Welcome to The Library. Randomness happens, Studyees. |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psZR-Y2wU08 So I've been giving this some thought. There haven't been a whole lot of major changes at WDC for some time. Which is fine...I'm not a big fan of change and the worst thing that could happen during change is the total imploding of something that you love. I've been a member here for quite awhile...and I wouldn't spend so much time here if I wasn't happy. But these are a few ideas I have that can sorta spruce up the place... MERIT BADGES Back in the old days we didn't have merit badges. If someone was particularly gifted in something, they had to take your word for it and as many gift points as you could spare them. Geez, even I only got my first merit badge within the last 6 months. So let's add a few more to the list so a wider range of people can be gifted. Let's keep the Music merit badge. But I really think there needs to be more categories. Like a hip-hop merit badge. A must. In fact, make me the overseeing body that determines who gets it. The best rhymes over 24 bars wins. Start battle rapping in the streets now, and who knows...if and when it becomes a hit, we'll start the campaign for a Breakdancing merit badge. And let's not leave out the indie rock and emo kids. Because a Rock & Roll merit badge would simply be too vague nowadays. Bring us your weepiest ballads, tales of teen angst gone horribly awry, broken hearts and black mascara, and for 10,000 GP's someone will show you some love with a merit badge you can sew on your virtual man-purse. Did you get a lousy review? Let that reviewer know! Nothing says "I hate you and you don't get it" more than a snazzy, heartfelt Ignorancy merit badge. Let the people know you read that mind-numbing review, and your plans to ignore it! WritingML Geez...when I first joined, WritingML existed of a couple colors, italics, bold and underlines. Now it pretty much does everything but put your name on the Pullitzer. So in the name of progress and a continued gluttony of featurism to spice up your blog some more (because you just ran out of those fancy $10 words 3 blog entries ago), I offer the following: We have emoticons for "thumbs up" and "thumbs down". Now how about a "middle finger" emoticon for when someone talks smack to you in your comments section? Now you can really tell them who's "number one." And on the subject of hand gesture emoticons, your best blog buddy has just posted the sweetest youtube clip of your favorite band rocking out. Why not reward them by sending them the traditional rock concert staple, the devil horns? Let your BBB know that they rock! OTHER MISC. IDEAS Along with "save", "save and edit" and "preview" buttons, or maybe similar to Spellcheck, how about a magical "Asshole Filter", for every time I post the randomly out-there comment in your blog, email, forum or review. It would translate my weirdness into puppies, kittens, flowers and respect. Make it easier to upload pictures, and skip with the Image Size Limitations. I'm too lazy to resize my 6 megapixel camera's images into just a tiny low-quality image. Make the Bio-Block mandatory when signing up for membership. That way I don't waste my time getting into someone's empty portfolio. What a waste of a good mouse click. And while we're at it, if you're a member and your port is empty, you're not a member. Clear these folks out and you'll have way more bandwidth for my 6 megapixel pictures...problem solved! There's my community service for the day. Alas, it may not happen during my time, but who knows? Think about it...the "Asshole Filter" would've definitely turned this blog entry into something actually worth reading today! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxLfRPGIxkA |