What a weekend! I had such a fabulous time meeting Brandiwyn🎶  and Seisa-sleepingcatbooks.com  ! They are both just as awesome as they seem, in scroll! Brandi’s hospitality was wonderful – I slept like a baby all 3 nights (which could have had something to do with how exhausted I was by the time I finally went to bed, but oh well!) She brought me breakfast in my comfy scrolling chair every morning, and she even had chai and vanilla soy milk waiting when I arrived!
Picking up where I left off after my last blog post . . . I actually managed to get some work done editing the first few chapters of "Digging for Clues" while sitting in Potbelly. Yes, be very very proud of me! I haven’t touched the damn thing since the first week of NaNoWriMo.
After Brandi finished singing, we went SHOPPING! I got some awesome clearance items for myself, Bob, and the girls. My bargain of the day was a pair of pink, sparkly jeans for Sophie, for $3.97! Shopping complete, we headed back to Brandi’s house, where we relaxed and hung out in scroll for a few hours. Seisa arrived shortly after we got back, and when it was time for Brandi to leave for rehearsal, Seisa and I headed off to meet George for dinner. We went to an AMAZING Indian restaurant called Bayleaf, where I enjoyed both the food and the company very much. Again, I have to say how great it was to meet George! Seisa - , girl! After dinner, we headed back to Brandi’s house, where we got ourselves comfy with our laptops, once again . . . and they proceeded to show me MST3K – Mitchell. Yes, I’ve now seen the film that got Brandi her OTHER nickname! Very funny – the funniest part was watching the 2 of them watch it! 
After Seisa left for the night, I discovered Brandi’s massage chair! Oh yeah, baby! I thought I’d never get up from that spot. I introduced her to the wonders of Mah Na Mah Na, which anyone who spent any time in scroll this weekend should be well aware of! Mumsy stayed up WAYYYYYY late, my darlings! I think I went to bed around 2 AM?
And didn’t get up until 10, the next morning! (I’m telling ya . . . I could definitely get used to that. Hell, I did! Very quickly! )
We spent a relaxing day at Brandi’s, and Seisa joined us in the afternoon. Again, Brandi left for rehearsal, and Seisa took me to an incredible little hole in the wall Turkish restaurant called Anatolia. Oh. My. Goodness!!! The hummus was incredible . . . and the pita they served it with was fresh out of the oven – thick, and tasting remarkably like the bread served in tavernas all over Greece . . . with the fascinating addition of a sprinkling of black nigella seeds, and sesame seeds. If you’ve ever tasted Armenian string cheese . . . black nigella seeds give it its unique flavor. Fabulous! Chicken kebabs served with yogurt for dinner. Yummy, but I ended up taking most of it with me, because I NEEDED to save room for the famous rice pudding that George had told me about. I was not disappointed! I ended up ordering a second serving, to take back for Brandi. She had my leftovers, and rice pudding for dinner! The plan was to watch Bend it Like Beckham that evening . . . but we never did end up turning it on! No matter – we had another great evening, laughing and chatting. Another session in the massage chair was definitely called for, and I made it until almost 2 AM yet again!
This morning I slept until 10:30! It’s gonna be REEEEALLY hard to get up at 6:30, tomorrow morning! Relaxed, packed up, and met Seisa at Franklin Conservatory, where we had a great time wandering around and looking at all of the plants, and the incredible miniatures made entirely out of plant materials. Brandi had to leave, to go to work , so Seisa and I wandered around the Conservatory some more, on our own. I took tons of photos – so yes, you can see that I actually did get up off of my ass this weekend, and did something in Columbus! (see "Gutters up a tree?" )
Back to Seisa’s house, where we picked up George, and walked down to Jeni’s for ice cream. Yes, I said ice cream. It was TOTALLY worth it! The flavors were fascinating, unusual, and absolutely incredible. Back to Seisa’s house, where I got to meet Buckey! I also saw Callie, but she didn’t stick around to say hello.
And then it was time to head to the airport. Saying goodbye was hard, but I KNOW that we’ll all see each other again, soon. A Gutter family reunion (or reonion! ) is being thought of . . . and a Minion reunion is also in the works. Plus, with Skybus flying into New Castle airport now, with $10 fares . . . there will definitely be more trips to and from Columbus! (Those flights go both ways, my friends! I’ll be waiting!)
As I write this, I’m sitting on the plane, flying home . . . Bob is meeting me at the airport, and I think he’s gonna take me someplace yummy for dinner. After all, I only had ice cream for lunch! 
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