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Fibro fog, pain, writing sandwiched in between. Quotes. Sermon notes. Encouragement. |
I'm feeling old today. No, it's not because of the pains and fatigue I've had since Saturday, although I'm still struggling with both. Nope. I'm feeling old because I just heard Kelly Clarkson on GMA. I heard one song that was pretty, but the next one was a "bunch of screaming." I remember my mother saying that - the screaming part, not a pretty song part - about Janis Joplin. Not that Janis Joplin was one of my favorite singers back in the day. But she was definitely part of my teen years. Now that I'm older and I ponder a lot - as opposed to immediately concluding that parents are weird as I did as a kid - I realize how hard it must have been for my parents' generation. My mom liked Nat King Cole and Perry Como and Frank Sinatra, for pity's sake. If she thought that Elvis was "out there" I cannot imagine what she thought of Janis Joplin. Yes I can. ![]() Today, Kelly Clarkson's screaming annoyed me. And that made me feel old. And it made me remember a sign I used to have. "Mirror, mirror on the wall. I am my mother, after all." ![]() ![]() ![]() ***** A few days ago, I included a note about praying for winter. We still need to keep her in our prayers. But did you see her last blog entry? Check it out: "Invalid Entry" ![]() I heard the good news from Budroe ![]() ![]() Oddly enough, one of those ways was in an email I got. Just as I was pondering my son's fantastic idea - that I'm dying to share, but can't - yet - and thinking that eventually his idea could find him on local or national talk shows if all goes well, I got a marketing email. I usually ignore the emails from this dude, but I have never tried to unsubscribe. I guess I'm afraid that corresponding with someone I don't choose to have a business relationship with will just cause more correspondence. That does happen. ![]() Yesterday, instead of just deleting the email, I read it. Seriously, this came in the midst of pondering my son going on talk shows with his new idea. Know what the email was? It was an invitation to a conference call about....how to get on radio and TV talk shows to promote your book, product or service. Signing up was free. And since our long distance is almost free (well, you know - a set amount each month for unlimited long distance), all it will require is the time to listen in. Derek will be asleep this afternoon during the time of the conference call, so I'll be listening in. Also included in that email was a link to one of Oprah's web pages - one that lists future shows and has a link to suggest shows. http://www.oprah.com/tows/intheworks/tows_works_main.jhtml Check it out. Perhaps there's something there for you. ![]() ![]() ![]() |