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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/581596-April-2008
Rated: E · Book · Personal · #396046
Book turned Blog so I can "Blog On!"
#581596 added April 26, 2008 at 12:03am
Restrictions: None
April 2008
April 25, 2008
Once again, months have passed without adding to my blog. My muse is still wandering around somewhere or forgot her way home.

Earlier this month, on the first, April Fool's Day, an emergency descended on my family. My thirteen year old son loves to walk home from school. Early in the school year, he was banned from riding the bus for a time, because of excessive noise. He likes to sing and whistle, which the bus driver does not like. We spent this time walking to school in the morning, and I would met him after school to walk home. After a few days, he decided he was 'old enough' to walk by himself. We tried it, with me meeting him at the end of our street, where he crosses a five lane road. All went well, with him following pedestrian rules.

When he was able to resume riding the school bus again, he decided he would ride in the morning, but walk home in the afternoon. This worked well, making it possible for him to sing and whistle all he wanted. Over the months, I stopped meeting him at the end of the street, but sometimes watched from the middle of the road in front of our house, waving at him in the distance.

On April first, I was sitting on the porch in my rocking chair, reading, when the bus stopped to let my daughter off... my son's twin sister. I said "Hello" and she asked, "Is Dalton home?" I said, "No, but he sometimes waits with his friend till her mother picks her up, so he is a little late." She said, "Something is wrong, we have to go find him!" I said, "Let's look to see if we can see him walking home." We both went to the middle of the street and looked but didn't see him. She again said, something was wrong and we need to go find him, so I sent her for my purse and to let her grandmother know where we were going. I continued to watch to see if he came around the corner walking home. Nothing, no sign of him, so we got in the car, backed out of the driveway and stopped when my Mother came running from the house waving us back. I pulled back into the driveway and she said, "The hospital just called and Dalton is there!" My stomach sank and my heart squeezed. I told Selena she had to get out and wait. My 19 year old niece went with me to the hospital.

When we arrived at the ER, I said who I was and without asking who I was there to see, they sent me back, nurse meeting us at the door. She had paper for me to fill out but said I could go see Dalton first. When we got to the room, he was gone, sent to x-ray. I said I could fill out the papers while we waited. I was getting insurance cards from my purse when a police officer walked in. We greeted each other, as I continued to answer the questions the nurse was asking. Another nurse came in, saying that Dalton would not stay still for the x-ray. I asked if I could go back with him and was told yes. I handed the first nurse my cards so she could get the information she needed and told the officer if he needed any of the information, he could get it from the nurse. He was gone when we returned. My niece told me he wanted to talk with me, but would catch up with me later.

I found out that Dalton was hit by a pickup truck while crossing the five lane road. At the time I didn't know the details, but found out the next day when the officer called me at the hospital. The driver, a 21year of female, talking on the cell phone, didn't see him. The driver behind her, was the witness. She reported not only seeing Dalton crossing the road, and wondering why the driver wasn't slowing down, but also honking to get her attention. She also reported that she herself was going 35mph and the speed for that road is 45mph. Dalton was 'picked up' by the truck and 'fell off' when she braked. He was 102 feet from the crosswalk.

The list of injuries decreased over the stay in the hospital after multiple x-rays and scans. When we left, the list of injuries were, broken collarbone, two fractured ribs, liver laceration and 10% deflated lung. Added to this is numerous scrapes. His legs we not injured.

Currently, he is still sore, but healing. He was released to return to school two days ago. He is riding the bus to and from school. He is chomping at the bit to run and play like he wants, but knows he can't yet. Doctors orders, no sports or rough housing for six weeks, while the bones heal. This is also to give the liver time to heal, without new injuries.

A lawyer is handling this case, although it could take months or years to settle. My insurance will pay the medical bills now, and be reimbursed later.

I am happy Dalton is alive and healing.

*Please, anyone who uses a cell phone, think before you talk while driving. No matter how safe a driver you are, there is always the chance that something could be missed while your distracted with a caller.*

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

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