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It's a magical story full of adventure friendship love and new worlds. |
When Gabby awoke in the comfy bed, the sun was brightly burning into the room. She didn’t care what time it was, she just sat there still exhausted trying to get back to sleep. But she could tell Warrien was awake because he kept jolting and moving the blankets and pillows around, accidentally suffocate her. So when Doctor Avin came into the room to check on him, they both must have thought she was asleep. She could here the doctor unwrapping the bandages then he fell really silent. “What’s wrong?” Warrien spoke with worry. “Strangely enough… nothing.” “What.” “Your skin is already coming together and your fever is…gone. You heal faster than anyone or anything I’ve ever known or heard of. It wont be much longer and you’ll be good to go.” Warrien mumbled with glee, “good, because we will be leaving this evening.” “Why going so soon?” “We have something very important we have to take care of, elsewhere. But thank you for everything, you’ve saved my life.” Then she heard the doctor say, “No, all I did was fix you up, Sudaria’s the one who saved your life.” Then he lowered his voice and whispered, “If you don’t mind me saying, that’s a good one you’ve got there, trust me you’ll never ever find another women like Sudaria.” Then warrien smiled and whispered, “Yes, I know I figured all of that out, a while ago. She’s definitely one of a kind.” Then as the doctor rummaged threw a bag he sighed and begged his pardon as he ran to retrieve new bandages that he had forgotten to bring. Once he left the room Warrien sat back and mumbled to himself, “Yes, and only until evening will she ever really be anything close to being mine.” Gabby just sat there motionless, trying to figure out what he had meant by his secret whisper. Evening raced by to fast and Gabby wished she could have stayed forever. Something was so familiar about Margret and Avin, like she had known them her whole life yet they had never met, until now. After a hot meal in bed it was time for Warrien to prove whether or not the journey was going to be a little easier or not. Would he be able to walk and move around? Was he well enough? Warrien lifted himself up with all his might and forced his feet off the bed, limping onto the sandy floor. As he began walking smoothly towards the door as everyone else watched closely from the side, he held his head high and smiled as if he was healed and in no pain. But Gabby could see in his crooked smile and glossy eyes, hidden pain and suffering. In all his vagueness they slowly headed for the solid stone door. That would soon lead them back on their dark and gloomy path, but they were prepared and headed boldly with a lantern of courage, love, hope, and faith. That was all they needed. Finally they altogether escaped out into the fresh outside air, warm comforting sun and overflowing light. But sadly the goodbyes had to come next. “How much do we owe you for… everything?” asked Gabby. “Of course nothing my dares, it was a great pleasure having your company in my home,” exclaimed Mrs. Margret as Doctor Avin nodded sincerely to every word she spoke. Gabby quickly responded exclaiming, “No I promise you this…we will be back and you both will be unimaginably greatly rewarded. You haven’t seen the last of us and again we give are thanks. By your help you will have saved more than an extraordinary kingdom. And then with a strong wave Warrien and Gabby left them anxious, confused, and guessing, as they headed for the town gate. They were in such a hurry that neither Warrien nor Gabby stopped to admire the amazing awes of the town. “Have you ever been to this town, since you knew of its existence when we were trapped on the shore?” asked Gabby turning towards Warrien. “No, I only watched once as others were let in.” “But we will be back soon enough as you promised and then I can explore and admire everything.” “How exactly much time do we have left before… before Alea will drown,” whispered Gabby with hidden worry in her voice. “Only until the moon appears high in the sky this night.” Gabby straightened up and strongly told her self that as long as there was time; even seconds there was still hope. “So were do we go from here? How do we get to the trench?” Warrian quickly replied, “If we head southeast we should run into the shores of the cove, it dips in so far that we couldn’t miss it.” Then Gabby exclaimed, “But how are you going to awaken such a massive creature.” “Did you forget we have the powers of the Talith? Then as soon as he emerges you have to send the signal to Arnada.” Gabby nodded then whispered confusedly, “But what is the signal?” “You can whistle right?” “Yes.” Then she pushed her dry lips together and blew as a high-pitched squeal echoed threw the trees. Yet it was pleasant and mystical. “ Right, do that, but when the time really comes under water dwell heartedly on Arnada hearing it and with the power invested in us she will hear it.” Gabby nodded taking in her small part. Then once Warrien finished talking they both fell determinably quite as Gabby walked swiftly along and Warrian helplessly hobbled. All around them was clear meadows and so willingly they sucked in all the refreshing sun and air they could take in without filling air headed. But they couldn’t keep the dark and un-foretold future from emerging into uncontrollable thoughts. Within hours either darkness will rein or good will take back what is rightfully deserved. Once the horseshoe shaped cove came into view Gabby was overwhelmed with a mixture of emotions. All the land and water in view was now covered in a giant shadow of darkness. The black sky was filled with fierce silver storm clouds and flashes of burning lightning. They exploded like extraordinary yellow fireworks above the ragging ocean, but with an unpleasant beauty. Gabby jumped as cracks and growls of deafening thunder echoed threw the eerie windy air. The raging thunderstorm swallowed everything that could be seen even with the keen naked eye of a great sorceress. Gabby turned to Warrien as she overheard a whisper threw the entire ruckus where he mumbled under his breath. “The war has begun.” Surprisingly they both ran for the rushing waves and dove threw the salty chilled water. Time is almost up. Gabby was tossed in every direction and sent rolling on the sharp rocks at the sandy shallow bottom that sliced her arms and back. Then she felt as her body