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This is about a young female student and her English Teacher who fall in love. |
As she ate, Sam's mind drifted to the wedding day and what her wedding dress would look like. She started to think of all the people to be invited, where the wedding would be and the reception would be held as well. As her thoughts drifted over the wedding it occurred to her that nobody was really planning anything for the wedding. After finishing eating she got a piece of paper and a pen and headed for the living room. She started making a list of everybody she wanted to invite. When done she had thirty people listed, all friends and family members. "Randy, come here please!" Sam yelled, Randy came in from the kitchen still drying his hands from washing the dishes. "What?" "I was wondering, have you considered anything for the wedding yet?" Sam asked. "No, why?" Randy asked suspiciously. "Well, we only have about a month and half before school gets out. We plan to have it after graduation, right?" Sam asked. "Yes, of course!" Randy answered, not sure what she was getting at. "Well, what day would you like to have it on?" Sam asked. "I know, we get out Friday, June third. And that Saturday is graduation also, right?" Sam only nodded as he spoke. "Let's have it after the graduation ceremony!" "Are you crazy, how am I to get ready for graduation and a wedding planned for the same day?" Sam whispered. "Do you have your cap and gown?" Randy asked. "Yeah, got it last week." Sam answered. "Then all you have to do now for graduation is show up for the practice and for the actually show up." Randy said. "Well, then I also have to do is keep my grades up and plan a wedding." Sam said sarcastically. "Do you want help with the wedding?" Randy asked. "Yes I do, can I make a call?" Sam asked as she got up and headed for the phone in the hallway before he could answer. Sam picked up the phone and made a collect call to her mom. She waited as it rang and then her mom picked up. "Hello?" Came a female voice. "Hi, mom, it's Samantha," Sam said excitedly as she could. "Hi, Sam is anything wrong?" Her mom asked. "What would you say if I told you, you were invited to a wedding?" Sam asked slowly. "I thought your father was already married?" She asked. "No, dad's not married nor is he getting married," Sam said exasperated. She looked behind her to see Randy watching and trying not to laugh. "Who is getting married then?" Her mom asked. "Are you sitting down mom?" Sam asked and then her mom answered with a quick yes. "I am getting married at the end of the school year. In fact the day I graduate." "Excuse me! To who?" She demanded her voice shaking with each word. "My English Teacher, Randy Quake," Sam said in a rush and for a moment thought that her mom hadn't heard. "Oh, Sam tell me this is one of your really bad jokes." She demanded thinking that her daughter was trying to give her a heart attack. "No joke and I need your help. I need someone to help plan the wedding. With everything else I can't do it by myself, Alex, Jack and Steve are all leaving tomorrow and won't be able to help at all." Sam said in a desperate rush to change the subject a little. "What are they doing there?" Her mom asked surprised. "They came up to visit and to meet Randy!" Sam answered and was surprised when she felt Randy's arms wrap around her waist and he kissed her neck. She relaxed into his arms and leaned against him. He took her earlobe in his mouth and started sucking on it and that's when she tried to pull away from him, but he wouldn't let her go. "Stop that!" Sam hissed. "Who are you talking to?" Linda asked, bringing back Sam's attention. "Randy!" Sam answered before catching herself. "Where are you?" Linda asked. "Randy's house!" Sam answered afraid to lie. "Why are you there?" "I moved in with him a little over a week ago," Sam answered feeling like she was having a session of 20 questions. "So why are you getting married?" She demanded. "Because I love him." Sam said very proudly. "So, when will I see some grandchildren?" Linda asked knowing she was prodding for answers to explain why Sam was really marring Randy. "In about 8 months!" Sam answered inwardly cringing her stomach already knotting with what was come next. "Are you serious? I knew there was another reason for you marrying him!" Linda stated suspiciously. "Mom, I would not get married to him unless I loved him and was sure that the feelings were returned." Sam said her temper starting to rise defensively. "Fine, I want to talk to him, if he's still there," Linda demanded. "Okay, hold on," Sam put her hand over the receiver. "Randy my mom wants to talk to you." "Do I have to?" Randy asked with pathetic sarcasm. "Please?" Sam urged. Randy took the phone from Sam reluctantly, and held it to his ear. "Hello?" Randy spoke solemnly into the phone. "Hello, this