Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/492475-Part-Three
Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1222792
This is a romance novel I'm working on, this is just what I've written so far.
#492475 added March 4, 2007 at 8:41pm
Restrictions: None
Part Three
-----------------------------------Scene Twenty-Seven---------------------------

In the next few days Gavin learned that there was a very big difference between sharing a house with one woman and sharing a house with two. Or maybe it was just Paige. Having Paige around seemed to give Enya an excuse to have more fun, simply because Paige wouldn’t allow you to sit back and watch, she all but forced Enya to act young again. One day, when he came home from work and opened the front door, he was hit with the sound of music blasting louder than he had thought was possible. He made his way up to Enya’s apartment. Without bothering to knock he had opened the door and watched them. They were both sitting on the couch, side by side, laughing and grinning and yelling over the music. They both noticed him at the same time, glancing over with twin expressions that reminded him of a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar. They’d both scrambled up at the same time and, tripping over each other, had fallen to the floor in a heap. They had dissolved into giggles and, even after he turned the music down himself, had continued laughing until long after he had gone back downstairs. Paige dragged Enya out shopping one day and when he went up to ask them if they wanted to rent a movie and get pizza, per tradition, he had found them in the middle of Paige’s living room floor surrounded by shopping bags. It was also very educational. Paige was much more willing to talk about things Enya had done then Enya was and she regaled him with stories of things Enya had done in high school. Enya had various reactions to the stories, from embarrassed to horrified. One day, when they were sitting in Gavin’s kitchen waiting for a pizza to be delivered, Paige brought up another high school story.
“Oh, En! Do you remember Billy Jones?” Enya cleared her throat.
“Paige, there’s no need to-” she started, only to be cut off.
“You do remember! I’ll never forget that, it was hilarious.” Paige turned to Gavin, all too eager to tell the story.
“There was this guy named Billy Jones at Briardale. Every girl in the school wanted to go out with him. He asked En out and she turned him down. God, I still remember how furious he was. She said he was an egotistical jerk who switched girlfriends like socks. He called her a prude and said she had ice for blood.” Paige laughed at the memory. “Knowing Enya like you do you’re probably thinking she exploded. We all thought she would. We were outside eating lunch and I think even the birds had their breath held. But all she did was murmur a quiet ‘we’ll see’ and walk off. We were amazed. We all thought it was done and over with.” Paige laughed again. “Boy were we wrong.” Enya interrupted her.
“Paige, I don’t see why you feel the need to tell this story. Why don’t you-”
Paige simply went on as if Enya hadn’t interrupted.
“I will never ever forget that next morning at school. Never. Even I didn’t know what she was planning and she was living with my family. She left later than me though. There was Billy, outside the school with a girl on his arm. Most everyone was outside because the air conditioning was broken and it was burning up inside. And up walks Enya. She had on sandals with four-inch heels, a white skirt that went halfway past her knees, but had a split that went halfway up her thigh-”
“Geez, Paige.” Enya buried her head in her hands.
“And a white halter top. Her hair was tumbled and curling, all that red mass that she has now, and she looked like a goddess. A seventeen-year-old Enya in white, with legs like hers, was nothing to sneeze at, let me tell you. She walked-no, she didn’t walk-she floated over to Billy. I swear his eyes popped out of their sockets and his jaw dropped to his feet. No one moved and everyone watched. She slid her hands up his chest to his shoulders, and kissed him. I swear, never before in my life have I seen a kiss like that. It was, better than any movie kiss I’ve ever seen. When she pulled her mouth from his I thought she was going to have to hold him up. She stood there, mouths almost touching, looked him straight in the eyes and said, ’I didn’t feel a thing, maybe I do have ice for blood.’ She took a step back, looked at his expression, and said, ’Or maybe it’s just you.’ I’ll never forget it. Billy couldn’t get a date for the rest of the year and he never heard the end of the teasing. It was the greatest put-down I’ve ever seen in my life.”
“I can’t picture the Enya I know doing that.” Gavin commented, amused.
“I was terrified.” Enya said moaned. “No one could see but my legs were shaking so badly I thought I was going to topple off those heels. I almost threw up on the way to school I was so nervous about doing it. I’d never done anything like that before in my life.”
“No,” Paige said with a sigh. “You hadn’t. You were too serious, focused, I guess. Even then. Never really one to go out and party much. Always-”
Enya narrowed her eyes.
“That’s not true. Remember those parties we threw?” Paige grinned.
“God, do I ever.” She said. At that moment the pizza came and they never got to talk more about the parties. But Enya had an idea, and as soon as she could she wanted to discuss it with Paige.

