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This is about a young female student and her English Teacher who fall in love. |
Randy sat in Andrew's back office of his classroom eating lunch with him. "So, let me get this straight, she's pregnant and you two are going to get married at the end of the school year?" Andrew asked softly. "Yes, that sounds about right. Oh, and I almost forgot something, you are the best man of course." Randy stated off handedly and took a bite of his sandwich. "I'm honored and you're crazy if you think this isn't going to blow up in your face. She's living with you and she's one of your students as well. That is a conflict of interest you realize this right!" Andrew demanded. "I'm actually surprised that her father didn't kill you out right!" "He may not like the situation and may be mad at us both but he still loves her dearly." Randy stated sitting back in is chair and looking at Andrew gravely. "He's hurting because she has been lying to him, and actually I never told her to do that. It was her choices not mine!" "Come on Randy, look at the situation and you know she felt she had no choice but to lie to him. Jesus, she knew he'd be pissed if he knew his little girl was dating her English teacher, not to mention sleeping with him!" Andrew said softly. "Give me a break. You're going to have to help fix this you know that right. She's going to be devastated if he isn't part of her life ever again. Or even the baby's life as well, not to mention the whole giving her away at the wedding!" "Doesn't mean I have to like it but yes I know!" Randy stated looking away from him for a moment then back again. "The question is how?" "What is the most important thing to her right now beside you?" Andrew asked. "Her family, what's your point?" Randy demanded. "Bring them here. You said she's got brothers and a sister right?" Andrew asked. "That's brilliant, she'll love that!" Randy said a broad smile crossing his face. "I knew there was a reason why I kept you around." "And here I thought it was for my wit and charm." Andrew said exasperated. "No that's why your wife keeps you around!" Randy said standing and cleaning up his mess. "I'll see you later; I've got some planning to do." The next week went by slowly as Sam tried to make the adjustments to moving in with Randy. Anne made several trips between Sam's father's house bring over her stuff; James didn't try and stop her from taking the stuff. Randy tried to help as much as he could and even went over once and filled his car with stuff and actually talked to James a little more after hearing the message that had been left on the answering machine. He didn't let Sam know that he had heard the message or that he spoke to her dad afraid that she would think he was going behind her back. On Friday morning Randy asked Sam if she would stop at the store on her way home and pick up some things for dinner and gave her money for it. She got out of her Jeep and started for the front of the store. Pulling out the list she looked down at it and stared at in confusion for a moment. Realizing that it was a list of some odd things she knew that Randy didn't even eat on normal bases. She tried to make it as quick as possible knowing that something was up. When she got to the door of Randy's house she stood staring at it a moment before reaching up and opening the door. Standing just inside the door was her oldest brother Jack, farther back was her second oldest brother Steve, who was standing next to the oldest of them her sister, Alex. From the kitchen entrance she saw Randy enter with a smile. "How could you, Sammy?" Jack asked showing a pretend look of hurt. "Jack, Steve, Alex?" She asked very stunned, a single tear slid from her eye. Sam knew it had only been a few months since the last time she had seen them all but it was still a surprise. Sam ran to Alex and hugged her tightly, then turned to Steve just as tightly, and was surprised to feel him give her a light kiss on her cheek. She pulled away and smiled up at him. She then turned to Jack to see him with his arms crossed over his chest. Her smiled quickly faded at the sight of him. She took in his 6' 1", slim but well-defined frame. His face was clean shaven; his hair much like hers was black, thick and naturally curly, but much shorter. His eyes like hers were emerald green; if it weren't for the four year age difference they could have been twins. Sam walked up to him looking deeply into his eyes and spoke softly. "How did I hurt you so?" She whispered for only him to hear. "You didn't tell all of us, Alex says she knew since the last time we were here that you were seeing your teacher." Jack answered. "If I had told you, what would you have done?" Sam asked and then suddenly held up her hand to keep him from answering her. "You are about to tell me you would have accepted it but we all know that's not entirely true. You would have ripped him verbally apart trying to get him to run in the other direction. And I couldn't have that." Slowly Jack's features began to soften and relax, as he gripped her in a bear hug to where she almost cried out in pain. "You are too strong for your own good some times!" She said when he let go. Finally Sam looked towards Randy, who had been watching the scene while leaning against the door frame. She smiled knowing that he had brought them here for her. Sam walked over and gave him a long hug. "I love you, how did you manage to get three of the most