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Romance/action/adventure set in St. Louis that chronicles 4 persons lives and loves. |
CHAPTER 15 Boston for a wedding that didn't happen, and thought he had broken a toe while running. He knew he should get it checked out but thought he could get through it without medical care. He would just have to go light on the running for a couple of weeks. Just long enough to let the soreness go away. He considered his recent successes and thought about the names he had been hearing. Tops, the best, super agent and such, but he knew that luck had played a large part in his cases. He considered himself smarter than most criminals. He thought for a moment on the non union of Mary Alice and his friend Will. Will had not told him what problem had occurred, just that the wedding was off for now. Will's voice had shown a lot of stress in their phone conversation . His voice had seemed raspy and high , and Patrick knew from its tone that Will had taken this setback pretty hard. " Its just not the right time now," Will had said. " “ Mary Alice and I will get things straightened out and be married soon." Patrick wondered just what had happened, but didn' t push his friend for answers. He knew the answers would come later. They always did. Sam looked at his friend . "See Jose, though' we didn't get a three day pass we still have the weekend. I told you we would have a little time right away. We'll be in Boston in no time." " What are we gonna do when we get there, Sam", Jose asked? "Oh I have something in mind". " Something exciting" The phone on his desk rang, jolting Patrick out of his thoughts. He picked up the phone "FBI, Patrick Conners". More than just a little irritated, he answered, “yes he could be in Boston that evening". Back in Boston, he thought, I just left. The F B I is getting to be more like the Army .Go here, go there, then do it all over again. Of course the agency had not known he went to Boston and had just returned last night. He had not been out of pocket and no one had tried to contact him so far as he knew. There had been a bank robbery, The First National, two people had been killed. and an undetermined amount of cash had been taken. He would be getting a fax right away. He could review all the information gathered thus far on his way to Boston. This had been a particularly brutal assault, with hostages taken to insure the money wasn't marked with an ink packet. Once the perps knew this, the hostages would be released. Instead they had been killed and their bodies thrown out the window of the getaway car. The bureau assigned all available personnel to the case right away. CHAPTER 16 Patrick could see the lights on the runway speeding past. Slow at first, then a steady blur , seeming to be one long light. The flight would be short, the Lear making short work of the runway and the distance between Washington and Boston. He thought about his friend Will, and the disappointment Will must have had at the postponement of his marriage to Mary Alice. Postponement or total cancellation he pondered. Anyway perhaps he would be able to see Mary Alice while he was in town. It would be interesting to get her reasons for not marrying Will now. Not that Mary Alice owed him an explanation, but he would ask. He resolved to call her at the earliest opportunity. The chief of police growled with a raspy voice as he sat his coffee cup down. “ Another fed?" "Yes sir", "FBI", Patrick said pulling up a chair to the chief’s desk." I'm Patrick Conners from the Washington office". "So you are the hot shot super agent that I have heard about lately"? The chiefs gravelly voice resonated as if he were speaking from a drum. "I've seen plenty of your kind over the course of thirty years on the force". Patrick folded his arms across his chest and quickly studied the man across the desk. Just what he needed- A disgruntled , grouchy, jackhammer voiced, antagonistic police Chief to work with. "I'm chief Walter Evans". "I run a tight ship, expect all my subordinates to get results with out delay, keep me updated, and keep their mouths shut". “ In short I don't like outside interference from anybody". "Well chief, my name is Patrick Conners, FBI, and I can take total charge of this investigation, so lets cut the crap and co-operate, what say". “ Or do I start making calls to superiors, not mine, yours". Patrick smiled softly. Chief Evans leaped to his feet. Patrick spoke first. "I'm here for one purpose only", he said in a measured tone. "To help solve this brutal robbery and murder". “ When I signed on with the FBI, I knew sooner or later that I would come across someone like you". "If you can't handle some well trained help and advise, I will take this case all by myself and get it done". " I have the authority to do so and will not hesitate to bring every imaginable administrative nightmare to crashing down on your head". “Understood?" “No need to shout, Patrick", the chief answered. "You will have my complete cooperation". “Good , lets get to work". Patrick couldn't help thinking that it turned out this way all