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Earth goes under intense heat from global warming and 3 of each animal are moved 2 Neptube |
They both stopped screaming for Goon. Jay watched as Foxy’s nose started twitching. “I smell chocolate! Do you think Goon is somewhere nearby? Maybe he’s still near the slush spot! Yeah, I bet that’s it! Let’s go!” They were excited now, at the thought of chocolate! They fumbled through the uneven mounds of snow, trying desperately to find their source of chocolate without any light source at all, not even distant stars. “Foxy? Jay? Is that you?” a very familiar voice called out somewhere close in the distance. “Yes! Yes it’s us! Foxy, go, go, go! I want chocolate!”, Jay ordered from inside Foxy’s ear, which to Jay’s comfort was very furry and insulated. Foxy was too happy to be close to his friend that he did not complain about Jay’s loud order. They were going to survive. Back On Track ❅4❅ “Goon!”, Foxy exclaimed when he saw him sitting under a blanket with cups of Chocolate Lava. He handed one to Foxy hesitantly, then pulled it back. He did not see Jay. Had Foxy really done what he was afraid of? “What did you do to Jay?” he demanded, as Foxy looked at the chocolate longingly. “He’s here. Please, I’m starving, can I have some chocolate?” begged Foxy. “Yes, me too!” chirped Jay as he uncurled himself from inside Foxy’s ear. Goon looked relieved as he saw Jay materialize out of Foxy’s ear. He quickly placed the chocolate on the ice, and Jay dove into the deep cup filled with chocolate. He surfaced, looking like a chocolate candy. “Mmm, mmm good!”he chirped, his mouth dripping with chocolate. Foxy then helped himself to his bowl of chocolate, smearing chocolate over his nose and mouth. Goon even had a bit more, since Jay and Foxy made it look so good. “So, where should we go?”, Foxy asked. “Ya, where did you get the blanket?”, Jay asked suspiciously. “There is a building not far from here that has many interesting things inside. When the creatures inside left, I went inside and took this. I thought it would make my burrow a bit cozier.” He explained, and pointed in the direction he thought the building was. “What burrow?”, Jay asked, now snuggled under the blanket with Goon. “This burrow, next to the slush spot,” Goon opened the ice door, and they descended down the ice den steps, the smell of hot chocolate thick in the air. Foxy immediately curled up next to Jay on the blanket and they slumbered for hours and hours, catching up for all the nights they stayed up. Goon watched them for a bit, then started planning an adventure to the building, and fell asleep imagining what else was in the building. “Morinin’” Jay chirped to Goon and Foxy, for he was the first up. Foxy stretched and gave a little yawn, but then curled back up in the blanket. Foxy was not going to be ignored, so he walked over to his friend and tickled his friend’s belly with his wing. Foxy squirmed and jumped up laughing. They walked over to the chocolate spring and drank the lava slowly. When Jay had a full tummy, he fluttered down the spring to explore. The underground burrow was huge and complete, with ice furniture and beds. The spring was a ways down the wide hall, and as Jay walked along it, his footsteps echoed throughout the hall to Goon. “Guys? Is that you?” They heard him yawn and climb out of bed. “Ya, it’s us! We’re just exploring,” Foxy replied for both himself and Jay. “Whatever...” they heard him mutter under his breath, but they could still hear it clearly, due to the gigantic underground mansion. Foxy then realized there was something in the water. He saw a lump in the water, swimming in zig-zags with water trailing behind him. Jay was flying close to the water-dangerously close. “Jay! There’s something following you, get away!” Foxy shouted as he trotted to keep up with the fast moving animals. What was in the water? Goon had heard him shouting, and was running after them. Jay seemed to not hear Foxy as he glided almost touching the water. “Jay, fly higher! JAY! Do you hear me? You have a Saber Tooth Shark RIGHT BEHIND YOU! JAY-” There was an enormous, chocolate splash as a giant shark with sharp teeth sticking up, ready at all times to catch prey leaped from the chocolate spring. Jay was caught in the thick, heavy, splash and disappeared under the thick chocolate. The Saber Tooth dove under the surface, its wide mouth open to its largest. If either Foxy or Goon dove in the chocolate, they would be dead in a second. Jay had a chance, because he was smaller than Foxy and Goon, but he was on his own, even though his friends were only a couple feet away. This was his battle, Jay’s alone, and his friends could not help him. He sunk farther in the hot, melted, chocolate. Would this be his end? He would never have guessed he would have died in his favorite, most comforting food. He squirmed and flapped his wings, but only sank farther in the chocolate. He screamed, although nothing happened. There were no sounds under chocolate, but he still tried calling his friend’s names. He had no choice but to swallow the chocolate. He took a big gulp, his lungs screaming for air. He swallowed, and gulped more. He then realized that he could breathe. He decided to open an eye, to check out the situation. There were air bubbles, thousands of the tiny things, floating around. Inside each bubble was |