The ups and downs of being single in your 30's...early 30's that is. |
On Sunday the deaf church my grandparents have attended for many years was having a special mass for All Souls Day in remberance of all the individuals that have passed since last November. So my whole family went with my grandma. It was so cute to see how proud she was. During the mass they were going to have a candle lighting ceremony and one member of each family that had someone who passed could go to the alter and light a candle in their memory. My family picked me to do this. As with all public actions I had the nerves start to work on me a bit...pounding heart, sweaty know the drill. But when his name was called I got up without hesitation and walked to the front. Had a small issue with the darn non-smokers...but got it lit and returned to me seat. My grandma was smiling from ear to ear. My aunts who were sitting in the row behind me commented on how proud my grandma would be of me doing this and later thanked both Matt and I for attending church with them. I know they were just being nice and appreciative; however, part of me felt like a little kid that finally did something right. It wasn't a big deal, I actually chuckled to myself, but it made me realize that in all my aunt's eyes I am still their little niece. |