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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/714082-Merry-Christmas
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#714082 added December 25, 2010 at 8:38pm
Restrictions: None
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas

I keep telling those who have the time to listen that the hardest part to writing erotica is what you don’t write and not what you do. It's those chips of marble that litter the floor that are ultimately responsible for revealing the beauty of an artist's work.

Now there are some who will disagree but it is my position that a vision must proceed the words and not the other way around. The greatest poem...the greatest story ever written was always there but it took an artist to see it....to rough it out and chip away the non essential layers that obscured its expression. It begins in the mind and like a seed, expands into a story line and from there into one or more scenes and these scenes have moments.

Listen up now, pause for a moment Focus on that moment...stare hard at that bad boy, and envision the full scope in your imagination. Squeeze with your mind. like a virtual grape until the seeds pop out. Once you have it firmly subdued, start chipping away. Choose words that scream pregnant with meaning and chip around them leaving them boldly chiseled into the context.

To the palate artist, words are the background bordered by those clear and telling strokes....not the mincings of a detail brush...rather use one of those big sables that capture the underlying vision, painting around the words of import, letting them emerge from the canvas....telling and showing their story.

What you want is to coax the words, like a virgin lover from the clutter of obscurity and timid inhibition, into the full light of day. The reader(s) sees only what the writer illuminates....It's already there but it needs to be spotlighted...let the reader color in the form using the lens of imagination. Let the writer arrange the cue of characters in a way that startles the wonder into a revelation long obscured by darkness. A reader knows the rudiments of love. Give them the notion and they will fill in the details, sitting back in the comfort of a passive elaboration with the author.

This is not to say you stop at the bedroom door…absolutely not…Start there....don't hesitate to boldly go inside….Don't ding the story like picking zits or layering on the make-up. Let the beauty emerge from where it lies hidden beneath the blush. Don't erase those perfect lines thinking later you can “Amp” (I hate that word!) the process by overlaying a bunch of adjectives, adverbs and dangling words and phrases.

When you finish with the base cut go back and ruthlessly delete...wipe away those smudges that fail to move the imagery forward and blemish the story line.

When this is done incline your ear....You can't always see the beauty....sometimes you have to listen for it. Your muse knows and in the silence of a minds eye she whispers...."Listen up, can't you hear the echo resounding back at you?" As sight and sound comingle can't you feel that elusive texture...the etch of her gorgeous form begining to rise up in awareness?" YES! YES!, the resonance test...By all means, don't forget that one...If I were Bill Gates I'd buy you all a set of earphones.

Do the words flow with an almost poetic and surreal grace? Do they lilt along rising and falling with that primordial urgency that starts slowly and inexplicably begins to grow in a rising tempo and frenetic urgency?

Watch as the story rears from beneath the surrounding context….like a fairy trapped beneath a dab of glue, stretching her arms and sticky fingers, as one moment leads to the next, as the word choice gives breath to obscenity, emotional outpouring , sensual expression and sublime grace....ENOUGH! Its time to consider technique. Whew! take a breath and relax...the worst if over.….

Is there a story line? Does it have a beginning middle and end?".

Is there Dialog? People actually do talk to one another in bed you know. It's not all grunts, groans and slapping flesh.

Is there a thought Process? Imagination plays a big role. People think thoughts if only to redeem the corporeal into an ambience that is intimately more satisfying.

Can you smell, taste, hear feel and see the experience as a five dimension event….NO! a six.. Don’t forget to invite the spirit to the party, to shimmy in the joy of creation, to wallow in the primitive urgency, and revel in the glory of God’s greatest gift…

Now you've heard it explained so I'll turn out the light....Merry Christmas to all......From Mamby-Pamby Land this was an unsolicited review...and to all a good night.

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