the time. When the FBI showed up everyone thought they would completely take charge and start ordering everyone around. Truth is , he needed chief Evans' more than the chief realized. Otherwise some important bit of evidence could be overlooked. Better if all the investigators involved got along well and shared information. He would have a chance to talk with chief Evans off the case , Patrick knew, then he could explain his philosophy and method of crime solving and be sure he would have the best effort of the Boston police department. CHAPTER18 “Hey what happened, Will”? “I don't know dad,” Will answered uneasily. “I haven't got a clue as to what has happened to Mary Alice”. “Every thing was all set until Saturday night”. “I must be getting back to Washington. It's Monday morning”. “I'll check by the office on my way to catch the shuttle, see if anything needs my attention”. “I can ask one of the partners to have a P. I. to take a look at Mary Alice, just to make sure she's not seeing someone else, if you'd like”, Senator Steepleton said softly. Will felt the hair rise on the back of his neck. The thought of someone else with Mary Alice angered him so. He almost made a barbed retort, but quickly changed his mind. Still just the thought made him furious. Even if it was his father making the suggestion. " That won't be necessary", Will answered, "I could do that myself", If I wanted to. " Well I'd best get going, call for a cab to take me to the office would you". " Sure you won't go with me"? " It might do you good to talk you know". " I'll just hang around here, maybe have a beer or two, if that's okay with you". " I won't be accompanying you to the airport for your shuttle however". " No sweat, I think I can handle it". " Give me a call as soon as you get a chance, and I'm sorry things turned out this way son". " You know I'm here for you to talk to , that is if you need to talk". "I know, dad, thanks." John Steepleton looked out the window as the small cooperate jet thundered down the runway. What the hell had gone wrong? Will seemed to have everything going his way. The beautiful girl for a bride, the good job in a successful law firm, and money. He would be able to go a long way on that alone, but he was smart besides. Now he looked to be in a trance, as if he were shell shocked. Perhaps he would snap out of it soon, for he could not stay out of touch with reality for to long in the law business. One couldn't afford to make too many mistakes in this business. As he hurled along, he thought of all the implications a little inattention could bring about. He wanted Will to be successful of course, as any father wants his son to be successful. But he wanted him to be more than that, and figured politics was the ticket. He would groom Will to be a senator , like himself, wielding power, in the spot light, saying to the world. Look at me! Look at me! His senses were barley aware of the loud boom. All aboard the jet were dead instantly as the bits and pieces of the two planes fell to earth. CHAPTER 19 Will Steepleton was on his third beer when he heard a soft knock on his door. " Steven , come in". Will said in surprise. " What brings you to my place"? " Will, I'm so sorry", Steven Hayes began . " Your father’s plane went down. There were no survivors". " I just got word from the DC airport, they have confirmed it was your father’s plane". "But how", Will asked,visibly trembling". " It appears a collision happened between the jet and a small plane". “The controllers did not have anything on radar until just before the crash, they said the small plane just appeared on their screens. It was to late to take evasive action". “The NTSB is already investigating”. “The tower was in contact with your dad’s plane, but don't have any idea who was on the other plane, or where it originated from”. "We won't get any answers for awhile at any rate, so you go home with me." “ No I'll be all right here Steven", Will replied. “ There's no use in my putting you out, I'll just have to deal with it". " Are you sure you will be okay here"? Steven said. “You wouldn't be putting me out or anything like that, for Christ's sake I've been your father’s partner for years". “ Its the least I could do for him and you”. "Really I'll be okay here by myself, why don't you go on home and check with me first thing in the morning". "There will be arrangements to make, and I need the time to think, Will said ushering Steven to the door. “Well okay, if that's the way you prefer Will I'll be going and check back with you in the morning". Mary Alice headed for the house about thirty minutes after Steven Hays had called. He didn't know all the details yet, except that Senator Steepleton had been killed in a plane crash . “ That's all I know right now", he said. All Mary Alice could think of was how Will must feel now. First the marriage postponement, now this tragedy had struck. Will would be devastated. She had to go to him of course. It was difficult for her but she must face him now, tonight. She knew the marriage postponement hurt him . Now this. What would she say? What