productivity yesterday... walking every morning for a week now... coincidence? Damn. I hate exercise. I hate that the evidence of its value is right in my face. |