Gavin kept hoping he would get a chance to talk to Paige alone. As it was, she ended up seeking him out for a chance to talk. He was in his study, working, when the knock came at his door.
“Yeah, come in.” He said absently. “Hey En, tell Theo to-”
“Enya’s walking Abbot.” He looked up to see Paige leaning against the door jamb.
“Oh, hi. Sorry about that.”
“That’s okay.” she said. But all she did was stare at him thoughtfully, making no move to come inside. Finally Gavin spoke instead.
“So, is this where you come in and ask me what my intentions are?” he asked, raising one brow in a characteristic gesture. Paige gave a snort of laughter.
“Enya would kill me.” she said. Gavin grinned.
“Yeah, she probably would. Come in, sit down.” He waved her into the room. They sat across from each other for a moment.
“I’m thinking since you’re so close to Enya you probably know her better than anybody.” Gavin said. Paige shrugged.
“I am her best friend.” she agreed.
“She said you two were closer than sisters.”
“Aw, well,…geez.” Gavin waited while Paige dug out a tissue and wiped the tears from her eyes.
“If you’re coming to me for advice,” she said after she had composed herself, “I think you’re doing fine. Things are going a bit slow, maybe, but…”
“Enya needs things to go slow.” Gavin said positively. Paige cocked her head thoughtfully. Is it her? she wondered. Or is it you who needs things to go slow, who hasn’t adjusted to just how much you love her? But she didn’t say anything, only shrugged.
“She told me about the bet.” she said with a grin. “It’s a good idea-to push her into things like that. You obviously know how to…manipulates not the right word, but I suppose that’s what you’re doing.” Gavin frowned.
“No, I don’t like that either. I know her well enough to know how to get to her. We’ll put it that way.“ After another moment of silence Paige jumped up. She’d seen everything she needed to.
“Well, I think you’re doing fine.” she told him. “Just watch how slow you go and it should be fine.” She paused at the door. “And remember, Gavin, En’s got a mind of her own-don’t make to many decisions for her, she won’t appreciate it.” She left him to ponder over that. Finally he brushed her statement off. He was doing things the right way, he was sure. Enya needed things to go at the pace they were at. Does she? a little voice in his head pestered him. Or do you? Are you really as comfortable with how much you love her, or is it scaring the hell out of you? Frowning he pushed the thought away and went back to focus on his work. Unfortunately, or fortunately-depending on how you looked at it-now that he had started thinking about Enya he couldn’t seem to concentrate on anything else.

---------------------------------Scene Twenty-Eight------------------------------

