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Entries for the Flash Fiction Holiday Challenge. |
"No, no, no!" Raisin blinked at the creature that had come in answer to his summons for a familiar: a tiny yellow ball of fluff, pecking and scratching in the dirt. "A tawny eagle? A golden hawk?" The little chick balanced on one leg, stretched out a foot in what might have been intended as an aggressive pose, and chirped in Raisin's general direction. Then it toppled over. "A chicken." The yellow puff did not disagree. "What good are you?" Raisin turned away in disgust. He glared out into the forest--full of animals--and asked with some heat, "Is this a joke that you sent me?" With that question, the anger and disappointment drained right out of Raisin. He turned back to the chick and heard again an echo of recent words: "I can't help you. Raisin is it? You're too old for this sort of thing. My advice is to go on home." Raisin's heart softened. What power matches a mage with his familiar? Raisin didn't know. The chick looked at Raisin with cross-eyed perplexity. A wise old power maybe. Raisin recalled the animal accomplice from his youth, a chipmunk named Twitch. He would set on Raisin's shoulder and clap wildly at the pyrotechnics Raisin favored in those days. With shame Raisin remembered one of his signature spells, a cruel bit of magic involving fireweed seed and chickens. Raisin felt the old guilt as he looked down at his new companion. He'd certainly never considered a chicken familiar. Perhaps it was a penance. And well it might be, considering his history with explosive poultry. "I am sorry. Truly. I was young and foolish then. How 'bout I call you Penny? Short for Penance?" he asked the little chick. She seemed amenable. "Settled then. Welcome aboard, Penny." |