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This is my first attempt to be a blogger. I hope to type a few items that you will enjoy. |
I guess that no one is really reading these blogs except me because I do not get any feedback. No one's loss really. But feel free to look and comment. I have had a very emotional rollercoaster ride today. I love all of my animals. I know that we are all here on earth for a very short period of time. Life can be exciting or so dull. But I have had one of my younger cats, Dorianne become so sick that she needed hospitalization. She was later seen as having kidney problems. Her lab tests were very high. Off the chart in some areas even. My usual vet recommended to put her to sleep. I took her home and saw her do her usual things. She purred up a storm. The only thing she did not do with gusto was eat. Oh did I not mention that she has some leisions on her tongue. That was tough on her. Something told me to get a second opinion. I think that I am glad that I did. The second vet seems to think that there might just be something in her that can be rescued. I am praying like crazy that she is right. I have cried enough. I can't even think of her name without going into tear city. So today I have declared as her second birthday if it all works. I will do night duty, but then where am I going anyway. I just hope that Dorianne will be blessed with more time to be here. I thank God if this is so. So what should I do with regards to veterinarian number one? She and I have gone to disagreement words when she thought that a dog had no chance even though the dog was okay in heart, lungs and kidneys. That dog was 15 years old but could not walk because another dog had jumped on her back and hurt some of the vertebrae. The bad dog has since been removed from this earth. I think that the veterinarian number one means well, but I cannot have confidence if she has a professional opinion that might not be reversable. I hope that everything does work out and life can go on. So here we go in the last 5 to 6 weeks of the year. I hope that all of my little family can be with me for Christmas and New Years Day. At least in good health part if possible. I will need a lot of strings pulled from above to work this out. Good luck to all!!! |