A little bit of everything, colored my own way. |
A late hello to you all. Just something I've been dying to get off my chest, and now I can. Jess the CWC's sister and I, along with our friend Emily, have been in cahoots. See, the CWC turns 40 in a few days. I proposed a surprise party, and Erica and Emily are helping to make it happen. Luck has turned in my favor, as the birthday girl has to work that day, and then we're invited to a barbecue at Erica's. Usually this just entails us and their family. Only now it will include old friends and some family, plus a lot of friends we've accumulated along the way. I'm bad about keeping these things a secret, but between her being at work in a few hours and me having to do my part, I feel pretty confident putting this out there now. I'm almost more excited that her b-day gift from Borders made its way here while we were at work tonight (and please, don't get me started on that {e:<insert emoticon for "scowl" here>} If I've missed you with a invite, message me here or on facebook, or drop me a text. I'm not hard to find. Can't wait to see the look on her face. {e:<insert emoticon for "batshit surprised" here>} How this has managed to work out so far without her having any idea of it just awes me. I think she basically expects nothing out of me. I forget simple shit sometimes, and make promises my money doesn't cover {e: <insert In Your Dirtiest Pants 's "Shit, son" emoticon>}. But this time, I've basically covered many bases and this is going to be a success. I can call it now. And now, I need to get you and me some sleep. I'mma leave you with what she thinks is "our song". We debated this the other day as the first song we "danced together at http://www.magruders.org/ to". She claims it was this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lyu1KKwC74 My arguement claims this song is what we first danced to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTAud5O7Qqk&ob=av2e Either way, yes, I know we're "special" individuals either way. Circumstances lead each and every one of us into where we're at, at any given time. We just got lucky at the same time, nearly three years ago. And circumstances have led me to be able to share this with you. So there you go. And don't be shy about telling me which video you feel better about. I'm open to any/and/or all comments. Aight playas, gotta get me some sleep, since I have to drive the soon-to-be birthday girl to work in a few hours, then get everything ready and help decorate. No need for VITAL STATS tonight...you'll get all of that soon enough. And you've got enough videos to watch. So peace on out y'all,,,soon enough will have to do in lieu of ASAP. Just remember that. |