stubborn family members I have to come all the way down here after being her only a few months ago." Sam asked as soon as she let him go. "I told them you were dying." Randy stated seriously. "You are too much, now tell me!" Sam said. "I told them we were getting married and that you had been asking to see them," Randy said. "I am totally serious!" "How long have you guys been here?" Sam asked turning to Alex. "About 45 minutes!" She answered, "Dad told him how to get a hold of us in Boston!" "I can't believe you actually got him to talk to you!" Sam said turning to look at Randy who just shrugged. They all sat down to a small dinner. Sam's brothers and sister told Randy all the acts of stubbornness and trickery she had committed when younger. Exaggerating just a little here and there, but she didn't care she was too happy. Only once interrupted to clarify why she had broken a guy's nose. "Come on, Derek deserved it fully, he called me a bitch. I couldn't very well just let him get away with it." Sam said with a sigh at the memory. But was surprised to hear a full hearty laugh bellow from Randy. She didn't bother to comment so they continued talking about family's and the difference between an only child and a child with lots of brothers and sisters. Not surprised that Randy seemed so relaxed around her family. But she could see that Jack still wasn't happy about something and finally spoke up as desert was served. "So what caused you two to decide to get married?" Jack turned on Sam, who was a little surprised by the topic. "You mean dad or Randy didn't tell you?" Sam asked, everyone shook their heads. "I'm pregnant!" Sam was totally surprised when both her brothers jumped up to their feet in anger. So was Randy but he was quick to react and was on his feet stepping back. Alex just put her head in her hands not sure what to do. As her brother's began to stalk towards Randy they were brought up short by a high pitched whistle. They turned to see that Sam was standing with her hands on her hips glaring at them. "This isn't the fifth century so sit your ass' down." They stood there looking at her not sure what else to do. "I happened to be a willing partner in this weather you guys like it or not. I am not sorry about any of it in fact I am quiet happy. Any objections?" Sam asked, and then waited for a response. When none came she sat down and began to finish her dessert. Everybody else followed her lead and began eating as well; nobody talked for about ten minutes. "When is the baby due?" Alex finally broke the silence. "November 25th." Sam answered smiling because Alex had decided to help redirect the conversation to something else. "Are you going to find out if it's a boy or girl?" Alex asked. "I've decided that everyone is going to have to wait until the baby is born." Sam said softly. "You better watch out for that Randy, when she gets something in her head there is no changing her mind." Jack said. "You are a bastard Jack." Sam spat, but a slow smile crept over her face. "Well, thank you for consulting me about our child!" Randy commented sourly. "I told you she can be over bearing when she wants something her way," Jack commented, suddenly a napkin ring went sailing past Jack's ear barely nicking him. He looked across the table at Sam who was grabbing for the next available thing to throw at him. "And I suppose you are not at all the overbearing type, Jack?" Sam asked mockingly. "Not one bit," Jack said laughing again; he saw another smile pass across her face at the way he said that. Steve and Alex had both kept quiet during these last few minutes just watching the outcome of the little quarrel. Both very intrigued by it and not wanting to laugh. To everyone's surprise Sam got up without looking at anyone again or saying a thing and went into the front hall. They all heard her pick up the phone and dial a number and begin to talk to someone. Nobody in the kitchen did or said anything, unsure of what she was doing. Finally after a few minutes they all heard her hang up the phone. She came into the kitchen with a smile that set her whole face a glow. Again without saying anything she sat down and finished her dessert. Suddenly Steve couldn't hold his tongue any longer and blurted out. "Who in the hell did you call?" "I called dad, if you must know." Sam said with much delight. She smiled happily as she cleared the table a few moments later. Randy got up then grabbed Sam by the waist when she put down the dishes. Turning her around he gave her a long and passionate kiss, Jack sat there glaring at Randy like he would like nothing better then to deck him. "You did that on purpose Randy!" Sam whispered seeing the look on Jack's face. "I've never seen Jack as protective as I have today. Please don't taunt him." "But I love to taunt people," Randy said lightly. "Sammy no offense but he is an ass hole!" Jack said a little upset. "And if you must know that is just the way I like him," Sam said a little hotly. "Where are you guys staying?" "They're staying right here, in my guest bedrooms." Randy said proud of himself. "So Sam, where are you staying, Randy said that you're not living with dad anymore?" Alex asked but guessing the answer. Sam could see a glimmer of innocent taunting in her sister's eyes when she asked the question. "Oh, here with Randy." Sam said but the knock at the door interrupted any other discussion. For Sam pried loose from Randy and practically ran to the front door. Everybody followed, ever