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Rated: GC · Book · LGBTQ+ · #1631369
Young love starts with a chance encounter in the college library.
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#683035 added January 9, 2010 at 2:32am
Restrictions: None
A meeting and a concerned friend
I lay in bed, my mind luxuriating in a state somewhere between sleep and full consciousness. I had been dreaming of making love to my red-headed Adonis and I was in no hurry to let those dreams go. As I lay there, I felt like I could almost still playing with my hard cock. As my mind cleared and consciousness fully took hold, I realized that someone's hand was on my cock. I sighed as I recalled that Matt had decided to stay and nap with me after we had sex. I sighed and reached out my hand to play with his hair as you began to lick my shaft. "You know, I could get used to waking up like this."

Matt swirled his tongue around my corona before looking up at me with pleading eyes. "You don't mind, then? I woke up a few minutes ago and just had to touch you."

I smiled and gently caressed his right cheek with my hand. "I don't know many guys who would mind, at least not many gay guys. And even some straight guys I know wouldn't mind, though they might not admit it." He moved his head so that he could kiss my hand and even sucked my index finger into his mouth briefly. I sighed at the sensation as I marveled at how quickly he was learning. I sat up and placed my hands on his cheeks so I could maneuver his face to mine. I kissed him, gently pressing our lips together. He ran his hand over my chest, sending gentle streams of pleasure through my body as he traced each muscle.

I pulled away long enough to glance at the clock and frowned. We had slept for a full hour rather than the half hour I had intended. I caressed his cheek again as I said apologetically, "I know that I said we could..." I hesitated.

Looking sheepish, Matt offered, "Make love?"

I sighed, happy to let him define our activities and what they meant, "Yes, make love again. But we overslept, an I promised to meet a friend for lunch. I don't really have the time to make love again right this second."

Matt kissed me and stroked my cock one more time. "That's okay, I understand. We can do it later, if you want."

"Oh, believe me, I want to. And if Kelly wasn't such a good friend, I'd ditch her and stay here with you."

"But you need to be a good friend," Matt said nodding. He glanced down before giving me a sheepish look. "I know I'm being presumptuous here, but do you think Kelly would mind if I came to lunch too? Or do you two need to talk in private?"

I absentmindedly tweaked his right nipple while I considered his question for a moment. "I don't think Kelly would mind if I brought you with me. But that means you need to decide how you'd like me to introduce you."

"Oh," Matt said. He fidgeted for a moment before adding, "You're asking me if I want to come out, right?"

I nodded sympathetically. "Pretty much, yeah. If you'd prefer, I can just introduce you as a friend and leave it at that for now. I won't lie to you. Kelly will probably figure out the truth almost instantly, but she'll also play along out of respect for me and out of respect for your privacy."

"Would you be upset if I asked you to do that?" he asked, his voice wavering slightly.

Kelly's going to have something to say about this, I thought. I kiss him again before answering, "No. I understand this is all very sudden and very new for you. I understand if you need some time before you start letting others know."

"Thanks," he said as he kissed me again. We got dressed and left my room. I glanced around and was relieved to see that the common area was empty. We managed to leave the building without incident.

As we walked towards the dining hall, he'd occasionally touch my elbow or brush his hand against my shoulder. I smiled inwardly as I sympathized with how his desire for more intimacy seemed to be warring with his fear of achieving it. I decided it would be merciful to distract him a bit. I said, "So, tell me a bit more about yourself. Where are you from?"

"Middleton. It's a small town about four hours east of here. I doubt you've ever heard of it."

"I can't say as I have. But that doesn't really mean much. I'm from out of state."



"And you came here?"

"The English an philosophy departments are both excellent here. And since I wanted to double major in both, it seemed like a good choice." I paused before adding, "Besides, it put some distance between me and my family."

"Oh? You don't get along with them?"

"We get on okay enough, I guess. But let's just say we don't see eye to eye on a couple things."

"Like you being gay?"

I hesitated, cursing myself for falling into this line of conversation. "Yeah."

"That's too bad." He took my hand in his and squeezed it briefly before letting go, blushing a bit as he looked away.

"Thanks. And I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"You didn't," he said moving closer to me. Our shoulders rubbed together and it was my turn to blush.

"Hey Keith," Kelly called as she strode toward us. "You're not as late as usual. I'm impressed." She paused as she smiled at Matt. "Hello. I don't think we met."

I quickly stepped forward to offer proper introductions. "Kelly, this is Matt. Matt, this is my friend, Kelly."

"Pleased to meet you," Kelly said as she shook Matt's offered hand.

"Likewise," Matt replied with a slight bow. He smiled and released Kelly's hand.

As we resumed walking, I explained, "I met Matt last night at the library. He's having some problems with Calc One, so I'm helping him out. I hope it's okay I invited him to join us for lunch. We were studying together when i realized what time it was."

"That's fine. The more the merrier," Kelly reassured me. Her right eyebrow raised in a nearly imperceptible arch and I rolled my eyes at her. Fortunately, Matt didn't seem to notice either gesture.

We found a table in the dining hall and each set our keys down to mark our space. Matt headed for the entree line and I started to follow before I felt Kelly's restraining hand on my shoulder. I turned and stared into her face full of concern. "Keith, are we headed for another incident like what happened with Terry?"

I shook my head in resignation. "I figured you'd see through the ruse. Though I had hoped it'd take another twenty minutes."

"Then you shouldn't have come to lunch smelling vaguely of sex," she scolded, wagging a finger in my face.

I cupped my face in my hands. "Shit. I forgot to take a shower before we left. It completely slipped my mind."

Kelly laughed. "Don't worry about it. I don't think it's too obvious. Besides, remember that I have a heightened sense of smell." Her expression become more grim. "Now, no more changing the subject. You're getting involved with another closeted guy?"

I wiped my brown with my hand. "I know I'm probably being a fool. But just look at him! Do you blame me? And he's a real sweetheart, too."

Kelly hugged me. "You know I love you. I won't try to talk you out of this. Just try not to get your heart torn out so bad this time, okay?"

"I'll try."

"Good. Now let's go get some food before Matt wonders what's up."

"Sounds good." It was my turn to place a restraining hand on her shoulder as she started to walk away. "Kelly? Thanks for playing dumb."

She laughed. "Just as long as you realize I'm only playing!"

With that, we went to see what we could find to eat.
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