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Rated: 13+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1658878
The Shrew meets her match!!!! Thanks again to my anonymous membership upgrader!!!!
#691423 added March 26, 2010 at 2:03pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 7
Dexter didn’t buy her doe eyed look for one moment as he stared down at her.  He was fully aware that she did that on purpose.  However, he had the momentary satisfaction of seeing her fidget slightly as he intensified his stare.  He then strode past her, leaving her to close the door.  He looked around the office, feeling slightly irritable.
“Where am I expected to work?” he demanded.
Miriam, who was still slightly unnerved by his gaze, jumped.  “I-I’m sorry?” she stammered.
“Where are my table, chair, phone, and computer?” he snapped impatiently.  “All of those things make up a work station, correct?”
“Well I haven’t had time to prepare…” she blustered.  Dexter became more annoyed.
“Nonsense!” he exclaimed.  “Am I to believe that this is the great Miriam Jacobson, who somehow at the last minute could perform a financial miracle?  Surely something as simple as a work station would be manageable.”
“How dare you speak to me like this?  I will not tolerate this for one second longer!” she snarled.
“And what exactly would you do?” he challenged, smiling mordantly.  “Would you give me a stack of documents, like you dumped on Wanda?”
Her mouth twisted scornfully as understanding dawned.  “What’s the matter?  Angry I interrupted your little flirting session?”
“Not at all; I seem to have a lot of time on my hands,” he looked pointedly at her.  “Though I wouldn’t expect you to know much about that, flirting, that is,” he concluded, condescendingly.
“This is an office.  It is a place of work.”  She emphasized the words ‘office’ and ‘work’.  “If you’re looking for a hook up, might I suggest a bar?”
“I totally agree this is a place of work.  But until I get the equipment I need to get my work done, I shall do as I please, whether you like it or not.”  He glared down at her, “When can I expect it to be brought in?”
“End of the week,” she said between clenched teeth.  “That’s the best I can do.”
“That’s not good enough.  A mediocre effort, if you ask me.”
“I wasn’t asking.”  She picked up her bag and coat, “I don’t have to stay here and listen to this.”
He gestured to the door, “Be my guest.  I’d prefer you cry in the bathroom than here.”  She threw him a contemptuous look before exiting, slamming the door behind her.


Dexter was surprised at his reaction towards Miriam.  Usually he was an even tempered person, but there was something about her that got under his skin.  ‘I can just imagine her reaction to the recommendations I outlined in her report,’ he thought, grimacing.  Working with her for the next few months was going to be quite a difficult task.  A glance at her desk revealed that her computer was still logged on.  ‘Well I can at least send some emails, since she’s not here,’ he thought as he headed behind her desk.  He clicked on the browser, which immediately opened to reveal the MSN homepage, which was handy, since he had a hotmail address.

He sent a few emails quickly, and seeing that she hadn’t returned as yet, he took the opportunity to browse the Internet a little, checking out some financial information as well as catching up on the latest news back home.  Dexter was so engrossed in a particular article, that he did not hear the discreet knock on the door.  He jumped, startled and looking guilty as the door swung open, sighing in obvious relief as the person on the other side turned out to be Mark.
“Scared you, didn’t I?” Mark chuckled as he entered.
“You sure did,” Dexter grinned in reply.  “Otherwise it’d be World War 3.”
Mark frowned, “Mary isn’t giving you too much trouble, is she?  I should’ve warned you that she can be a handful.”  ‘Handful was an understatement,’ thought Dexter wryly, knitting his eyebrows.
“She’ll take some getting used to, but we’ll be fine,” he replied.  Mark’s blue eyes danced in amusement at this remark, but did not reply.  Instead, he looked around the office.
“I see she hasn’t cleared a place for you to work yet,” he observed.
“She said it’ll be here by the end of the week.”
“Is that okay with you?”
Dexter shrugged.  “I’ll manage.  I guess we’ll just have to share this,” he gestured at the desk and computer.  Mark chortled.
“I’ll wish you all the best on that,” he said, still sniggering as he headed for the door.  “Tell me if she’s being non compliant.”
“I’ll keep you in reserve,” Dexter called after him as the door closed.  He surfed the net for a few minutes, then consulted the time.  It was 12:15.  Perfect time for a lunch break, Dexter thought as he closed the browser, ensuring that everything on her desk was as it was before.  Satisfied, he exited the office in search of food and pleasant conversation.


