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Welcome to The Library. Randomness happens, Studyees. |
Hello, and what is up, Stoggers? A very welcome Wednesday morning to you all, and it has been far too long for my liking. I tried to catch up a little, but to quote the sexiest man alive, Hawksley Workman, "The days are too short to get anything accomplished and too long to know where to begin." Welcome to The Library, where my life is on the verge of becoming a much more open forum. That's right Studyees...once the love of my life gets her internet back up, this goes in front of her eyes. I've already contemplated allowing her to use this space for her to say hello to you all once she at least sees what it took for her and I to become a we and an us (and dammit, I'm still working on the picture aspect...patience Stoggers, because timing isn't always there). So yes, I'm still alive and life is beyond good. As for her guest-hosting The Library, give it time. These things need delicate arrangement. Let's see...where/when did I leave off? Met her siblings on Friday, then on Saturday after the memorial for Justin she met Dave and my sis. And wouldn't you believe it, but my sis of all people, the toughest nut on the family tree, approves. Not that it matters, but it does. And it wasn't just the mourning talkin' either. Another Sunday breakfast crafted by yours truly, some football at her place, some coworkers' remarks that I should move in, and holdupwaitaminute, it's waaaaay too soon for that. Sweet Jeebus, I'm still stunned by the fact that this chick wants me so much and things are as great as they are thus far and thinks so much of me. Studyees, I swore to not take this too fast, so riddle me this: If I'm not taking this too fast supposedly, then why did I go solo to her son's soccer tilt on Monday, lend him a tie, grill a steak for the boys, make breakfast today, lend out a cd, help with Halloween decorating, and buy shampoo to go with the toothbrush and deodorant I already have there, and put a bunch of cds in her car that she lets me drive pretty much whenever? Huh? Huh? What IS that about? I would love to hear your takes in The Drop-Off down below. Am I maturing too fast, or should I have been this involved so soon before? Or is it just meant to be? Because it really seems like a lot of those things and more. I will say this one time and one time only Studyees, so check it cleanly, because this came out of positive discussions the last few days: This was meant to be. The way it happened; what was and what it is now. I couldn't ask for or have expected anything more. I hate sounding so repetitive, but it is what it is. And I've got to believe the so-called "Honeymoon Phase" is over, after spending so much time with her kids, dealing with her being sick and bitchy, sleeping next to her so much, and her always wanting me around when she usually doesn't want people around. You may all say she is the lucky one, my faithful Stoggers, but it is I who should be and am so lucky. I know for interests' sake I should go back to being more topical, but really, not much pisses me off these days. And even when I do get pissed, it rolls off of me faster than lipstick does off of a pig, or something like that. Forgive me for being hard to judge or easy to place, but we're so comfortable right now with each other and both so determined not to lose each other or fuck it up. And fucking things up, well, I think I trademarked that shit in the 90's y'all. So join the parade that is my life or rain on it, whatever your liking. Have no fear; The Drop-Off below will not discriminate and neither will I. Wish I had more to say about something more socially important, but I don't. My bad. Deal with it for now. I have a lot of Stogger Nation to get back to, and I will due to scheduling at The Wall and time on my hands uninterlocked with Jess'. Even if we have dates and things already set up. You make this what it is, and I thank you. When J decides her kids are deserving of internet access (and I being one of those kids), you will hear from her. Until then, GOODNIGHT NOW! Bonus feature: Alex the 13-year-old likes classic rock and grunge. I brought over some Led Zeppelin and Nirvana. Popped it in while him and I were decorating. I took a break and grabbed some chopsticks (don't ask) and started drumming along to Nirvana (Sliver: Best of the Box) and thought Jess was still in the shower. That would, uhhhh, be a NO, Stoggers. She was watching me through the screen door, beating out beats to drumless songs. Embarrassing? Maybe...if it wasn't the cute thing she saw. |