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Rated: E · Book · Fantasy · #1186455
Mages from various elements join together, and are opposed by a small force. in progress.
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#473015 added December 4, 2006 at 12:57pm
Restrictions: None
Sevorin stared out the window of the small hut- not really a window, but a hole that they covered when it rained- watching the sun slowly rise from the east, casting a myriad of light and shadows, across the great oak forest to the east. Sevorin sighed regretfully, he had already been up for hours, but had yet to get outside for more then a few minutes.
“Pay attention” Whispered Turand, his head no more then an inch from Sevorin’s ear. Sevorin jumped, his head snapped up and he turned swiftly in his chair nearly bumping heads with Turand. He’d been so lost in his thoughts; he’d forgotten to pay attention to Turand’s voice.
“Sevorin if you want to get better you have to –“
“I know, I know.” Interrupted Sevorin impatiently, he spoke quickly in annoyance - though it seemed to be directed more at himself for lack of focus, then at his teacher. He had heard this speech more times then he could count, over his years of apprenticeship under Turand. “Getting stronger in Magic requires constant training” Said Sevorin doing his best to imitate Turand’s voice. “And if you don’t pay attention-.”
Sevorin heard a sharp snap and his fingers burned with pain “Ouch” yelped Sevorin, turning to stare accusingly at his master. “What was that for?”
Turand walked slowly in front of Sevorin, tapping the sick he had used to strike Sevorin rhythmically against his own hand. “Sevorin there isn’t long left before they find me, and before they do I have to teach you all I can so you have a chance to survive.” Then Turand smiled to try to ease the tension “Just a few more minutes we can go out and practice some spells”
Sevorin tried to pay attention; cautiously glancing at the sun, every minute or two hoping they would be finished soon. The lesson continued as it had for many years, Sevorin dutifully memorizing all he could; in order to avoid being struck again. Turand claimed that soon Sevorin would have to go out on a mission to join together members of the four mage guilds, sun, nature, water, and air. Once together they would have to find some lost scroll. Sevorin used to think it was just a joke of Turand’s - but Turand was so serious – Sevorin now realized, Turand believed every word he spoke was true.
Sevorin sat for what seemed like another hour, though judging by the sun it was a much shorter time. After which they went outside to practice nature magic. This was Sevorin’s favorite part of the day because he couldn’t stand being cooped up in the tiny hut, and he was able practice something he felt to be useful.
Sevorin shivered slightly as in the cool morning air; the rising sun had recently spread its light across the glade around the hut, but had yet to banish the bite in the air. He glanced about admiring the view, even though he had seen it almost every day –that he could remember - of his life. Behind the hut - to the west - was the small garden where they grew vegetables; they traded any excess, at the small town of Neivar necessities that they could not produce. To the east of the clearing a small glade sloped gently down to a small river, where they got their water; if it ran dry there was also a small well; a little ways downriver, built by someone who must have lived in the area years ago. The whole area was surrounded by forest.
A large deer stood in the clearing, staring at them with intelligent blue eyes. Sevorin greeted it with a slight wave as he followed Turand; it nodded slightly back, seeming to smile then turned its head to focus on Turand. The deer was named Hiatha, and it was bonded to Sevorin.
When they reached a certain age, every mage developed a bond with an animal, which allowed them to feel each others thoughts. Usually this age was around ten years old, but Sevorin, at thirteen, did not have a bond animal yet. This was a sore point with him; he had spent hours day dreaming about what his bond animal would be, he secretly hoped for a bear, but any animal would have made him happy.
When he turned ten old, Sevorin spent fifteen or twenty minutes of every day wandering through the areas near the hut, joyfully imagining what his bond animal would be. Everyday he came back disappointed, but Turand had preached patience and so he’d go out again the next day. Eventually though he had started to give up looking, by eleven he’d spend, at most, five minutes, and by twelve he’d given up entirely.
Between eleven and twelve Sevorin had often cried himself to sleep, unable to fathom why a bond animal wouldn’t come to him. Hearing him sobbing and guessing the cause, Turand had begun to tell him how his bond animal was really some great animal, which was stuck doing something so important that it couldn’t come to him yet. This had comforted young Sevorin for a while and eventually he had come to accept that he could do nothing about his lack of a bond animal, and had simply gone on living without one; though there was always a small void in his heart, waiting to be filled when he and his bond animal – if he ever got one – would eventually meet.
Hiatha came up to them and judging by the look on his face began speaking to Turand. Whenever Turand spoke to his bond animal a blank look would cross his face; when Sevorin had commented on it, Turand had said that it was natural and occurred to every mage, though with practice it was possible to maintain more control of your body, while conversing with your bond animal. As Sevorin watched, Turand’s face slowly turned from calm to agitated, when Turand finally came out of the trance he looked almost lost, he quickly turned to Sevorin.
“You will have to practice on your own for today” Turand said hopping onto Hiatha’s back, the moment he was one Hiatha started galloping “And after you are done with that weed the garden”
The thought of asking where Turand was going didn’t cross Sevorin’s mind until Turand was out of site.
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