Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/449949-Haiku-Bless-you
by Wren
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1096245
Just play: don't look at your hands!
#449949 added August 24, 2006 at 11:20pm
Restrictions: None
Haiku! ...Bless you!
Summer Haiku #4
No white geese today.
Canada geese have arrived
Now the pond is theirs.


"I hear you’re doing it again," said Margot at their regular meeting place, the mail box.

"Doing what?" Wren demanded.

"Writing zucchini poetry, it sounded like."

"Well, I’m not. And what if I were? Who have you been talking to?"

"Don’t get so touchy. I met one of your co-workers today in the shop, and she said you always come in and write down some little poem first thing when you get to your desk."

"That must have been Janet then. I’ve been composing haikus on my way to work. Somebody, I think it was dragonfly, told me they were easier to make up while you drive because you can remember them until you can get them written down."

"Maybe that’s what she was talking about. Just don’t run them into the ground like you did the dumb zucchini things."

"But I think I’m on a roll! Say, how did you like Celia? You weren’t very friendly."

"Don’t you think it’s a little strange that she moved here, right across the street from me?"

"What do you mean ‘strange’? What’s strange about it?"

Margot looked flustered. “Never mind. She’s very quiet, though, isn’t she? Sort of secretive?”

“I didn’t think of it that way. She’s a librarian, for goodness sakes. You wouldn’t expect her to be loud, would you?”

“No, I guess not. In fact, I’d think her skirts would swish and whisper, “Hush! Hush!”

“Oh, that’s enough! She seems like a perfectly nice lady, and she was interested in my poetry.”

“No wonder you like her…nobody else is.”

“That’s not fair!” Wren exclaimed. “But it’s probably true. It’s a good thing I don’t have to depend on you for support in that area. Now, when are you going to bring Ted over? Could you make it for dinner tomorrow night? Rupert’s coming by, and I know he’d enjoy Ted.”

“And so will you, but that still doesn’t mean I do. I’ll let you know tomorrow, okay?”

© Copyright 2006 Wren (UN: oldcactuswren at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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