On Friday night Enya found Gavin in his study, working.
“Hey, Gavin. I wanted to talk to you about something.” He set down the letter was reading and looked up at her.
“Paige and I had this idea and we wanted to run it past you. She’s going back home Sunday, ya know. Then they plan to move about a week after she gets back. Anyways, you remember how I mentioned that we used to throw these killer parties in high school?”
“Yes.” Gavin said warily.
“Well, Paige has an uncle who owns sound equipment for parties and bars and stuff and we would usually get music from him, and lots of times we’d have karaoke because a lot of the students were singers, or wanted to be, and so it was fun for them.”
“Did you sing?” Gavin interrupted. Enya laughed.
“Not really, no. I’ve got an awful voice. Seriously, it’s really bad. But, see…for one thing it’s been about ten years since we were sixteen and had those parties, so we thought we could have another one, sort of a reunion thing. I haven’t kept up with most of the people from school and it would be nice to see them again. So we wanted to know if we could use that huge…I don’t know what it’s for, party room, I guess, that’s downstairs. It’d be perfect.”
“You said ‘for one thing.’ I get the feeling there’s another reason you want to do this.” Gavin said.
“Well, yeah, there is. I was going to ask Theo to drop in. We’ve talked about doing musicals and things also, once we get started. I can’t sing worth anything, but…Do you remember that young girl Josie that was tending bar at Theo’s party?”
“She has a killer voice. I mean, I can’t even describe in words what her voice is like. I’ve heard her sing opera, and it’ll make you cry, laugh, grin-whatever she wants. She is an incredible singer. Paige already talked to her uncle and he said he could get us the karaoke equipment, plus music for dancing and all. I want to ask Theo to come, and then Josie can sing, sort of an informal audition, you see what I’m saying?”
“Yeah, I get it. It’s a good idea. Hit him over the head with it before he has time to think.” Enya laughed.
“I guess you could put it that way.” she said. “So what do you think? Can we use that room and your kitchen? We’d probably use the whole downstairs, actually. Paige and I will cook a bunch of food, snack stuff, and then we’ll have the music in that huge room, for dancing and stuff, and then the living room if people want to talk without it being so loud or whatever. We’d only be using the bottom floor of the house.”
“That’s fine. When did you want to do this?”
“Tomorrow.” Enya said with a grin.
“Tomorrow? Wow, that’s fast. Not a lot of time to prepare.”
“Paige and I have been discussing it all week.” Enya said with a sheepish grin.
“Ah, another one of those hit him over the head with it before he has time to think strategies, except with me this time.”
“I didn’t want to give you time to back out.” Enya joked.
“Am I invited?” Gavin asked.
“Well, yeah. I just assumed you’d be there. I mean, unless you’re busy or you don’t want to come or whatever. Don’t feel like you have to, you can-”
“No, I want to. I’ll help you guys get things ready tomorrow.” Gavin offered.
“Thanks, this will be fun. I haven’t seen most of these people in forever. I’m really excited about it. Plus, I can talk to some of the actor about the troupe, see if they’re interested. Thanks a lot, Gavin!” She jumped up from her seat and gave him a quick spontaneous kiss before she ran from the room.
“No problem.” Gavin said to the empty room, thoughtfully touching his lips where her taste still lingered.

---------------------------------Scene Twenty-Nine-------------------------------

