I found a new font that I like so I think I'll stay with this one. Today was a good day. We went to town and did our regular run around shopping. Mostly groceries. The weather was decent so we didn't have to dodge any raindrops! We're making plans for a little day trip coming up soon here. I think it's going to be a bike trip. Looks like we still have some summer days in the forecast so we will be planning the ride accordingly. It's always fun to go East of Mountains and catch some more sunshine over there. There is where the desert air is. Alot of sagebrush and more pine trees and less firs grow over there. On this side we have more precipitation in the air. I suppose one calls it humid over here. Anyways, it's much greener on this ( the west side of the mountains} side. Many more evergreen trees grow over here. The big Douglas Firs and Cedar trees. Much more water over here also. Not just the stuff that falls from the sky either. We have the waters of the Puget Sound, and of course the Pacific Ocean and all it's marine air. East of the mountains in Washington State is like going into another state entirely. At least it has always seemed that way to me. I could never figure out why they just didn't divide the state up into two different states in the first place! The climate is different, the terrain is different, the agriculture is different, the economy is different, and the list goes on! Actually it is a retired person's ideal place to live in this state, except we happen to love the lush green of the western part of the state, so that is why we are still here. I'll have to go into that more at another time. Right now I have to get off of here....it's showtime. |