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Rated: 13+ · Book · Fantasy · #1523653
Story of a vampire prince and how his life is playing out differently than anyone planned
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#633407 added February 12, 2009 at 6:49pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 1: Introduction
Artemis nipped at his finger gently and lovingly before taking flight into the velvet night. The boy watched the beautiful creature disappear into the night before he walked back to his chamber slowly. He reached up to touch the amulet at his neck lightly before sitting in the embroidered chair by his bed. He was lost in thought when his chamber door slammed into the wall and his father burst into the room his robes flying out behind him and a look of pure fury on his face. He stormed to the boy and yanked him up by the front of his shirt and dragged him out of the room and down the hall and through other chambers and down a few other twisting hallways then stopped suddenly and threw him to the ground. The boy laid there dazed, his heart racing, before he looked up and realized he was in the throne room. He looked up to see his sisters and brothers standing around his father and mother's thrones staring down at him. He took a deep breath and stood up slowly as his father stalked to his throne and sat down.

"What do you mean denouncing your claim to the throne?!" His father bellowed at him.

He flinched and whispered, "Its not my right father."

His father bulked at the answer and stood slowly and walked to the boy and said in a low, dangerous voice, "It is your right because I chose you to take the throne when I die, boy."

The boy shook his head while at the same time trying to avoid the gaze of his older brother who was staring daggers at him. Suddenly his father struck him across the back of the head and he fell forward and just barely caught himself before smacking his face into the ground. He heard his sisters gasp and his one brother stepped forward before his older brother stopped him. He pulled himself up to a kneeling position and said "Father I am sorry but I don't think it is fair for me to succeed my brother when he was born first."

The older brother was clenching his teeth for saying, "Little brother, father obviously thinks you are fit to rule although I am not sure why he thinks so I must follow his decision as do you. So go to your throne and sit Alexandros."

Alexandros turned bright red and looked to his mother with shame on his face before nodding and rising to go to his appointed throne and sitting down. His sisters snickered a little before their father said "Daughters you are dismissed." and they scuffled off to their duties for the day.

The boys all sat in their elaborate chair around the thrones and waited for the doors to open for dignitaries of different lands were permitted to enter. Alexandros fidgeted some for he so hated to sit still for long periods of time. the dignitaries filed in all trying to be more regal and formal than the one near them. The crowned prince watched them but wasn't entirely listening to what they were saying for it usually only had to do with them wanting money or griping over the taxes or someone trespassed on their land or stole some of their fruit or grain.

One of his brothers nudged him for he had completely stopped paying attention and was being addressed by their father. Alexandros snapped his head up and apologized before asking what was said. The advisor to his father informed him and they continued. This happened numerous times before the prince was allowed to return to his chambers.

Alexandros sat in his chambers for hours thinking to himself of how much he wished to just go explore the land. But instead he was stuck in his stuffy room. For he could not go out during the day seeing as the sunlight burned his sensitive skin and it was forbidden by his father and the council.

Suddenly his door openly a slight crack and his youngest sister peaked her head in and smiled. He smiled and waved for her to come in and sit. She came in and sat down gracefully and looked at him then said, "Why don't you wish to be the crown prince Andros? You are a born leader and Xailon is not."

He shrugged and whispered meekly, "Its not in me to rule. I don't have he capacity to sit still let alone pay attention too those pompous windbags always complaining to father. The adviser is constantly having to tell me what was said and I do not wish to rule. I want to travel our lands and meet people Persephone."

They sat in silence both in a sort of shocked state for Alexandros was not much of a talker and that was the most he had said in a long time. His sister looked at her older brother with his shoulder length light blond hair, ice blue eyes that were so kind and loving but could turn fiercely cold when he was angry and his small slender form sitting in his favorite chair. She could never figure out why he would never court the young ladies in court for they all fought over him. For of her 5 brothers he was the fairest and most kind yet strong and adventurous. But something always seemed to be troubling her dear brother.

"Persephone, do you think father is very angry with me?" His soft voice startled her from her thoughts and she shook her head vehemently then got up and hugged him close.

As they were hugging Malachi knocked and entered before they even got to admit him. "Hello small ones!" His voice boomed as he sauntered in and sat down lazily on the chaise lounge across from Alexandros' chair.

Persephone smiled at him and Alexandros nodded and got lost in his thoughts again. Malachi said, "Spill it brother whats on that mind of yours?"

Alexandros shrugged and played with the buttons. Persephone and Malachi looked at each then smiled and both of them grabbed Alexandros and said in unison, "Let's go ride!"

They dragged their brother to the stables and ordered the stable hands to ready their favorite horses then put on their riding boots and chatted while they waited for their horses. Finally, the horses were ready and brought to the young royals who hopped and rushed off at a full gallop racing but not wanting to actually win. They came upon a clearing in the forest where they went whenever they were upset since they had been small children. Alexandros and Xailon dismounted first then helped Persphone dismount from her antsy steed. they all sat down on the mossy, soft ground and talked about everything they possibly think of, while at the same time avoiding the touchy subjects of court at the same time. The sun was beginning to rise again and they suddenly realized how long they had been out. They rushed to their mounts and rode back to the stables as quickly as possible then ran off lightening fast to the castle and had just barely made it to the kitchen doors when the sun showned its brilliant face to the world. They hugged then separated their to head to their opposite bed chambers to rest for the day. They needed all the rest they could get for the big dance that night.
© Copyright 2009 Αλεξ (UN: irishfire986 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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