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the backstory of the world that draco the dark lives in and how he came to be |
In the Beginning there were, but two races. The tainted and the Archerian. One, demonic, yet peaceful and honorable. The other, angelic, yet waring and forgiving. The two races co-exested for a time. Until one day a Tainted and an Archaian had found true love in one another, A forbbiden love. This was forbbiden, because of a pact made when everthing began and this pact stated, "one of Demons and one of Angels shall never bare child or love for if this happens life as we know it will be altered forever and a new more powerful race shall see life.... this race will worship us for a time and then forsake us leading to our inevdible demise should this happen." Yet these two did not care for their love was stronger than any existance had ever seen. The two bore a child and they named this child Human. Human was shunned and hated as were Human's parents. They were cast out of their home on to a new land. This new land would be home to Human. Though do to the outrage of the two races they seperated the lovers from each other and their child. One cast into the heavens above and the other to the earth below. The parents cried day and night creating water and land. Their sorrow created the plants which only wanted them to be happy. Their anger created the mountains as they cried out in rage. Their love created the animals so that their child may be happy. Human found these animals usefull. Human used them for food, entertainment, and for clothing. The parents saw that once the animals were just "utensils" and not company they showed Human how to make more of Human's self. Human cristend this forsaken race Humanity after Human's self. Humanity grew and took over the world. Though the people longed for something new to do other than cultivate and eat. So the parents decieded to make them some friends. The tainted brought the dead back to life so that they could live with there families though the tainted left Human's corpse alone. Humanity grew bored with this and found that it was quite creepy in fact so they forgot about them and these undead left to a place were they could wallow in their self pitty. After this failure the Archaian created an amazing race called the Draconians. Humanity found the Draconians to be amazing and beautiful like their creator. Humanity and the Draconians became great friends and found many kinships together. The parents were happy that their children thrived so well. The tainted attempted to create life once more and accidentaly morphed a childed into an infected beast. Humanity was terrified at this and began shunning them just as they were shunned by their former family. These blights as Humanity would call them were cast out of socitity. The infected found there homes in the woods, the caves, and the mountains were no one would ever find them. The tainted was upset that the tainted could not create life as well as the other parent could. The Archaian made a sub-race just for the tainted so that the tainted would no longer be upset. These sub-races were called elves, dwarves, orcs, ect. The tainted thought this a wonderful gift and swore that they would be protected. Thus they were crisined the Proteceterate. Though there came a time were the parents wanted affection more than the other. So to keep things from turning violent they compramised that the good children would go to the heavens for a reward while the bad children would go down into the earth and be punished for their wrong doings. So this worked out in the end, because they were getting the same amount of affection from the children now. The parents saw that after this last compramise the children were finnally happy and thus no more races were created. As time went on the children came up with names for the parents and the good children and the bad. The good were called angles while the bad demons. The parents excepted these names. The parents now thought that the children who now call themselves the originals were finally well of enough that they didn't need them any more so the parents entered a slumber. Without their guidence the races went out of control and began wars and fighting claiming they were the strongest. These race then formed factions called the Originals, the Draconians, the Proteceterate, the Blight, the Forgotten, and the Forsakers. The Forsakers were ones who believed they have always existed and that there were no parents. Everyone hated them, but they were very sligh with their words and quickly became a formidibale power. Then one day the tainted awoke to the sound of war and death. The tainted saw what had happend and then the tainted saw the Forsakers. This was an outrage to believe that some children believed that there were no parents the tainted to matters into the tainted's own hands. The tainted cursed the leader of the Forsakers wife to bare a child, but not just any child a pure demonic child that would punish the children for all the things they have done. When this child was born the leader saw that it was a demon and ripped of the wings and cloked the child for the rest of the childs life. The child hated his father for how he treated him, but he loved his mother for how accepting she was. One day the father was being questioned about this rumor of a demon child, he then proceded to remove the comment from the metting. Once he got home he found his child and took him to a lake were he proceded to throw him into the depths. The child was dieing and he kicked and thrased yet he could not swim. The mother saw this and jumped in after her son to save him. The father yelled, "No dont do it its an abomination!" The mother stilled did it though she was able to save the child, but at the last moment she was caught in a draft and swept under and she died. Having seen this act of pure love and acceptance the tainted regrets what the tainted had released upon this world. The tainted had only one option and that was to post pone tell the other parent had awoken. So the tainted took the childs power and put into a magical amulate which the tainted then threw to the heavens. The rightouse ones would defend this artifact until the other parent awoke. Now we tell the story of this child after his almost all of his powers were stripped from him and his quest to regain it and those who would apose the childs rise to power. |