Welcome to The Library. Randomness happens, Studyees. |
A damn good morning to you all, Studyees. A quick rundown on topics before I go back to sleep... * Talked to Dave and got his ok about my stepmom's fundraiser, which I still feel ill at ease about. * Talked to Sean, who was recently diagnosed with MS and is having a fundraiser thrown for him...he wanted info on my stepmom's shindig, but I called to see how he's doing and how I can help. Lotta history, both good and bad, between us. It seems like everyone is having a fundraiser these days. Maybe I'm yawning on society, because we all have it tough, but maybe we don't know tough until it stamps its initials in our faceplate. * T.O. signs with the Bills. I have been enveloped by the coverage and the people talking to me about it. The Original #81 is a whole 'nother topic and locker room cancer and qb killer that I don't know if I really want to get my popcorn ready for. * Josh is out of J's house and at his dad's, and ready to go back to school. They had a nice Sunday together mostly, but I am still on the creeps with him. Anyone who details threats with a hunting knife at that age is off-limits to me and the ones I love. As a sidenote, while Jess was out with Josh, she bought me two pairs of jeans and a t-shirt with Lennon "We all shine on". I have my denim buying issues, as my longtime Studyees will note, and I did not need another tee, but that woman financed my lower southside pantsial complaints and I almost couldn't be happier. * I cannot even confirm how good I slept last night. It felt like a first. And there is no way, how, or plausible explanation...besides J's "I tried to nudge you" and "When I got up to pee you didn't move at all". Sounds to me like a jealous day or six when she wants to be woken up early but can't be, regardless of my attempts. Tomorrow will be another story, as I have to work. And with that faithful Stoggers, I am about to take a nap. With my phone on my chest, because I'm supposed to be marinating Tilapia and wronging all of the other rights in the world. Dreaming unsightful things. And best yet, bet, dreaming of you, Stogtastic Nation. |