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Rated: E · Book · Supernatural · #1231603
Ramyon Graille is the last "De Le Frayes"... Will he be able to fulfill his destiny?
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#494548 added March 12, 2007 at 3:28pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 1
My Out of Heaven Angel
The Virgin Trinity

Chapter 1

A dull gray afternoon was best for a nap.

There was nothing special anything that happened, so he thinks it’s a dull and gray afternoon. Cutting classes if needed, breaking a million school rules if needed. Being the object of his female classmates’ fantasies, having three girlfriends in his previous year.

Had he been anyone other than “Ramyon Graille”, would he be this popular?

Like hell he would.

“Ramyon!” a shrill voice called out, “We know you’re there. Don’t even think of jumping off the roof again!”

Ramyon shook his head, how come she knew he would be there?

“Ramyon!” her officious voice rang through his ears.

He sighed in resignation. There would be hell to be paid if he didn’t.

“Coming, Mother!” he shouted back, emphasizing on the mother, though he secretly hoped that she didn’t catch it.

He jumped off from the “roof” of the school’s water tank.

He wasn’t such a tall boy; in fact, he was a little short for his age. His black hair was everywhere, tied in an equally messy ponytail, how’d he able to survive through countless hair trimming sessions with Professor “Scissorhands”, he was not quite sure. He also had a rather different set of eyes that had people staring at him every since… well, forever!

It wasn’t like Ramyon hated his eyes, in fact, he was proud of them. Those dark red orbs were special to him, as they resembled so much of his beloved grandmother, the person who had brought him up, who took him away from those ruthless “De Le Frayes”.

He stuck his hands inside the pockets of his pants as he approached Vestavia Frigg, a friend of his at school and outside. His rather lax behavior mirrored hers as she was compliant and strict. In fact, it seemed to him like she was way stricter than their Home Section Professor Egeria Terminius (who was the strictest professor as rumored by their upper classmen.).

She greeted him with a pair of crossed arms, and equally crossed eyes which he tried his best to avoid.


She replied with an arched brow.

Somehow, he felt it was useless talking to her when she’s half-trying to formulate plans for your early death and two because her mind was already set in bringing him down with all the complaints she’s going to tell.

“Uhm… what did you did at class?”

Her furrowed brow signaled that she was going to burst. Or that she was going to kill him.

It was more probable that the latter will happen.

“You skipped class and you’re asking me? Me?” she spat at him, “Who am I, your personal assistant?!”

Her voice was almost a screech. He could not understand on how Nido could stand her voice and her actions… well, not really. In fact, Nido hated each and every day that Vestavia would come and sit with them on the cafeteria table, Nido hated each and everyday that Vestavia would join them in their classes and sit together with them as if they were one happy little clique, which they weren’t.

“No, he’s not asking you, Miss Know-it-all.” Muttered Nido, walking idly to the door where Ramyon was, “Hey, why were you there? You totally missed such an enjoyable lesson today!”

“What made you say it was an enjoyable lesson?” asked Ramyon in disbelief. Since when did mathematics became “enjoyable”?

Needless to say, Nido told exactly what had happened when his friend wasn’t there. From how their temporary Professor Robert Kawl was replaced by the beautiful Margarita Willens to the way she taught to the subtexts that Nido caught from her. Vesta just shook her head in disagreement as Nido continued to talk about how he thinks that he and their new teacher was so “meant to be”.

“Ssh!” Vesta put her finger before her lips, indicating for the other two to be silent.

Nido whispered, “Where’s it coming from?”

A series of loud stomps was enough to make the three look to the left-hand side, where the old Finnus Hackens, the “century-old” school keeper was dragging off his left foot once again. Vesta arched a brow as Nido and Ramyon had tried their best to curtail their fits of chuckles.

That of course, would never work on Hackens. Never.

“FIRST YEARS!” the resounding shrill voice of Hackens sent the three rushing back to the fifth floor (as the top floor was the sixth floor) half-laughing and half-blaming each other for the lack of luck that brought the old hag.


A boy of sixteen, he was lucky enough to pass a university entrance exam, especially if the said university is the premier university in their country. He could never say that the exam was a breeze because he could very well remember how horrible his stomach was feeling when he was taking the test.

It was like his insides were churning and getting mashed up and he felt ultimately sick and tired just looking at the countless numbers that would be forced to him.

Ramyon was a special boy, as said by their university president; not because he was the smartest of the lot, not even because he was that athletic, not even because he was the best actor.

It was simply because he was the last of the “De Le Frayes” clan, a known demon-cleansing clan for more than 40 years.

Ramyon was not proud of being a “De Le Frayes”, however. In fact, he loathed it.

He was deemed to be the weakest in their generation by the head of the clan, Apo Mapusok-Un; he was even called trash by the said man. Apo Mapusok-Un, according to the story of his grandmother Apin Rakum-Na, was a very harsh man and that he did not seem forgiving, he was the best warrior and priest in the clan and served the Mythil City for years. It was ironic for a person who would cleanse demons to be unforgiving, in Ramyon’s opinion.

