Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below. |
Jamál (Beauty), 14 ‘Alá (Loftiness), 165 BE – Sunday, March 15, 2009 about 9:09 AM Pacific Time My mother's birthday is March 19, she turns 88 on that day. The first day of spring is March 20, the sun crosses the vernal equinox about 11:44 Universal Time that day. Naw-Ruz is March 21, I have no idea, as yet, whether the celebration at the Baha'i Center in Las Vegas will occur on the evening of March 20 after sunset or on the day of March 21. I am as prepared for the New Year of 166 BE or as prepared for a New Year as ever. I have my goals set for the year. I am even working on a budget. Actually, I started the budget in January, but then decided to change the budget spreadsheet to monthly. I am keeping track of what we spend each month and putting that in the spreadsheet. So far I am doing all right, not perfect but all right. After counting the money we have in the bank and on hand (including the $17.00 I still have on a gift card), I found we spent about $27.00 per month (January, February and March) more then I showed. I know what happened to it because it was cash and I lost the receipts for the money spent. Therefore, instead of keeping receipts loose in my purse or on the coffee table, I now put them in an envelope. I suppose I should bring up the April spreadsheet and figure out what I know we have coming in and going out, but I am going to wait until after the fourth Wednesday in this month to do that. I have some aluminum cans to sell next week and I still have money coming in from some blog ads this month..I am going to take some of the money I have and take Mom out to eat for her birthday. |