Saturday was a busy day. People had been called the night before and invited and now Paige and Enya had a day to prepare everything. Snacks and sodas were bought at the store. They opted not to offer alcohol unless someone asked specifically for it; not wanting to get in over their heads. Dips were bought and some were made. By two o’clock Enya was up to her elbows in flour. She was trying not to make a mess in Gavin’s kitchen while she attempted to make one batch of chocolate chip cookies that would produce enough for everyone: by tripling the recipe. She was dumping flour into the biggest mixing bowl she could find when the doorbell rang. She looked down at her white hands and cursed.
“Gavin!” she yelled. She waited…silence. “Ga-” He walked into the kitchen.
“That’s Paige’s uncle with the sound equipment.” She said in a rush. “Can you get the door and tell him to set up in the party room? Paige had to run to the store.”
“Yeah, I’ll get it.” But he just stood there watching her.
“Gavin!” Enya said, exasperated.
“What are you making?”
“Chocolate chip cookies. Go, go, go!” He grinned and, while she was covered in flour, gave her a quick kiss before he dashed out of the room.
Half an hour later, when Paige walked into the kitchen carrying grocery bags Enya was attempting to mix the cookie dough without setting the mixer too high, so that it wouldn’t splatter dough on the counter. As it was, the biggest mixing bowl she could find wasn’t quite big enough and she was have a time trying to use the mixer without flinging half the dough everywhere. Paige took one look at her and cracked up.
“You should see yourself! There’s cookie dough all over the counter and you’ve got it on yourself.” Enya sent her a glare.
“Glad to see you’re enjoying yourself.” she snapped.
“Oh, immensely.” was the laughing reply. Gavin walked in.
“Stuff’s all set up.” He said. He took one look at Enya and laughed. She just shook her head, amused by now.
“Oh, sure, you don’t bite his head off.” Paige grumbled. Enya stuck her tongue out at her and they both grinned.
“I’m going to walk Abbot now, so we don’t have to worry about him tonight.” Paige said. Enya nodded. Gavin walked over to her as she turned the mixer off and pulled it out of the bowl.
“There! I think it’s finally mixed enough.” She set the oven to preheat with her elbow-her hands were covered in sticky cookie dough-then turned back to wait. Gavin stood beside her.
“You’ve got dough on your nose.” he told her. He swiped his finger down her nose, then licked the dough off his finger.
“Mmmm…” he said.
“Gavin! That’s got raw eggs in it! You’re going to make yourself sick.” He picked up her hand and licked the dough off of one of her fingers. All thoughts quickly abandoned her. He did the same to all her fingers, and her palm, his eyes locked on hers. He repeated the process on her other hand until both were clean of cookie dough. They stood there, him holding both her hands tightly in his own, slowly brushing his thumbs back and forth over her knuckles while their eyes held. Paige walked in, and stopped. The air fairly crackled in the room. Very quietly she backed out again. Gavin wiped one of his fingers over one of the beaters on the mixer. He held his finger up to Enya.
“You haven’t lived until you’ve tried cookie dough, at least once.” he said slowly. “Come on, Little Fire. Take a chance.” She slowly licked the dough off of his finger. The oven gave a shrill beep and she jumped.
“Oh!” She grabbed the cookie sheet and stuck it back in the oven.
“That was good.” she said. In truth she couldn’t have said what it tasted like to save her life. Gavin grinned and, grabbing a spoon, scraped dough off the side of the bowl with it, then handed it to her. Even while she grumbled about salmonella she licked the spoon. She looked down at it, surprised.
“Wow! This stuff is really good.” She licked more off the spoon and it soon had her total concentration.
“I can’t believe I’ve never had cookie dough before! This is delicious.” Paige walked into the room. Neither Enya nor Gavin were aware that she had come in earlier.
“Oh, no. You gave her cookie dough. She’s been corrupted.” Paige said. “My mother always warned her never to eat cookie dough and now you’ve corrupted her.” Gavin slung an arm around Enya’s shoulders companionably.
“Sure I have.” he said and winked at her.
At six o’clock Enya took a shower. She let her hair air dry while she dusted shadow over her eyes and swiped the mascara she rarely used over her lashes. She pulled on jeans and, for old time’s sake, a green t-shirt that said, ‘Briardale Specialty School’ across it. She pulled her hair into a pony tail high on her head, so the riot of curls bounced when she walked. She laughed at herself in the mirror, turned to Paige, and said,
“What do you think? Could I pass for sixteen again?”
“You only look about ten years off.” Paige said with a smirk. Enya shook her head, liking the way she could feel her hair bounce.
“Don’t be mean or I won’t tell you how you do not look like someone who could ever have had a child.” Paige sighed.
“Oh, I remember now why you’re my best friend.”

-------------------------------------Scene Thirty----------------------------------

