The Good Life. |
I'm not sure how I never knew that Eric Clapton lives in my neck of the woods - literally on the east side of Columbus, where I live, worship, and work. He may very well have driven past my new music school and seen the sign. That's very weird because I cover a couple of his songs in a local restaurant. I wonder if I do them justice? You know that a chick singing Clapton on an acoustic guitar is going to sound very different than the original, which is sort of my signature style. But I wonder if he would like that. A Larry King Live interview with Eric: Reach 300 students by 12/31/11: Set intermediate goals. * Develop a Q1 promotion & ad plan by 1/7: No activity beyond yesterday's brainstorm. * Develop a summer program plan by Spring Break: Competitions! ...that was my brainstorm today. More at the 2/4 staff meeting. * Business Cards: No activity. * Vocal warm-ups CD - One of our teachers created the file, now I just need to figure out how to burn it to a CD so that it plays for students (will I need to convert the format from midi, probably?) Customized database by 12/31/11: Design web page interface for potential form. Pending, and medium priority. Potbelly: : Add one repertoire song per week Pending. When, when? I want new music! I should do more Clapton. (or less?) Messiah: Meet one TBD goal per month: Schedule the next new song: I'll look at this Saturday. Reading: One book per week. I didn't read at all yesterday. I will "read" on my way to work today. Writing: Goals TBD: Set goals. (1) Blog at WDC daily. DONE. (2) Blog at weekly. OVERDUE and THREE PENDING. Okay, so I didn't write a blog post, but I did come up with a great blog topic: Copyright laws. It will require some research. But once I write the article, I'll be printing it and handing it out to students, clients, and teachers in my lobby. (3) Set fiction writing goals. PENDING. Goal: set goals by 1/9. NO ACTIVITY. (4) Set songwriting goals. PENDING. Goal: set goals by 1/9. NO ACTIVITY. On the fiction and songwriting goals, if I can't even set the goals, how on earth will I ever meet the goals I set? I'm just too damn busy. So here is my fiction and songwriting goal for 2011: * Re-evaluate fiction and songwriting goals during Spring Break. I'll remember to do this because I'll set a meeting with myself on my shiny newish Blackberry. And if I drop the Blackberry in a margarita like I did its predecessor's predecessor, I just won't write anything in 2011, and my 2012 New Year's resolution will be to set new fiction and songwriting goals for 2012. After I get a new phone. Count points: TOTAL POINTS YESTERDAY: 53 Coffee (3) 2 cups Raisin Bran w/1.5 cups milk (8) Potbelly sammich (7) Crackers (4) Mexican: Chips (5), guacamole salad (2), taco (4), and two regular margaritas (20) |