Something slightly loftier, pointed and hopefuly witty. |
The fears of writing for public view have subsided with everyone’s kind comments. Whew! Now the pressure is on to deliver something nail-biting and edge-of-your-seat or perhaps just let my thoughts flow, or leak from my head as the case may be. It’s hard to top the natural wonders of our planet, and for me, I have always struggled with my inner voice reminding me that I am no one of consequence. What have I to say? Well, let’s rephrase and say what have I to say that anyone wants to hear, or read? From within the walls of my third place, away from the cosmos for awhile I sit in wonderment, observing those around me. There isn’t a free table tonight as my fellow Phoenician’s take refuse from the residual heat of the day. There are the students intently trying to master their course of study, books and notes sprawled across table and floor, while other Starbuck-addicts engage in friendly conversation or simply read a special book. The staff busily scurries about; cleaning supplies in hand, eager to close the doors on time. I have been a faithful “coffee junkie” of this particular location for seven years. I have seen barista’s come and go, and have even had the honor of dating one of them. The perks were great. Free coffee! But as with everything in life, came to an end; although we remain good friends I decided it not a good practice to mix dating with my third place. I find an odd comfort surrounding myself with people I have never met and find myself wondering who they are and what their story could be. We all have a story, some more interesting than others, but a story none-the-less. Our paths cross so unexpectedly and we seldom take the time to consider our fellow human as being the same as us. We all have goals and dreams, we laugh and cry, fall in and out of love, hopefully ending up with that someone special in the end. One life time is not long enough to fully appreciate our humanity. Ah, here comes one of my favorite quirky third place acquaintances now and right on time. Paul, a would-be screen writer has been coming here as long as I can remember. Paul is a self-proclaimed “tree-hugger” who stands over six foot-five. His animated stories can only be truly appreciated in person as he is the only one I know who interrupts himself while talking. He has a “bunny-trail” way of thinking, which is to say you never know where a visit with him will take you. He is intelligent and witty, never missing a queue and I am pleased to call him friend. The doors are closing now and the Starbucks staff is hurrying the evening coffee lovers out the door, forcing me to deal with the sticky temperatures of our summer nights. Before the sweat begins to flow into my keyboard I will close out a not-to-terrible chapter in the hopes I have left you thinking about more then good coffee. |