Enya paced the floor and watched the clock.
“What if we don’t recognize anyone, or they’ve all changed and gotten boring?” she asked.
“Then we’ve wasted one evening.” Paige answered without looking up from the book she was skimming.
“What if they’ve all turned serious on us and don’t like music or dancing anymore?”
“They’re still the same age as us, En.” Paige said patiently.
“I know, I know.” Enya sat down. “I just-” The doorbell rang and she jumped up and raced for the door. She pulled it open.
“Jackie?” she said, surprised. “Oh my God, look at you!” She pulled her into the house. “You look amazing.” Enya said, surveying her. “How’s the dance school going?” she continued. Jackie was a tall woman with a fluid grace that made her an excellent dancer.
“It’s going really well. It’s way bigger now then I ever thought it would be. Where’s Paige? I know she’s never far off from you.” Enya laughed, relaxed now.
“First door on the left, right over there. She was about to turn some music on.” Jackie walked out of the room and the doorbell rang again. A steady flow of people arrived for the next thirty minutes and soon the house was filled with laughter, music, and talking. Enya introduced Gavin to old classmates, and received many raised eyebrows when she said she rented the top floor of his house. She ignored them and skillfully deflected any questions regarding Gavin and her that were thrown her way. Lyon was there, because Enya had told him to stop by if he wanted. Josie came and stood nervously, obviously trying to keep the impromptu audition of sorts from her mind. Enya had abandoned her post by the door and stood in the party room, where most everybody was. She was talking to an actor she’d always remembered as being good when someone put a hand over her eyes from behind.
“Guess who.” a male voice said in her ear. An old game she remembered as perfectly as she remembered the person who used to play it.
“Jonathan!” She cried as she spun around. Before she could even get a good look at his face he dipped her backward and kissed her, long and hard. There were cheers and whistles and laughs. Enya was laughing as well when he pulled her back up. He grinned.
“Hey, kid.” he said, a familiar greeting. She took a good look at him. He hadn’t changed much. Still tall and good looking, but with an extra edge now that can only come from age and experience. His wavy brown hair brushed the collar of his shirt and fell into his blue eyes. He had the same quick, flashy grin. Enya stood on her toes and threw her arms around his neck to hug him.
“You idiot. Always had to make an entrance.” she said with a laugh. She stepped back and Gavin was beside her.
“Oh, Jonathan, this is Gavin McGivins. Gavin this is Jonathon Craft. We’ve starred together in about every show Briardale put on.”
“Except for any with singing.” Jonathan put in with a grin. “You never could sing worth anything.” As he talked he watched Gavin put a quietly possessive arm around Enya’s shoulders. She didn’t notice. He acknowledged the move with a slight shrug. Enya had always been more a sister to him than anything else.
“Jonathan can act and sing.” she was telling Gavin. “Which is why he made it and I’m swerving off into another direction. Jonathan, are you still doing Swift Run?”
“No, I quit it. Wanted something different. I felt a bit like I was getting in a rut.” Enya laughed.
“Six months starring in a show that’s been sold out in every city it’s hit and he complains he’s in a rut.” she said. Jonathan grinned and shrugged. Paige came up and pulled Gavin away to meet someone else. Jonathan watched him walk away.
“Your friend looked ready to take a punch at me any minute, kid.” he commented. Enya too watched Gavin.
“Hmm.” was all she said.

-----------------------------------Scene Thirty-One------------------------------