could one say to someone who's world had fallen apart in less than twenty-four hours? She rehearsed as she drove to the house . Mary Alice could tell that Will had been crying. When he answered the door, his hair disheveled, eyes bloodshot and looking like a lost puppy, she knew she had made the right decision by coming now. After all they should have been married by this time today, and enjoying each others bodies as they made passionate newly wed love. One never knows just what to say in situations such as this , she thought, so a brief wordless embrace she spoke first. " I'm so sorry Will. I'm so sorry". “When you hurt, I hurt, she whispered”. " Oh Mary Alice I'm so glad you came", Will whispered. She could smell the expensive cologne Will wore. His breath softly blowing the hair by her ear. It tickled. “I'll be here for you Will", you know that don't you"? “We'll get through this somehow”, Mary Alice. "I know it won't be easy though". “I have to call my mother and tell her", Will said sobbing "Once I do that, there will be arrangements to make, such as getting the body back here to Boston". Mary Alice could feel Will trembling. She felt sorry for Will, but couldn't explain the rushing tide of feelings now engulfing her. Was it right for her to be here? She knew it was. Then how could she suppress the feeling to break and run when, Will needed her the most? She knew Will had been through a lot these last couple of days, and she could not imagine the scrambled mess his brain must be in now. She held him tightly, stroking the back of his neck. "Its okay Will". "I'm here for you". But her mind wandered far away to the Hawaiian Islands, and an early morning run. Will had stopped by his office and sat at his desk thinking. First, Mary Alice had postponed their marriage at the last minute, then, his father had been killed in an airplane crash. His father would not have been on the plane if not to attend the wedding that had not happened. He felt a little tinge of guilt at the thought. The funeral had been an elegant affair , with as much pomp and double-speak as Washington could muster. Christ, you would have thought the senator was president instead. Of course being senior partner of a prominent Boston law firm had helped to embellish the fallen senator as Gods gift to the world. Mary Alice had been supportive throughout, but still seemed to be distant. She had not explained the marriage postponement to him, but so far as he were concerned they were still engaged to be married. Just had to set a new date, that’s all, he reasoned. The firm had given him two weeks off to stabilize emotionally, and he had needed it. Life was such a roller coaster at this point he didn't know he had coped. He knew he would have to take on a lot more responsibility at this point. The firm, less the senator’s influence, would never be the same He would do his best , however, to keep it at the top of the heap. He had been absent more than present at the firm so far and knew he would have to work even harder now. A knock on the door interrupted his random thoughts. "Come in", Will said in the strongest voice he could muster, not counting on interruption. All the pleasantries had been exchanged the minute he had arrived at the office. " Will, I needed to talk with you about some possible scenarios, that's if you have time this morning", Steven said as he pulled a chair closer to Will's desk. " Sure, Steven , what's on your mind"? " Well", Steven began in a voice that Will recognized as being serious. " You are aware that a special election will be held to fill the vacant seat left by your fathers death, aren't you"? " Yes Steven ", Will answered without looking up. " What's that have to do with me"? " We would like for you to run for that seat Will". " Hear me out before you say no". " Okay Steven". Steven began slowly. " Eh, Will I have already taken the liberty to talk with the democratic party chairman". " he thinks it would be a terrific idea for you to run for your fathers vacant seat". "We haven't done any polls yet, so all this is still contingent on those polls"." We know who your opponent will be, also". "The party chairman thinks that you will get a large sympathy vote, of course". “I'll give you a couple of days to think it over, then get with the chairman to announce, if its okay with you.” Steven looked shocked. The thought of running for the senate had not crossed his mind. He thought they usually appointed someone to fill a vacant seat. However, this would be a six year term, which had not really started yet. " I certainly will give it a lot of consideration , Steven", Will answered. " It makes sense to let the people speak on this issue". “Tell you what, Will , Steven Said." How about you take this week off too, go down to Washington, better yet go to your father’s condo". "You can spend a little time where he was, may be it will help you get a little better closure". "We didn't expect very much out of you this week anyway . We really couldn't expect you to concentrate very well , under the circumstances". "O.K. I'll do it Steven ", Will, answered