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You supply the reading. I'll supply the writing. |
I can be very stubborn. I'm never been the type to easily throw in the towel. Sometimes being very stubborn can be a good trait, like when I'm looking for lost car keys, building a multistory birdhouse, or putting out a fire, (you really shouldn't get bored and stop rolling around on the ground once you're engulfed in flames). There are times when stick-to-it-ness is the best course of action, and then there are times when I wonder "Why the Hell did I ever get myself into this?", but still I plod on regardless. This then dear Thumb fans is yet another chapter in my ongoing attempt to post some Thumb photos online. Back in October, 2006, (see journal entry # 201), I tried my darnest to do just that. I met numerous obstacles, and wrote numerous emails to Yahoo inquiring what the problem was, asking them why couldn't my beloved Thumb fans see my Thumb related pics? (I created a new Yahoo360 blog and spent even more hours downloading and writing captions in case I had made a mistake with the original 360 blog) (Don't you feel special?) At first they stalled me, saying they should have the problem fixed shortly but eventually they told me they didn't know why some Yahoo360 users' blogs couldn't be viewed by the public. (I don't care about the public seeing my Thumb pics but I would like certain friends to see them. I've sent some Thumb pics in private emails before but that feels egotistical. I prefer to have a blog where I can post the odd Thumb related photo that my friends can access, not send out duplicate emails everytime I'd like to post a new pic) To make a long story short, Yahoo recently informed me they were closing their photo accounts, (I mistakenly thought they meant my Yahoo360 accounts), and if I didn't want to lose my photos and captions, I'd have to switch to their "flickr" service, so that's what I've done. I've once again spent waaaaaaay too much time friggin' around with downloading pics, captions and filling in bio boxes. (To be honest, I copied and pasted much of the captions and bio box blurbs from my Yahoo360 accounts, as I mistakenly thought they were going to be deleted shortly, so much of the info there is from Oct 2006) Here's the new link to see those Thumb pics. I won't add any new photos until I know for certain others besides myself can view them. http://www.flickr.com/photos/12811338@N03/ I hope that works. On a totally different topic... Hey guess what? I might be coming to a city near you. Yup. (I sincerly hope I didn't creep you out just then. I'd hate to think I make your skin crawl) Well if you are worried that I may be showing up at your home with my nose pressed flat against your bedroom window, then don't be. Relax. Chances are it won't be your bedroom window I'll be peeking into. I don't have a lot of special Thumb friends, about five or six or so, but there's a chance I might be visiting the very own stomping grounds of one of those people. It's all very up in the air right now so you needn't start applying for a restraining order just yet, but if things do work out, then I might be going on a long trip, with me flying home from very close to a certain city I believe one of my special Thumb friends calls home. As I said it's all very iffy right now. I really do LOVE to travel. I won't get more specific as there are too many uncertainties at this point, but let's just pretend for a sec everything falls into place, and our schedules didn't clash, (timing is very important don'tchya know), then maybe...just maybe we could meet up. You're not a pincher are you? I'm not a big fan of getting pinched...or getting poked...well some kind of poking is okay, but not eye poking. I draw the line at eye poking. If you're an eye poker then let me know. I'll have to wear sunglasses...but that might make me look creepy if we first meet at night...and you're not a spitter are you? I'm not a phlegm fan. ![]() Well I must be scooting now. I'll work on finalizing travel arrangements while you work on controlling those nasty urges of your's. Take care. Thumb "Invalid Item" ![]() "Invalid Item" ![]() "Invalid Item" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |