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It's a magical story full of adventure friendship love and new worlds. |
She slowly stood up still aching from the landing. Why didn’t Anya tell me it would be a hard landing? Thought Gabby angrily in her mind. As she glimpsed around she saw the familiar sight of the ocean and a circle of huge warm rocks. Good I’m in Egan cove. She climbed upon the rocks wondering what she should do to get Urnada to come. How would she know I was here? After waiting patiently for what seemed like hours, stroking Mortaug on a boulder to pass the time, she became bored and slouched down strolling her hands threw the warm refreshing water. As she submerged her palm in it she screamed with fright as something grabbed a hold of her hand, trying so hard to pull her in. She looked down with relief but anger to find Urnada gripping her wrist laughing uncontrollably. “Why do you feel the need to be so cruel all the time,” screamed Gabby! Why do you feel the need to scream at the queen of The Agias kingdom,” squealed Urnada rudely back! Gabby shook her head annoyed but spoke respectfully to Urnada saying, “Well, I have what you want, so now you can tell me were Alea is.” “Show it to me,” snapped Urnada. Gabby picketed her pocket and out emerged the small leather pouch. “Awe yes indeed you have brought it to me, but I think you should get some rest before I tell you were she is, it will be part of the faavvor and besides you’ve had a long journey” “What are you talking about, please tell me NOW.” “No.” Then with a sparkle of her scales she disappeared below the surface. I hope all mermaids aren’t that rude. Thought Gabby sourly as she scurried under a shelter of rocks that looked out over the water. Well, at least I can get some sleep! So she cuddled up with Mortaug in her arms and slowly fell into rest. Mortaug loudly puffing and hissing awakened Gabby from her rest. A strange figure had pounced over her, holding her down by her arms. Gabby struggled but found that she couldn’t move as the intruder held her down with an elbow to her chest, forcing a strange slimy muck in her mouth. She couldn’t help but swallow it, even though it tasted disgusting. Then the stranger unexpectedly drug gabby over the rocky edge tumbling into the water as the sun, still high in the sky, caused her to wince. As the stranger pulled her lower and lower down she gasped unable to reach the surface for air. Soon shockingly she found her self-touching the sandy ocean bottom. Then as a strange sensation skidded through her body she realized who was holding her down. Urnada! “Why do you keep doing such cruel things to me. Are you trying to kill me,” yelled Gabby even angrier. “Wait how am I talking to you? Am I breathing under water?” She proclaimed with bewilderment. Urnada smirked, “yea and it seems that your true color is green, just look at your SCALES.” What!!! As she glimpsed down with new high keen eyesight her eyes grew big as she stared at a long glistening tail of multiple shades of green. As she floated awkwardly, her tail sparkled with every sway. She touched her new slippery scales and twisted what once were her legs as her tail flopped back and forth. Her robe had withered away and two coral like shells clung to her chest. Urnada stared at Gabby’s forearm with hatred exclaiming with disgust “you have the symbol, how? It can’t be possible? You were only suppose to transform in to a mermaid never receive our magic! This has never happened before. ” Gabby twisted her head down to see what Urnada was going ballistic about, a shiver ran down her spine as she stared at what once was her old scar, but now a silver like tattoo of a sea serpent wrapped realistically around her forearm. Did she say magic!!! “What is that,” yelled Gabby loudly gesturing at her arm. “I’ll explain later, but you must come with me, were not safe here.” “Wait no, that yuck you shoved down my throat, was that from the pouch that I retrieved from all the way in Mount Orek. “Precisely, seems humans aren’t AS stupid as I thought.” “What was that crud?” yelled Gabby. “Kyan Seaweed, very rare the best way of finding it is just to go to my friend Anya. It will transform you into a mermaid, but once you touch land you will be human once again. It should wear off within a year.” “So you purposely made me wait and you had the nerve to scare the living day lights out of me by forcing me to eat that Kyan yuck, when you could have just told me everything.” “Exactly.” “But why,” asked Gabby. “I guess for the fun off it.” “Uhhhhhh,” screamed Gabby. Then finished with, “ Where ever your taking me better be a place to tell me where Alea is.” “Sure,” smirked Urnada as she gripped Gabby’s arm and began to pull her quickly threw the water. Her scaly tail worked like a motorboat as she slung it up and down. Gabby kicked her tail like Arnada, even though Gabby swam clumsily, together they sped like a blur threw the ocean. The sun lit up the ocean floor full of life and natures paintings. They swam by bright coral reef’s swarming with hundreds of colorful fish. They quickly scattered as they swam by. The water felt cool and refreshing. Gabby enjoyed the swim compared to the brutal walks and climbing she had endured before. She felt magical and smooth in the new figure of a mermaid. The bright sun was beginning to fade away and the ocean was being overtaken by shadows. Urnada turned and whispered to Gabby. “Its not safe to be out, especially when the sun sets, I’ll get us a quick ride.” Then Urnada wedged two fingers between her lips and a high-pitched whistle vibrated threw the water. With a rush of waves a group of dolphins came whirling towards them. One rushed straight towards Gabby nearly blowing her away with a tornado of bubbles, stopping once it’s long snout was only inches from her nose. She reached up gently stroking its smooth rubbery skin as it wiggled playfully. “Hurry grab on to its fin,” exclaimed Urnada as she latched on to a bold broad male as it swept off with her. Gabby grabbed on to the squirming one in front of her as it unexpectedly rocketed away. The ocean was pitch black, besides what little the moon lightly lit up. The ocean seemed eerie and silent, gabby could hear every move they made as the water rushed past her ears. She closed her eyes from the impact of the salty water, and the dolphin’s extreme speed. After what seemed like hours she saw a faint wall of rocks in the distance that seemed to extend all the way to the surface. As soon as she reached them the dolphin carefully kicked her off and sped away in a race with the others. Urnada was already floating gracefully up against the rocks as Gabby flipped around straitening from the landing. “Are you done fooling around,” snapped Urnada with a look of disgust. Gabby swam towards, cheeks burning with embracement. She followed the walls of stone to a huge boulder wedged up against the wall. “ Where are we going,” whispered Gabby curiously. Urnada just ignored her as she pressed firmly against the boulder whispering a foreign language. The edges around the rock began to glow misty white as it slowly moved over reviling a dark cave opening. “Are we going in there,” asked Gabby as goose bumps formed down her arms. “Yes, so follow me and don’t get lost.” Then Urnada disappeared into the blackness, only leaving behind a temporary trail of bubbles. “Wait on me, don’t leave me,” screamed Gabby as she sped into the cave and quickly became a shadow in the dark. She found Urnada impatiently waiting for her. Then they began squirming threw the long tunnel. Soon in the distance she could see a faint light glowing brightly. Once they reached the light Gabby gasped at the amazing sight. Out from the rocky hole was the hidden Agias Kingdom laid out majestically before her. |