His Apin Rakum-Na was a very gentle woman, but unfortunately she died when he was six. After she died, he was taken to her friend’s home, Vesta’s family. Ever since then, he was living with Vesta and treated her like an older sister.

Up until now, he had not known about his own family, of whether they were still alive or not, or whether they wanted him to stay with them or not. Whenever he asks Apin Rakum-Na, she would just cry and tell him that soon he will know.

But for ten years after she had died, he still got no idea of his own family.


The humid wind took a tiny leaf up in the air and flew back to the ground, whirling and twirling around. Dust-turned-mud by the non-stop rain the past few days in the month of Artemis Moon wasn’t helping the students who still had to walk just for them to reach the Tulhayan University, not only does the mud splatter dirt on the carefully ironed clothes, but the fact that critters like the Jujuk would suddenly come out and suck blood from its unknowing victims.

“Not again!” the pained sound from a little girl startled the Fifen (Ramyon, Nido and Vesta).

It was Gwen, Nido’s younger sister.

“Jujuk.” Muttered Vesta as she pointed her pen to the ankle of the younger Filius. Nido picked a branch from the Hugden mini-tree and poked the fat Jujuk off his sister’s ankle.

“I told you to use socks.” He glared at Gwen, “If you did, this shouldn’t have happened!”

“If I used those… phlegm-like socks, all of my classmates will laugh at me!” she pouted and left hurriedly.

Ramyon could tell that she was blushing ever so madly as she left, but it wasn’t like he cared that much.

Vesta shook her head, “Oh, Ramyon, you know she fancies you a lot. Why don’t you give her a chance?”

It was Nido’s turn to pout, “No way, Ramyon. Do that and you’re finished, remember she’s the only girl in our family, I reckon that you know she’s sort of untouchable.”

“But let her choose! Having ten brothers will make any girl sick of them going all over-protective over such a little thing such as having a crush!”

“That’s not a little thing!”

“Yes, it is!”

He only smiled as they continued to banter on leaving the main topic behind and the topic became a little too… out there. But he wasn’t interested in girls. Not yet, at least.


Tapping his ballpoint pen seemed to be the most entertaining part of his class, Ramyon was on the verge of sleeping when he got hit by an eraser. He didn’t have to ask who ungraciously sent it flying to his head.

Vesta eyed him intensely that he felt like he was melting with the heat that was transpiring from her fiery eyes. These were the few times that he was scared from his wits by a girl.

But she was no ordinary girl.


Vestavia Frigg was just a mere commoner, like her parents, but her knowledge of all sorts of things had made her popular even from those in the Laudass section of their society. She was the brightest student when it comes to technological techniques and science, she was talented when it comes to Arithmetic, Geometry, Trigonometry, Caculus (differential or not); not only that, she was fluent in Gargouss and Methylican language too.

It was like she was almost flawless.


Vesta would die if anyone knew she could not cook. She was not only horrible… dreadful would be an understatement… anyone who would eat her abnormally looking and definitely hellish tasting food would faint and would not be able to move for a week. It was a secret that she had dreaded anyone would know.

And he found out about it the hard way.


He saw Nido shaking his head in disagreement of what Vesta did, and he felt relieved. At least he’s got Nido to side with him when it comes to Vesta “disciplining techniques” who thinks that her ways were too… brutal for a sixteen year old teenager. When it comes to being a teenager, it seemed like Nido was the only one who understood him; Vesta could try, but she’s like his older sister and almost his mother when it comes to her preaching him of all his mistakes.

His and Nido’s eyes met and each gave meaningful glances to each other, certainly, they have to talk to Vesta about her outrageous behavior.

Or not.

“Sleeping in class?! And I thought the worst thing you could do was cut classes!” her blue eyes shooting dagger-like glares at him, “That’s definitely an insult to Madame Vinx!”

Nido wrung his hand on the air, “It isn’t Ramyon’s fault that her class is so boring. If it wasn’t my favorite subject I would’ve slept too!”

“I didn’t sleep.” He corrected Nido, he turned to Vesta, “I was on the threshold of dreamland when Miss Perfect hit me.”

She raised her brow at him, “Excuse me, Ramyon, may I remind you that her subject is one of the most important subjects if you really want to get that job.”

“For you, Vesta.” Nido snapped, “You were the one who forced… no coerced, Ramyon into taking this subject, Little Miss Know-It-All.”

“Why you!” she muttered.

For a minute, Ramyon thought that tears were forming in her eyes but was greatly shocked when she slammed her book on the table, startling the other students in that room.

“Yes, I am know-it-all! But at least I don’t go off… doing… doing…” she pursed her lips and hastily took her things with her and stormed out of the room.

Nido looked at Ramyon, a bit worried, “Do you think I was way off the line?”

But Ramyon didn’t need to answer him directly, he knew Nido understood what Vesta had done perfectly well; he shook his head vigorously as his eyes followed the rushing Nido.

Seems like everything was pretty much normal.

Pretty much.

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