Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/526431-Chp-8-Love-Rumors-and-Memories
Rated: E · Book · Romance/Love · #1286369
Ace is a normal teen, except for the fact she's part vampire and angel!
#526431 added August 9, 2007 at 3:09pm
Restrictions: None
Chp. 8: Love, Rumors, and Memories
“Oh my God, are you okay?” asked Maria, running up to them.
“Yeah, but I’m tired of people asking me that,” said Ace.
“Well you were shot, Ashley.”
“So, what’s the big deal? I’m alive aren’t I.”
“Still, you were SHOT!” said Maria, really slowly so Ace could grasp the concept, “Well, anyway, I’ll see you later.”
Just then Mason walked by, “I’ll be right back.” Ace walked away from Jeff and Austin and caught up to Mason.
“Mason, hey, can I talk to you?”
“Oh hey Ace, sure. Sorry about your arm.”
“Thanks, listen It’s about Austin,” said Ace, Mason started to walk away, “wait, where are you going?”
“I don’t need to know about your relationship with him.”
“What relationship?”
“You two sleeping together, listen if your pregnant tell him not me,” said Mason walking away. Ace just stood there speechless. We aren’t sleeping together and I’m not pregnant. I don’t look fat do I? she thought. She looked back at Austin, Jeff was gone, but Austin was still standing there. She started walking the other way, she didn’t want to talk to Austin. Austin saw her walk away though, unfortunately. He ran over toward her.
“Where you going?” he asked, trying to catch his breath.
“Home,” she said, walking faster.
“Okay, I’ll walk you there.”
“No, don’t come with me.” Ace kept walking and Austin had stopped, he was so confused.
“Mason!” yelled Austin. Mason walked over to Austin.
“Hey, Austin.”
“What did you and Ace talk about?”
“Not much. Just your relationship, basically.”
“That’s it?”
“Yeah, listen, you told me that you two were sleeping together so when she asked me about your relationship I figured she was pregnant,” said Mason, leaving. Austin kicked the tree he was standing by.
About an hour later he went back to the house and up to his room. Ace’s door was open a little. He looked in, and saw Ace lying on her bed laughing. Jeff was sitting beside the bed flipping through Ashley’s scrapbook. I really did it this time, I told Mason that the first day of school. I was a real jerk I shouldn’t have said anything. God now I’m never going to get her. He slowly walked back to his room.
“So this is you at your old school?” asked Jeff.
“Yeah, good old, East Hampton,” said Ace.
“You played Flysball there. Why don’t you play it here?”
“I don’t know. I just want to forget my life in East Hampton.
“You must have been pretty popular though, your yearbook is full of signatures,” said Jeff, now looking at her yearbook from last year.
“Yeah, I guess I was popular.”
“Then, why do you want to forget your life in East Hampton, come on Ace what’s your secret?” asked Jeff. Great another person who wants to know my secret, the last guy she told one of her secrets, he started rumors about sleeping with her. It was really strange she could tell Austin, why couldn’t she tell Jeff.
“I don’t have a secret,” said Ace, lying.
“Okay, well, this had been fun, but I have to go. I’ll see you later,” said Jeff leaving. After he left, she walked over to her desk to do some of her homework. Okay 56 plus the square root of 485 equals WHAT? That’s impossible. God I HATE MATH! She turned her head away from her math book and her ice skates got her eye. Her thoughts drifted to when Austin had brought her to the ice skating rink. What is it about him? He made up rumors about me and him, but yet I still really like him. Wait. Did I just say I liked him. I couldn’t, could I. On the train I thought there was something familiar about him, but what was it? Maybe I do like him, but I like Jeff too. I like Jeff more. She grabbed her skates and went to the skating rink.
As she was skating, doing twists and turns, her thoughts, again, drifted to when her and Austin were skating. She remembered when she taught him to skate and then how he ran into the wall. That made her think harder, she told Austin she was an angel and then she healed him. He knows her secret. Will the Angel Council get angry. Was she suppose to keep it a secret? She ran from the rink back to the house to write a letter to her dad.
Dear Dad,
I miss you, but I have to ask you something.
Okay I have this friend, and he got hurt so I healed him.
I also told him about me being an angel and vampire.
Will the Council be mad at me?
She mailed it and she decided to go for a walk, along the way she just happened to bump into Jeff and with him was a girl with long blonde hair, she was tall and kind of skinny. She was wearing a ton of make up and a cocktail dress.
“Hey Ace, this is my cousin, Amanda Davis,” said Jeff.
“Oh, hi,” said Ace, extending her hand.
Amanda looked at Ace’s hand, then Jeff, then Ace, then back at Jeff and said, “Let’s go, I’m bored. She pushed Ace hand out of the way and walked away like she owned the school. Almost as mean as Kelly Russo.
“Sorry, she’s a rich snob and I’m stuck with her,” said Jeff.
“Hey it could be worse, you could be with me looking at my old scrapbook.”
“I would rather be doing that.”
“Must be pretty bad, than.”
“Well, it is, but I like to be around you.”
“LETS GO JEFF! NOW!” screamed Amanda.
“I should go before she casts a spell on me,” said Jeff laughing.. He turned and started to walk away and so did Ace. Just then Jeff ran up to Ace, and caught her by the waist. It started raining out and Amanda was still screaming. Jeff’s hands were still on Ace’s waist. Their eyes met and their lips locked.
“JEFF, MOVE IT!” screamed Amanda.
“I have to go,” said Jeff, he walked away slowly because he didn’t want to leave Ace especially if he had to be bossed around by Amanda all day.
“Not bad,” whispered Ace, to herself. It finally dawned on her that it was raining so she decided to go back to her house. She walked slowly, because she loved to walk in the rain. She did finally reach home, however. When she got there she changed into some dry clothes.
The next day, she checked her mail and the only letter she had was from her dad. She opened it slowly and read it aloud.
Dear Ashley,
I don’t know if the Council will be mad or not.
You shouldn’t have told anyone, but if you think it was the right decision then I will respect it. Oh and I’ll see you winter break.
P.S. Feel free to invite some friends.
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