is Randy right?" Linda asked. "Yeah, that's right!" Randy answered without offering anything else. "You sound young, how old are you?" Linda asked. "I'm 25." Randy answered. "No wonder my daughter likes you, you're so young. And you sound so gorgeous." Linda stated trying to push any buttons of his she could. "Well... Thank you, I think." Randy responded. "How long have you been a teacher?" "Almost three years now!" Randy said getting uneasy with the entire question. "How long were you seeing my daughter before you got her pregnant?" Linda demanded of him. "Almost the whole school year!" "Tell me something, Randy, what color are your eyes?" Linda asked. "Green, why?" "Samantha always had a thing for green eyes." Linda said matter of factly. "That makes me feel good!" Randy whispered. "What was that? Did you say something?" Linda asked. "I didn't say anything!" Randy lied. "Well... when is the wedding going to be?" Linda asked, ignoring the out right lie he handed her. "On the day of the graduation, after the ceremony." Randy said glad to change the subject. "Well, by the time the graduation, the wedding and the reception is over, you both are going to be exhausted." Linda commented dryly. "We'll manage, I'm sure. Oh, are you coming down to help with the planning?" Randy asked surprised by all the wrong turns of the conversation. "Yes, I am gong to come out next week on Friday." Linda answered getting a little suspicious. "Well, if you like, I would be more then happy to let you stay at the house with me and Sam for your visit?" Randy asked, not knowing what was possessing him. "Why, I'd be delighted to," Linda said, almost laughing at the thought of staying at his house. "Would you like to talk to your daughter again?" Randy asked with an urge not to talk to the woman any more. "No, just let her know I'll be down next week on Friday. Okay, bye," Linda said then hung up the phone before he could say anything in response. "What the hell were you thinking of asking my mom to stay here?" Sam asked when he hung up the phone. "To tell you the truth I have no idea," Randy answered. "Why?" "Because unlike my dad, my mom can get really nasty with my boyfriends!" Sam yelled. "Well, I am not your boyfriend, I am your fiancé!" Randy yelled back. "Well no matter, she will still find things wrong with you and try to convince us that we are no good for each other." Sam yelled again. "She already has the fact that you're a teacher and I'm a student." "Stop yelling, the both of you," Alex countered from the door way, behind her stood Steve and Jack. Both Sam and Randy could only stare at them for a moment. "How long have you guys been standing there?" Sam finally asked. "Since we heard you two fighting, we came down to see what was going on." Steve answered. "What were you two fighting about anyway?" "Mom!" Sam answered. "She's coming up isn't she?" Jack asked. "When?" "Next week on Friday!" Randy answered for her. "We won't be able to see her!" Steve commented dryly. "Do I sense some hostility in the room for this woman?" Randy asked. She practically ignored us our entire lives, which is until I was 20 and we decided to go to Boston, except for Sam who still had school. We all saved up for the trip." Alex took a deep breath. "By the time I was 21 we had saved a small sum of five thousand dollars. When we told mom that we were moving she broke down before us and became a totally different person. She pleaded with us not to go, but slowly she realized that she had already lost fight. When we left she latched onto Sammy and every time she brought home a boyfriend mom managed to scare him off for one reason or another. Mom didn't want to lose Sammy as well," Alex said softly. "But when dad offered to let Sam come with him when he moved, mom lashed out at him as well. Sammy agreed at any rate, and they moved here. We all love our mom, but we hate the way she treated us when we were younger." Alex finished. "Then why did you call her Sam, if it's true?" Randy turned to Sam. "Because I wanted mom to know we were getting on with our lives. I didn't know that you were going to feel generous and suggest she stay here." Sam said as she turned to leave, only to be stopped by Randy who could only frown at her. Her brothers and sister silently slipped out of the room. "I'm sorry," Randy said softly before giving her a soft kiss. "So am I Randy. I know you couldn't know what was going on with my family without me telling you fist I shouldn't have gotten mad at you." She whispered against his shoulder as he gave her a hug. "That's okay, I still love you even if you are a pain in the ass sometimes," Randy said before swatting her on the butt as he headed back to the kitchen to finish up the dishes from the morning meal. Sam stared after him with her hands on her hips but realized too late that she was laughing and he wasn't looking. |