intensely transformed and she gained back her scaly tail. Then with a glittery spark she darted for deeper somewhat calmer water. Once she found herself floating swiftly far under the surface she realized her eyes were never closed just the ocean was pitch black, she couldn’t even see her hand in front of her face. But then she fearfully realized she was alone and frantically searched for a sign of Warrian anywhere near. She maneuvered her arms all around wishing to only bump into Warrien when shockingly someone grabbed a hold of her hand. “Warrien is that you?” whispered a shaky voice. “Yes, now could you make some light, I can’t waste my powers, I’ll need all I have to awaken the beast.” “Oh right of course.” Why do I keep forgetting about such a handy ability? Then suddenly a mildly bright glow much like a candle appeared out of what seemed like nowhere. Then the shape of Gabby’s hand beneath it gave away the once hidden source. As she shifted the light around she saw Warrian next to her pointing a bulky finger ahead. “Shine the light ahead. We need to hurry.” After obeying she saw what had been residing below her, The Mirama Trench; like a monster beneath a child’s bed in the dark of the night. The rocky earth was split into, but it appeared to be only a crack, no such Kraken could fit between. It continuously trailed on and on. Gabby wondered if it ever stopped or did it continue across the ocean and even the land until it reconnected. Then she was overwhelmed with the though of how deep the crack really was, did it also continue on for eternity or did it fearfully end at the beginning of Lucifer’s flames, the enemy of even God. Then they swam out farther looking for the biggest opening. Once they were what seemed like thousands of yards from the shore Warrien came to a slow stop. “This is far enough.” Then as she looked down the rocky trench had become so wide that it probably could have been another world in itself. But that’s where the oceans worst fear was hidden at sleep, Kraken. As she starred into the opening, it appeared to be even darker than the ocean itself. “Okay I’m going in, swim as far as you can from this spot and then all you can do is wait… As soon as he emerges send the signal.” Then as he descended into the trench he was forced to let go of Gabby’s hand. As she whispered, “Warrien be careful.” He then disappeared into the evil shadows leaving Gabby all alone. She forced herself to move as she swam some distance and sat up against a bunch of far off rocks where she waited and waited. As she sat in the intense silence frightened at what to expect she prayed with hope silently to herself. But soon enough, to Gabby’s surprise the silence was interrupted by a great stirring below the ground as the entire ocean floor began to violently shake, even the water began to tremble. Then an ear-piercing shriek howled threw the ocean as Kraken crawled ripping open more ground as he came forth; like a dead man clawing from his grave. The huge mass rose up out of the depths as its huge black eyes pierced threw Gabby’s soul. She almost swam for her life but remembered that she was invisible to him. It was strange how the fate of Philmar and Agias now rested in the hands of a wild beast. She closed her eyes to get the fierce creature out of her mind. She built up all her strength and thought whole-heartedly on sending the message to Arnada. As she squeezed her lips together and blew a strange vibration skidded up her throat and out of her mouth. No sound was heard. Once she opened her eyes far off in the distance she saw a sparkle of an object dart threw the water but it quickly disappeared. But then from where Kraken hovered Gabby heard Warrian’s voice echoing. “GABBY SWIM TO ME!” Then like an ant crawling on a table leg she saw Warrien clinging to one of Krakens long tentacles. She had to stop and stare for a mere second at the peculiar moment. Then swiftly lost the thought. She sped towards him swimming with all her might as kraken let out another ear piercing scream and tossed its massive legs and head. “Hurry he can smell the blood of war,” he yelled as loud as possible. As she swam she was forced to dodge massive blows and it seemed like she’d never make it to Warrien. But some how she found what little strength she had and her determination and soon realized she was only feet from where Warrien was. He reached out one of his hands and grabbed a hold of Gabby’s just in time as Kraken slashed out and began to head towards the war at full speed shrieking even louder as he went. Gabby could feel herself being pulled with so much presser that it felt as if the water was going to rip her apart. Warrien’s Grip was so tight that her hand was tingling as she looked up at him his face was strained from trying to hold her on. She could see that his hand was slipping slowly from kraken yet he held on even tighter to Gabby. “Just find Alea and I’ll find my way.” And with that she pulled her hands free as Warrien yelled unhappy at her choice. She was vigorously tossed rolling backwards by krakens massive force and pounded by his spastic legs. Finally she found herself rolled up floating with all the breath knocked from her chest. Gasping for air she bounced up with the thought of Alea’s death stuck in her mind. Time is running out the sun will be going down soon…to soon. She headed following the direction Kraken was heading. Everything around her looked familiar she saw the forest of seaweed far off on one side of her. That would mean that the hidden city of Agias was only a short ways up ahead. That showed the truth of how mighty kraken really was he swam only a short amount of time and finished what would have taken Gabby and Warrien many day’s to travel. She came upon a hill of rocks and dove towards them as she realized the war was close by. She could hear faint groans of fighting warriors and the clanks of their spears. But eerie of all, chants of magic could be heard as whispers bringing shivers down her spine. The ocean was strangely silent, almost lifeless and had become icy cold. As she looked up at the surface miles up she knew that the waves were crashing and the storm was growing more and more destructive. She slowly swam forward as the war came into view far off in the distance. The taste of blood filled her mouth and she immediately closed it tightly wishing to never open it again. As she watching everything raging in front of her she realized Damen was indeed real and very very dangerous. |