without hesitation, " I'll call Mary Alice as soon as she finishes with classes, and be on my way". “Is there anything I need to do around here”? "Mary Alice will not be out of classes until mid -afternoon". "I just as well busy myself till then". "I can catch an evening shuttle and be there in plenty of time". " There is nothing here that needs doing bad enough to keep you here, Will." "I'll see you first thing Monday morning", Steven said as he left the office. “Suit yourself about hanging around here until afternoon”. Will leaned back in his chair to formulate a quick plan. He would have his secretary make the reservations for the shuttle to Washington. He could straighten out his files, that should take only minutes though. He only had a few active files, and his secretary, being super efficient, kept those in good order. He would waste a little time then, go by the house to pack . He could travel light, because he still had some clothes at his father’s condo. Make sure you get the key he made a mental note to himself. . He left the office after one o'clock PM. A steady rain had begun. Gray clouds rolled by dropping heavy fat drops, which splattered in all directions on impact. Just like a plane crash he imagined. Hitting the ground at high speed, bursting into a thousand pieces of metal, flesh, blood. Splattered like a bug on the windshield. He shuddered at the thought.He turned onto the street leading to his house. Mary Alice’s' house too, he thought. The thought of Mary Alice, in that house, married to him, would put his mind at ease for a moment. Plane crashes and raindrops were out of mind now. He parked the car in the garage and stepped out. Something sticky hit him in the face as he neared the door. In the dim light of the garage he could just make out the fine strands of a spiders web. "Crap"! He hated spiders and their webs. "I'll spray your butt with insecticide", he said as he wiped the glistening webs from his face and stepped inside. Once inside, he dialed Mary Alice’s' number. She answered on the second ring. " Mary", he began softly, I am going away for a day or two." "Actually it will be for the rest of the week". "Can you see me off at the airport”? " Sure Will, what's up'? " I'll explain on the way to the airport ", Will said. "Better yet, just come on over, that will give us a little time to talk before I go". "Will I have to take a shower and change first", Mary Alice said. "Its 2:15already". "What time does your plane leave"? " It leaves at 7:30 "' Will answered. "I'll have to be there by 6:45". "Please hurry Mary Alice, we don't have much time". "We'll have to talk on the way, Will," Mary Alice answered. " I just cannot jump in the car and scoot over there at the snap of your finger, you know". “You should have given me a bit more notice”. “I know, sweetie” Wills voice was starting to show concern. " I just found out this morning" he continued. " I have some important decisions to make, and I need your input". "I just wanted the chance to talk with you before I left". “Of course you know I would call you as soon as I arrived". “Please hurry Mary Alice", he begged. "Please". “Okay, Will, I'll be there as soon as I can". Mary Alice didn't hurry though. No one is going to rush me she silently reminded herself as she took a long shower. She heard the phone ring, but ignored it. " No one is going to rush me into anything, not a favor, not marriage, nothing", she told her reflection as she applied the finishing touches to her makeup. With that done, she grabbed her clutch and headed for the car. “Is something wrong?” Will asked. “I wanted to talk and you haven't said two words.” Will added. “What's the matter?” “Talk to me”! Mary Alice sat silent, contemplating her answer. Since Saturday, two weeks ago, she had changed. Or her feelings toward Will had changed. He suspects, but what does he suspect? That I don't love him? I'm not sure myself whether I do or don't at this time. She wasn't going to be rushed, she was sure of that. "You said that you wanted to talk", she answered at last “If you're the one wanting to talk, you should do the talking.” "What's happened between us, Mary Alice? First you postpone our wedding, now you're acting distant". "I just needed some time to think straight Will". “I felt like we were rushing into marriage, and I decided I didn't want to do that”. “I just need a little more space right now". “I'm not trying to hurt you or anything like that; I just need a little time to think”. "Well, you'll have some time", Will almost growled. "We are almost to the airport” “I will be away until the weekend, so try to get your thinking done before I get back”. “Are you going to at least kiss me good-bye”? Mary Alice gave him an unemotional hug and kiss just before he stepped through the boarding gate. “Good-bye ,Will, have a safe trip”, she mouthed as he strode to the plane. On the way back to the dorm Mary Alice remembere . She must return the wedding dress this week , or be charged extra for it. She felt a sense of relief knowing that it could be returned. Thank goodness she had not bought it! |