Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/527719
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1304672
A fantasy tale of friends facing off against foe.
#527719 added August 13, 2007 at 3:11am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 22: Piecing It All Together
Everything had been falling into place and now he was just waiting on the last of his information to come together as well. He didn’t want to dive into anything unsure of what he was doing. Mostly he wanted to be sure he knew what he was up against. Winter knew best of all who Reese was, but he’d lost her and was unable to find her at the moment. Hopefully he’d be able to find her by the end of it, or at least when he needed her most.

Freak was doing a quick check of the alternate realms, gathering up the information he needed about Kray. Considering his current positioning the man’s life, he did feel like some sort of creep going behind his back to learn of things that he didn’t even know about himself. This was the only way to get his information though and he wasn’t going to let some developing crush stop him from what he’d ultimately set out to do.

Not long after he filled out the paperwork for his lost wallet he actually received a phone call saying that it had been found. Right after he canceled all his credit cards, got his new license, and purchased a new one no less. He was grateful to have it returned though. There were  pictures in there that could never be replaced. The cop that called was actually the one who’d taken his form that night. He made sure of it, stating he didn’t want to see anyone else that wasn’t him. Perhaps it was flattery. He explained that he just didn’t like cops.

That was something that carried over from lives he was sure. The last time he knew Kray he absolutely hated the man. They were arch nemesis, both doing what they thought was best. He was doing his job and Brecker was trying to save the world one realm at a time. Sure, he could see where Kray thought he was more important. Now that he understood he was the last one he’d been looking for all these years though, he was none too pleased the side he took in everything.

After his wallet was returned and checked over thoroughly, he offered to take the guy for a drink. His picture of Winter was still in there and that was what he was celebrating. There’d be no buying for him, but they sat together and talked for a while. He was hoping to drink him under the table and perhaps take advantage of him while he was intoxicated. His plans were foiled when they got onto a subject that was one of his favorites.

Kray asked him what he did for a living and he said he worked for a magazine, wrote different stories, and that was how he paid the bills. For just a sliver of a second he saw hint of recognition in his eyes when he noted his name for him, just one more, the way it would be printed under the title of a story. All of his stories were of adult nature and depending on the magazine, hetero or homosexual content. He hadn’t written for Playboy in at least a year though, and his last published story came long before that.

The magazine that ran his stories more than any other was a magazine called Blue, which was geared towards homosexual men. It had as much class as any magazine offering pictures of naked men could. So when he saw that recognition, he knew something about Kray that he’d never known before. His plans to take advantage of him were foiled.

As if he needed more convincing after that, he found that flirting with him didn’t get him pistol whipped. Wasn’t he prime material for the perfect American? That obviously included a wife, 2.3 kids, and Fido the Wonder Pooch. It was a simple graze of the thumb against his ring finger, the one that should have a wedding band but didn’t, that started everything. After that they saw each other at least once a week. What was supposed to be casual drinking buddies was slowly evolving into something more.

Romance never saved the world.

Freak came back from his assignment with some interesting news to share. He was one of the few that ever got an invitation into his apartment and that was only because he looked so much like the neighbors that no one would question why he was spending time with him. Those multicolored spikes of hair really livened up the place as well.

“I learned some interesting stuff about this guy Kray.”

Everything he learned had been taken down in note form and was slid across the table to Brecker. The first thing mentioned was that he was an alternate in all of his lives. He shared time and space with Jessica. He already knew that, but was proud that Freak had pointed out that common pattern. The rest of what he had was pretty interesting.

“Now, in every life we have a choice to do something else, you know? In this life you’re a successful writer. In another life you’re a starving artist.” He paused for a moment and rubbed his chin. “I saw your art. Don’t ever give up pen for paintbrush.”

“Gee, thanks.”

“In most lives I’m working in a field similar to what I do now, but it’s never the same job, never the same rank, never the precise same thing. In fact, I don’t think even two of my lives line up like that. It’s rare, unless it’s only one step away from your active life and your decision about your job wasn’t a factor. This guy though, this Kray guy, he’s a cop in every single life he’s got.”

Brecker already knew that most people didn’t keep the same jobs, either because they got bored or because of unfortunate situations. “That’s a little strange.”

Freak nodded but then sat back in his chair, hands clasped over his stomach as he grinned. “Fucking brilliant is what it is. Not only is he well equipped in every life, like he’s known all along what’s coming, but he knows that he makes life altering choices every fucking day of his life! He’s got more energy behind him than even Winter. You’ve nailed it this time Brecker. This one is definitely your guy.”

There was some bit of pride in him, glad that he hadn’t messed him up and confused him with another. That’d only happened twice before, where the energy appeared just right for him to think he belonged to their six. Freak backing him made him all the more positive that they could go forward now. They could lure Reese to them and one way or another they’d be rid of him for good.

“Only one problem now Brecker.”

“Problem? I don’t remember asking you to find a problem.”

Freak laughed and then sat up in his chair, stretching his arms out across the table as he spoke, his dark eyes lifting to focus on the blue across from him. “Well, you see, Kray behaves as though he’s got this all figured out, like nothing can go wrong. Truthfully though, he’s yet to be awakened. In no life is he aware of who he is and he’s got no idea that he can move between his lives. This is due to the fact that he’s yet to die.”

“Oh no, I took care of that. We had a confrontation, I shot him.” Brecker gave a slow nod of his head, playing it over in his mind once more. “Right in the chest.” There could be no problem, not now. Right now he needed everything to move smoothly.

“Kray’s one fucking stubborn motherfucker then, because he’s not in the realm of death anywhere. I went back to see. His one shot got you Breck, but you didn’t get him. He was close, real close, but he pulled through.”

Brecker just stared at him, unwilling to believe what he’d just been told. He wasn’t standing but a few feet from him. Sure he’d been a little nervous, but that wasn’t any reason to fail. The will of the mind could be strong, he knew, but desire never outweighed lead, not that he’d ever known. Letting out a sigh, he slumped in his seat. There was no way he’d be able to teach Kray fast enough. The glory of finding their six was diminished by discovering he’d be of no help at all.
© Copyright 2007 Adla Brown (UN: adlabrown at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/527719