Announcements pertaining to Writing.Com! |
What is this "Updates" page? Updates is Writing.Com's central area for member microblogging . By consolidating the Notebook posts of your favorite authors into one page, you can instantly see what's happening in your personal corner of Writing.Com. Write an update of your own using the text box provided below. Update are automatically added to your portfolio's Notebook tab. We encourage members to write Updates that pertain to their writing, activities, events, inspirations or general chatter. Please note, however, that members may hide anyone who they don't want to see in their update feed, so post responsibly and refrain from flooding your followers with annoying junk. This area is open as a public beta. It's final form and implementation is subject to change and we are still working out some bugs. Since there's no documentation yet, here's a few additional details: If you Hide someone from your feed, you can unhide them by clicking the icon that appears on your Favorites list after you've hidden someone. Along with the ability to hide favorites/fans from your feed, the system fully honors any "Block / Ignore Members" entries from your Account Options area. You can also block members just from posting to your notebook / commenting on your updates when removing or reporting a post. More info and updates to come! Enjoy, ~~SM |