so curiously. And were surprised to see as Sam opened the door to see their father walk through the door carrying a box. "Ah, so this is why Randy wanted to know how to get a hold you three!" James stated matter-of-factly. He walked past Sam and hugged each of his kids in turn. He then turned to Randy with an approving smile. "What's the box dad?" Steve finally asked. "You mean Sam didn't tell you why she called me. She asked me to bring some of her clothes and stuff over," James answered with a little irritation at having to explain. "But now I see why else she called me down here." "So when were you going to tell us you were living here with him?" Jack asked still a little angry. "I thought maybe someone had already told you like dad!" Sam answered. "When did this happen?" Jack demanded. "She's been staying here for a little over a week now! I kicked her out after I found out about this. Her calling me was the first time we've talked since it happened." James asked looking over at Sam with a sad smile. "That's also why I called," Sam said. "So nobody was going to tell us about this." Jack demanded. Sam stepped forward and placed a kiss on his cheek. "We were going to tell you at a more appropriate time, we're still trying to figure everything out." Sam whispered. James stayed and visited until about 9 o'clock, then left for home. Alex and Steve went to get ready for bed, but Jack wasn't about to let it all go at least not right away. Randy made himself comfortable on the couch before letting Sam sit on his lap. Jack looked at them for a moment after getting comfortable himself. "When do you plan to get married?" Jack finally asked. "As soon as she graduates. That way she won't be a student any longer," Randy answered. "What do you plan to do about the school if anyone finds out about this wedding before it happens?" Jack demanded. "We are dealing with that already. The principle, Mr. Dodson, he suspects a small version of the truth strongly. We act like student and teacher in the classroom, so it shouldn't be a problem to dissuade him of any notions," Sam said in a low voice yet quite clearly. "Sam you never cease to amaze me. Even at 19 you're still running rampant," Jack said and she could see the laughter in his emerald green eyes. "Now," Randy said lightly, "I think it's a little late so why don't we retire for the night? We can talk some more tomorrow over breakfast!" With that Randy stood holding Sam's whole body in his arms. But of course Sam didn't take this lightly. "Damn it put me down!" Sam almost yelled trying not to laugh before Randy could take a step. He obliged and dropped her. Sam sat there rubbing her rear when Alex and Steve came running down. Jack and Randy were laughing and Sam was bright red with embarrassment. Steve came over and helped her up. But was surprised at the looks he was getting from everybody. He then looked down and remembered that all he was wearing was a pair of black silk boxer shorts. Nobody missed his sheepish grin or Sam's happy one. "I'm glad you liked your last birthday present!" Sam said to everybody's surprise. "You bought your brother a pair of boxer shorts?" Randy asked. "Yeah, bought Jack pair too, except his are white," Sam said and everyone saw Jack's face turn slight shade of pink. "Okay, I think we've had enough and I think it's time for bed." Alex said and started to head back upstairs. Everyone else followed suit and started upstairs as well. When Randy and Sam got to the door of Randy's bedroom they both heard a door open behind them. Turning they saw Steve standing there looking at them. "I like you Randy but just so you know, break her heart and you won't want to find out what I'll do!" Steve said, Sam was surprised by the statement. "It's not in the plan so let's not worry about it." Randy stated, Steve only nodded before going into his bedroom and closing the door. When they got into the room Sam undressed and slid into bed. Randy was just finished getting undressed when Alex suddenly barged in. She stopped cold when she saw that he was undressed. "Oh, my god, I'm so sorry." Alex whispered turning red with embarrassment. Randy looked at her getting irritated at the intrusion and just stood there with his arms crossed not bothering to cover himself. The smile she had on her face broadened when she realized that he wouldn't cover himself. "What do you want?" He asked. By then Sam had gotten her robe from the end of the bed and had put it on and sat at the end of the bed. "I just came to ask if you had any aspirin." Alex asked and started to laugh when his facial expression changed from frustration to one of pure surprise. Then without answering, he turned and went into the bathroom. He came back a moment later with a small bottle and handed it to her. "Here’s the bottle, keep it." Randy said leading her to the door. Just then Steve was standing in front of them. "What is this, a damn reunion?" Steve didn't say anything just looked at Randy in surprise. He hadn't seen that Randy was naked, because he was standing behind Alex. By now Sam had already realized what was happening and was laughing hysterically. "What are you laughing at Sam?" Jack asked as he came in. Alex had turned to look at Sam so now Jack and Steve had a full view of Randy's naked body. "Did we interrupt something?" Steve asked sarcastically, trying not to laugh. But Jack took the whole situation the wrong way. He was trying to keep control but was turning red at the attempt. "Yes, as