Miriam wasn’t, as Dexter supposed, weeping her eyes out in the ladies room.  She was actually enjoying an extended lunch, which was quite unlike her.  ‘Ever since this consultant came,’ she thought bitterly, ‘I seem to be doing things unlike me.  I can’t keep my temper, I can’t control my staff, I just can’t seem to do anything right.’  She took another sip of red wine, another thing she was doing unlike her.  On a normal day, Miriam’s lunch was spent either doing work or following up financial trends which may become useful to her at some point, with a quick bite to eat in between.  Today, she was enjoying a sumptuous lunch of pasta al dente, with all the breadsticks you can eat, and was even seriously considering dessert.

Chewing absently on a breadstick, Miriam looked out the window towards the park which was across the road from the restaurant.  She smiled at the sight of children playing on the swings and slides, thinking back to her own childhood.  As difficult as it was at times, there still were periods where she could be carefree and childlike without being pulled up by either parent.  Those times were few and far between, and she still resented the fact that she was forced to grow up so quickly.  A particularly cute little red headed toddler crossed the road with her mother.  As soon as her feet touched the pavement, she pulled away from her mother’s grasp and ran towards the glass window of the restaurant.  Pressing her face against the glass, she made monkey faces, to the amusement of the diners, including Miriam.  Her mother scolded her gently, taking her hand firmly in her own and tugging her away from the glass.  The toddler resisted at first, but seeing that it was futile, allowed herself to be led away while waving gaily at the diners, an adorable grin plastered onto her chubby face.  Miriam waved back.  Despite her gloomy outlook on marriage, she loved kids.  It was just a pity that she had no siblings that could make her an aunt.

Sighing, she motioned to the waitress for the bill, which was promptly brought.  ‘Good thing I decided against dessert,’ she thought wryly as she pulled out some notes to pay for her meal.  Clutching her coat and purse, she left the restaurant, walking aimlessly to kill time.  She had at least an hour before she was expected to be at the office.  As she strolled, she noticed an internet café.  What better way to pass the time than to surf the internet?  She entered the café, which was empty, paid for an hour at a terminal and logged in.  She soon became bored after a few minutes, so she decided to check out the dating site that she visited last night.
She was redirected to the chat room, where she received many invitations for private chatting.  She ignored them however, looking for someone in particular.  As she was looking to give up and log out, she suddenly received a private chat alert.

FarFromHome:(: hello boss_lady, fancy seeing you here.

Miriam felt a sudden jolt of excitement. So he’d actually remembered her.  Well I hope it’s a ‘he’, she thought as she typed:

boss_lady: you’re a male right? i hope so.
FarFromHome:(: why? are you discriminating against the fairer sex?
boss_lady: lol, not at all. just wanted some male company, well at least the male perspective.
FarFromHome:(: you happen to be in luck, lady boss. I am male 

'Perfect,' thought Miriam.  'Maybe he can give me an insight into the American male.'

boss_lady: are all American males obnoxious? 

There was a small pause before he responded.

FarFromHome:(: not all of us, I hope. obnoxious is such a strong word though.
boss_lady: maybe, but you see what I’m getting at?
FarFromHome:(: not really. suppose you tell me ur situation and I’ll be the judge.

Miriam didn’t think that was such a good idea.

boss_lady: you know what? forget I said anything.
FarFromHome:(: suit yourself. what do u want to talk about then?
boss_lady: I dunno. maybe I should go.
FarFromHome:(: okay, see you around then.
boss_lady: bye.

Miriam logged off and exited the café, making her way towards the office.
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