Each snowflake, like each human being is unique. |
3 Mashiyyat 163 B.E. – September 29, 2006 "Invalid Entry" than the human race will find another way to communicate, to express itself. There is no other choice humans are gregarious, we have to communicate with each other, with ourselves, and with our Creator. It doesn’t matter what our concept of God is or isn’t, we have to communicate with something or someone outside ourselves. I think that’s why blogs are so popular, they give us a change to channel the energy of thought into something positive. Even if everything written in the blog is negative, (which eventually becomes extremely boring to reader) writing the blog is a positive act because it redirects the negative energy. As to why people give only positive uplifting comments when reviewing, I can’t say. Fortunately, the only time I can read someone else’s mind is when they are in the same room with me and a blood relative. I know that when I first started reviewing, I felt self-conscious when giving a review that didn’t stroke the ego. Maybe that’s the reason so many people give that type of review. Eventually I got over the fear of offending when I gave a suggestion on how to improve a piece of writing. I like getting reviews, both types of reviews. The positive sugar and cream reviews help me past the fear of putting my writing before the public. The true critiques help me improve my writing. If a critique is written properly, it doesn’t offend (at least not in most cases). I haven’t been giving a lot of reviews lately. I have a good excuse; I’m going for my Masters in Educational Technology. I’m taking a new course every five weeks with two assignments due every week. The assignments are a Discussion Board paper of between 3 and 6 paragraphs, an Individual Assignment consisting of 3 to 7 pages, and a Group Assignment. So it isn’t that I haven’t written anything. In addition, I’m working on a novel. However, I’m not sure that that’s why I’m not giving reviews. My life has been extremely stressful. I have very little money coming in and I’ve go medical and other bills to pay. My bank account is in overdraft, I have food and gas to buy. I actually did run out of gas on Tuesday. Fortunately, the car was in my driveway and I had enough gas to get it into the garage. Don’t ask me why I put it in the garage, I mean without gas nobody is going to steal it and I’m not even going to discuss the food situation. Let’s just say that there was one day I eat Rice Crispies mixed with peanut butter and jam. I now have gas in the car and real food in the refrigerator. |