a matter of fact you are. We were just about to go to sleep, when you all began this childish masquerade." Randy hissed out. Alex and Steve each grabbed Jack and dragged him back to his own room. Randy closed the door and made a show of locking it. He shaking his head; he couldn't believe how protective Sam's brothers and sister were over her. "Randy, what's the matter?" Sam came up behind him slowly putting her around him. "Never have I seen three grown people act so weird in my life," Randy said and was again surprised to hear her laugh. "Randy, you happen to be talking about the three people I've grown up with since birth. When my parents divorced, I was only two years old. All I had were them to lean on and we are all very close to each other," Sam sighed slowly, knowing that the mood was probably dead. She decided to try anyway. She pulled away slightly and removed her robe and let it fall to the floor, then reached up and turned him kissing him sweetly her hands gliding over his chest. His arms went around her immediately and brought her to the bed. He kissed her repeatedly and softer each time. "Are we forgetting some people?" Randy asked pulling back a moment. "Let them find someone to make love to, I already did." Sam said slowly, and then she began to kiss him some more. He laughed against her lips for a second before deepening the kiss. He gently pushed her down on the bed and slowly kissed his way up her leg and stopped just inside her thigh. He could hear her moaning already. He slowly slipped a finger in her to feel that she was already wet and was about to do it some more when she stopped his hand. She pushed him down next to her and put her hand around his shaft and she heard him suck in his breath. She couldn't help but smile before she licked the tip and felt him shudder. And just as she was about to go down o him, he stopped her and pulled her to sit on top of him. She rode him slowly until she felt that he was about to explode and then turned around so that she as facing away from him as she rode him, she bent over a little and rode him that way, she could feel him grab onto her hips as he thrusted up several times until he came with her. Afterwards Sam was sure that at least one of her relatives had heard them. They both slept a little late for a week day. Sam awoke knowing that everyone was already up. Sam slowly rolled over to find that Randy was already up and in the bathroom. She sat up to find her robe, slipping it on she then saw the box her father had brought over now at the end of the bed. She went and opened it up to find an envelope with her name on it. She quickly recognized her father's handwriting. She grabbed the envelope and sat at the end of the bed, opening it she began to read: Dear Sam; I know that we were both mad at each other for what happened the day you found out you were pregnant. I'm hoping we can find a place in the middle to meet and forgive each other and move forward. I would be honored to walk you down the aisle, and be there when your baby a born. Love, Dad Sam slowly folded the letter and placed it back into the envelope. For the longest time she sat there taking it all in. She didn't even hear Randy come out of the bathroom after his shower. He saw her just sitting there and saw the envelope in her hand. Her head come up and she looked at him, he saw a solitary tear slide down her cheek. He took the envelope carefully from her opening it to find the note inside. He pulled it out only to find another slip of paper. It was a check for three thousand dollars and a note stapled to it. 'Be happy.' Randy handed it to Sam with a little hesitation. Unsure of what her reaction would be to the money. She took it and just looked at it before a small smile broke out on her face. "Why are you smiling?" Randy asked confused by her suddenly mood change. "My dad obviously wants the money to be used for the baby." She said setting the note and the check on the bed and started to get dressed. She pulled on a pair of jeans, white t-shirt, and tennis shoes. Randy led her downstairs where her brothers and sister were waiting patiently for breakfast at the dinning room table. Sam was surprised when Randy sat her down at the table, and then everyone else got up and headed into the kitchen. Before she could say anything they came back carrying eggs, bacon, milk, orange juice, and hash browns. They were all grinning. "Happy belated birthday!" They sang as they sat down. "Thanks guys, you are so sweet, what time is it anyway?" Sam asked suddenly remembering that it was Tuesday. "It's about 8 o'clock, why?" Steve asked slowly. "Because school started 20 minutes ago." Sam said surprised that he would ask. "We took care of that already. We called up dad and he called up the school and told them that you had a really bad case of the stomach flu," Alex jumped in happily. "You guys are too much, you know that. And you, Randy. I can hardly believe that you went along with this idea," Sam said wryly. "Actually it was my idea, I kind of had to go along with it," Randy said laughing, then ducked just barely missed by a piece of flying toast. "That is for not asking me first," Sam said trying to sound mad, it failed when a smiled spread across her face and she had a hard time not laughing out loud. "What about your classes?" "Sarah is substituting my class for me today. I called up the school and had them request her since I know she didn't have to work today." Randy answered. |