Enya sat on the back steps, petting Abbot.
“Hey buddy.” she said. “Just wanted to take a breather for a few seconds. You want me to walk you in the park? No one will miss me for about ten minutes.” She hooked the leash onto him and, opening the back gate, walked around the house and across the street. Gavin caught sight of her from a window and, excusing himself, slipped outside. He was furious. He couldn’t say why. Well, he could. That kiss. Jonathan. A boy named Jonathan had stolen his bike in the third grade. He considered it a sign. Even as he stormed across the street he knew it was ridiculous. But then, when had his feelings concerning Enya been anything regular or normal?
Enya wandered the path, letting Abbot go where he wanted, mentally reminding herself to keep track of the time.
“Waiting for someone?” The voice came sharply from behind her. She turned, surprised. She had thought she was alone.
“Oh, hey Gav.” she said. Though she had left to get a moment alone, she found she was actually happy to see him.
“Were you hoping it was someone else?” he snapped. She frowned, confused. She heard the accusation and anger in his voice but she didn’t understand it.
“What are you talking about?” she asked.
God, he thought, why couldn’t she get angry or defensive so I’d at least have a real reason for this?
“I just came out to be alone.” she added.
“With who?” As she tied Abbot’s leash to the leg of the bench beside her, her anger sparked. She had been happy to see him and he was, was accusing her of…of what? What right did he have to make her feel like she did every time she saw him lately, then get mad for no reason?
“And how would that be any of your business?” she snapped, on principle.
Gavin’s anger boiled over.
“It’s every bit my business.” he snapped grabbing her arm. She saw the dangerous light in his eyes and it only made her madder.
“Funny, I don’t see it as having anything to do with you, especially if I was meeting someone else.”
“Do you think I care if you meet someone else?” She thought how his anger was so much more hurtful then other people’s. He didn’t rage or storm, he said things with a cold, calculated fury, designed to cut.
“I don’t see how you have any right to!” she shouted.
“I don’t want you kissing him.”
“I don’t care what you want!” she snapped back. He gripped her shoulders hard, but she didn’t notice.
“You’re mine.” He bit out, his eyes icy. She raised one brow, fury coming to a high now.
“Since when?”
“Since now.” He pulled her down on the bench and kissed her, furious, punishing. How dare she? How dare she be with anyone else when he-When he what? He hadn’t told her how he felt. They weren’t even in a clearly defined relationship. Hating himself he pulled his bruising mouth from hers. They were both breathing harshly. She stared at him. He opened his mouth and she put her fingers to his lips. She pulled his lips back to hers, soothing. And somehow it got away from her. Where she had originally been consciously thinking of calming and soothing his unfounded anger she now had no conscious thought at all. His hands went into her hair, pulling it from the band that had held it, and as she pushed him back it curtained them. Her hands moved from his chest to shoulders, then around to span his back. The passion that had been just under the surface for days rose to the boiling point. Neither had thought of where or why this had started. Gavin’s hands slid to her waist.
“Enya!” The sharp censure in the voice snapped her back to reality. She gasped and pulled back.
“For God’s sake.” Paige said. “You’ve been out here for thirty minutes! Theo just got here. No one’s started singing yet and Josie couldn’t find you. We wanted her to sing first, remember?” Dazed Enya tried to gather her thoughts. Gavin made no such effort as he played with the ends of her hair, wrapping it around his finger, then unwrapping, repeatedly.
“Two minutes, Paige. I’ll be in then.” Paige gave her a disapproving look and shook her head. She was actually secretly delighted. If those two could just get things moving, she thought. And obviously they had. Enya and Gavin sat there for a moment after she left.
“I cannot remember,” Gavin said slowly, “the last time I was caught necking with a girl.” Enya threw her head back and laughed.
“Oh my God, I can. Jonathan and I were…never mind.” Gavin sighed and held out a hand.
“Let’s just both call ourselves idiots and call a truce.” He said.
“How about I call you an idiot and we call a truce.” She replied, shaking his hand. Feeling things were, if not resolved, at least settled for now, Enya untied Abbot and they started back to the house.
“Josie’s a nervous wreck about meeting Theo. You’ll never be able to tell, of course. You know that Celine Dion song I Want You To Need Me?”
“Well, she picked a remix of it, the Thunderpuss Club Remix. Anyways, it’s really different from the original. Faster, with a good beat, and she’ll get to show a good range of voice. Softer, deeper, and then the notes she has to hold for a long time. She tweaked it just a bit, cut out the first thirty seconds because it’s computerized. I haven’t heard her sing it yet, but I know she’ll be fantastic. She’s wanted to do musicals and operas for so long. She’s so young though. Only twenty-two or twenty-three. She’s still got time. A bit innocent, but if she comes aboard we’ll take care of her.”

Enya walked over to Paige.
“Turn the music off when this song ends.” she told her. The song faded out and Enya picked up a microphone.
“Hi.” She said, catching everyone’s attention. “Before you run out the door I promise you I am not singing.” Enya’s horrible voice was well known. “However, others will be, and I’m sure you all remember singing at our parties years ago. Anyways, since, I can assure you, this is the last time I will be in front of this mike tonight I want to remind you all to thank Gavin for the use of his house…” she paused for the applause that followed. “A lot of you probably remember Josie, I’m sure. I asked her to sing the first song, just to get us started. So, everyone enjoy the rest of the party, it’s been great to see you all, have fun!”
Enya handed the microphone to Josie. She was wearing a simple outfit-jeans and a t-shirt. But Enya knew that behind that simple front was an amazing voice. The music started and Enya stepped beside Gavin as Josie started singing. She sung beautifully, and Enya knew Theo was watching very closely. Josie had a strong stage presence-and when she sung part of the reason it was so beautiful was because she put her heart and soul into her voice. She could convey emotions masterfully with that expressive, versatile voice of hers. She had little training, but her voice didn’t need much. Enya watched the timer on the screen. When the song hit the two minute fifty second mark Josie had a note she held, the longest one yet. She did it flawlessly. Enya still watched the timer. Around the three minute forty second mark the music slowed and she sung a slower part. When it hit three minutes fifty-five seconds there was the second note she held. Again, Josie gave it her all but Enya could sense she was holding back. Come on, Jos! Give it all. She was unaware that she held Gavin’s hand in her own, squeezing it in a death grip. When Enya had listened to the song it had faded out at the end. Josie had tweaked it though, and at the end, with the last “need you”, she held the note, for the longest time of all. She gave it everything, pushed herself, and Enya grinned with relief, joy, triumph. Josie let the note taper down slowly, softly, then die out. There was a split second of silence, and then everyone cheered. Enya grinned up at Gavin.
“What do you look so satisfied about?” he asked, laughing. “You didn’t do anything.”
“No.” Enya agreed joyfully, “but she just did.”

