Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation. |
Birthday poem for Gary Glenn; poetic line prompts from Yusef Komunyakaa; comments on the opening of Justin Marable's art exhibit at the Olive; images of a full moon sky; a beautiful senryu by Prosperous Snow; links to visit Mavis, our favorite former chiromancer. 10,190 views ** Image ID #1134109 Unavailable ** ███████ L'aura del campo ███████ AUTUMN: 2 Qudrat (5 November) 'é a lua, é a lua, na quintana dos mortos' ♣ Federico García Lorca ♣ MY THOUGHTS ... are best kept to myself! WEATHER 54º and cloudy where I am. 52º in Cleveland, Oklahoma 43º in Paris, France IMAGES Images of a full moon sky: No haze tonight, the moon is high, the upper part light grey, a center blotch of white, the southern edge much brighter; soft wisps of clouds move through its night, but do not block it; by moonlight I write black ink on white; the stars peek out, shy before its radiance. DREAMS I slept well last night. No big dreams nor nightmares that I can remember. POULTRY A football, red and blue pompoms, a hawk that is no bird. [163.421a] How Fatima became a princess Flax rope to spin strong woven cloth, wooden tent poles. [163.421b] The gallery in front of Henry's Coffeehouse On the phone pole, nails to hold art of droll cold hearts. [163.421d] Glacial And it is peaceful under the clear moonlight; cracks healing with the cold. And it moves slowly, slowly as the press of weight crushes and carries the stone. Time's lost below its depths, until it reaches the breach of ocean's edge; calving, calving, scattering a glint of rainbows. [163.423] Guitarman for Gary Glenn The strum provides a bass line, the voice a melody, his heart propels the beat, holds it back today; tomorrow will touch us in its own sweet time. He hums and stars respond with twinkles; the moonlight dims and trees begin to sway. He weaves a symphony of salve to heal with gentle rain. He strums the breaking of the night in twain. [163.422] For Gary Glenn of Tulsa and Cleveland, Oklahoma on his 34th brithday, November 4th. WRITING Set up a book here at WDC to put my entries for 'Ao Hanada'. Lines from Yusef Komunyakaa to be considered as prompts: - like a young tyrannosaurus lagging behind his brain - we butted heads till stars loomed over the redbuds - who cradled pump shotguns like lovers - she was a sheet of onion skin - when my mother lifted the lid and uncapped April - we were the night's slow dance - the name Brown fitted him like trouble - only to be amputated by the wind's white blade READING Yusef Komunyakaa's 'Magic City'! BLOGVILLE Really enjoyed Mavis Moog 's entries about palm reading and hypnosis: "Invalid Entry" , "Invalid Entry" , "Invalid Entry" , "Invalid Entry" , "Invalid Entry" . I'm very concerned about sultry. MY LIFE Spoke to my friend Liz. Spoke to Jen at the library. Went to the campanile for the bell concert at 3. Read blogs, some Komunyakaa, wrote a little, responded at length to emails. The day was sunny and pleasant. I ate corn chowder and later in the day took my medication. An okay day. But Saturday night ... went to an opening of an art exhibit by Justin Marable at the Olive. ART AT THE OLIVE Justin Marable does serigraphs of the rural Kansas landscape. He painted Highways 36 and 75 in gold on the chartreuse walls and put up images of Baileyville, Beattie and other places found in North-East Kansas, places I have been, having once lived and worked in Sabetha, Seneca and Hiawatha. The lonely grain elevator, church, post office, corncrib, car out in a field on a starry night (his favorite) are his subjects. Justion limits his color palette eliciting the pathos of black and white with surreal colors. He captures the emptiness and gives the impression that Man has merely left his thumbprint there, one that with time will wash away. His brother, Aaron Marable, paints in oils. Aaron's tryptych at Henry's-on-Old-Henry-Street looms above and behind the baristas, a commentary on the Last Supper. Presently, he is exhibiting in the small gallery at the Lawrence Art Center. His focus is on humanity and all its eccenticity and flaws. With Aaron, the humanscape overwhelms and nature becomes a prop to the drama on the canvas. A short slideshow of some of Justin Marable's work: His website: WATT'S GNUS Saddam Hussein will hang? Hell, I can think of a few U.S. politicians I'd like to see brought up on charges. I find the timing suspicious, but I don't like to dwell on consiracy theories. It makes me far too bitter and cynical. TREASURE OF THE DAY Intentional odes, accidental poetry September lovers. found in Prosperous Snow celebrating 's blog entry: "Magic" . I find that this senryu evokes deep emotion in me. You? POETIC QUOTE 'We were a blur of denim snagged By berry bushes at the crossroad Of an owls' sililoquy.' from "Halloween, the Late Fifties", Yusef Komunyakaa ** Image ID #1134108 Unavailable ** Kåre Enga |