------------------------------Scene Thirty-Two-----------------------------------

It was late at night and everyone was long gone. Gavin and Paige were busy cleaning the party room-and Enya had been given kitchen duty. Gavin and Paige both walked in to see her sitting at the bar, her head on the counter, sound asleep. Paige chuckled.
“Silly. She always did need her sleep.” She glanced around the shining kitchen. “At least she cleaned everything up good.”
“Yeah.” Gavin said with a smile, but his eyes were on Enya, and he hadn’t even glanced around his kitchen. “I’ll carry her up.” he offered.
“Yes, you will.” Paige said, “Because now that she’s exhausted she’ll sleep like the dead. Nothing in the world could wake her up now.”
“Nothing?” Gavin asked, raising a brow. He scooped Enya up and carried her upstairs. Paige followed behind him.
“I’m going to go take a bath.” She looked at him, holding Enya and standing in the doorway to her bedroom. “You’d better be gone by the time I get out.” she added. Gavin grinned, but Paige just narrowed her eyes at him before she went into the bathroom. Gavin walked into the room and set Enya gently on the bed. He flipped the lamp on the table beside her bed on. Paige had said nothing could wake Enya up now-how much would it take to wake her up? He remembered the kiss they’d had, only hours before. He sat down on the bed beside her and kissed her gently, then more persistently. She shifted in her sleep. He gently eased her jaw open and slipped his hot tongue into her mouth. Caught in a haze now, Gavin slipped her t-shirt over her head and traced the outline of her bra with his fingers. His mouth was moving steadily across her face, down her neck.
Enya awoke slowly in a haze of passion. Her body was acting before her mind could compute. She realized dimly her arms were wound around Gavin, and his hands were on her quickly heating skin. Her senses were hightened, her thinking sluggish. By the time her brain began to scream warnings she was sitting up in the bed, beside Gavin, the sheets pooled in her lap. Her hands were in his hair, her mouth glued to his, and his fingers reached for the clasp on her bra. The screaming of her mind grew dim but she pulled it back. And physically she pulled herself back also.
“Gavin, no.” Her words didn’t penetrate.
“Gavin, we can’t. Paige is up here.”
“She’s taking a bath.” He told her as he ran kisses down her neck. He felt her shiver.
“Gavin, no! I mean it.” She pushed him away and pulled the blankets up around her, tucking the sheet under her arms. “We can’t, not now, not with Paige here.”
“Enya.” Gavin said on a groan, standing up and raking a hand through his hair, pushing it out of his face.
“Gavin, the situation just isn’t right right now. Not with Paige in the next room, she could be out any second. We can’t-I can’t-It’s just…” she sighed and ran a hand through her own hair. “Not like this, Gavin.” she whispered. “This is too important to us-we’ve waited to long for it-to have this happen like this.”
“Enya, you’re killing me.” Gavin growled.
“I’m not the one who started this.” she said angrily. “This-you-mean enough to me that I want it to be more than a quick roll in the hay when we’re…together.” She stared at him, furious. He leaned forward and kissed her quickly.
“Soon.” he breathed in her ear, then turned and walked out of the room. Enya took a deep breath, raking a hand through her hair again.
“Very soon.” she muttered to the empty room.
© Copyright 2007 Gemma Wiskorski (UN: nyc_grl_2004 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Gemma Wiskorski has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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