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First book in a series about 8 teens who find stones allowing them to control nature. |
Chapter 9 The Outsider “Good morning class. I would like to welcome our new student,” said Ms. A. “His name is David. He has just transferred here from Wisconsin.” The whole class looked up to see what David looked like. He was a thin boy a bit taller than Jonathan. He had blonde hair although it wasn’t as blonde as Bobby’s and he had brown eyes. “This kid kinda looks like a loser doesn’t he Nick?” asked Kemelly. “Easy target for pranks without a doubt,” said Nick. Sitting in front of Nick was Stephanie. She whispered to Nick without turning her head or her body, “A-hem. I was new this year too. You didn’t give me a hard time so don’t give this kid a hard time either.” “Does anyone want to volunteer to show David to his classes?” asked Ms. A. Stephanie’s hand shot up. “I’ll do it,” she said. She then patted the seat next to her indicating to David to sit next to her. “Hi, I’m Stephanie and these are two of my friends, Nick and Kemelly. You can sit with us at lunch David,” said Stephanie to David. Stephanie helped David find his classes before lunch. He had at least one of Stephanie’s friends in each class. Stephanie introduced them to each other and things seemed to be going great for the new kid. At lunch, all nine of them sat at one table. All of them had their necklaces out and David couldn’t help but ask, “Hey where did you all get those necklaces?” All of them looked at each other. Kemelly’s and Andrew’s jaws dropped, but it was Bobby that spoke. “Stephanie and I bought ours off the internet. Yep that’s it; we bought them off the internet.” “But then where did everyone else get theirs?” inquired David. Patty spoke up this time, “Well as you can see all of these are made in amazing Brazil. These stones are taken straight from the caves in Brazil. I have some family there and when I saw them, Oh My God, I had to buy them in all the colors for my best friends.” “Those are Patty’s shopping instincts all right,” said Jonathan. “Are you calling me stupid?!?” asked Patty. She then kicked Jonathan from under the table. He then called her a few words he shouldn’t have and Jessica slapped him as she was sitting right next to him. “Jonathan, let me tell you a wise quote said by Benjamin Franklin,” said David, “Women, you can’t live with them but you definitely can’t live without them.” Andrew made a very obvious fake laugh and Jonathan joined in. Trying to make David’s day miserable, Kemelly spilled all of David’s water on his shirt using her power to control water. All she said were the words “splash” and “disseminate” causing the water to spread to every last inch on his shirt making it look like he fell in a toilet. That afternoon at David’s house, his mom found a small clear black rock. She put it on his desk in his room. When David picked it up he felt a chill around him, and on his desk, a necklace appeared, much like the ones that Stephanie and her friends had. He put it around his neck and then placed the stone inside the metal part. It snapped hard and sliced a small piece of his left index finger off his hand. “Ah, at least I won’t have to cut myself later today,” he said. Then his window shattered and a dark shadow flowed into his room and settled into the stone. He then said to himself, “I must reach the center of the Bermuda Triangle.” Then Stephanie opened the door to his room and said, “I thought you might want some help with your homework.” She looked at his chest and saw a necklace. When she handed him the studying material, she looked at his hand and saw the cut. She finished helping him with his homework, but couldn’t help looking at his room and his collection of music. He seemed to really like the color black and also red. She walked out of his house and turned into a hawk she petted at the zoo. She flew over to Bobby’s house to tell him what she heard and saw. She flew to his window outside his room and began to peck it. He didn’t notice so she tried to talk to him. She thought in her mind and directed her thought to Bobby. ~Open the window, it’s me Stephanie.~ He looked around his room and then looked at his window. He opened it up and let Stephanie in. She then quickly became human and explained that she saw David wearing a necklace. On that necklace was a clear black stone, the same stone she saw fly away from Jessica a few days earlier. She also said she saw the cut on his hand like some of their friends got when they didn’t move their hands from the metal part of the necklace fast enough. “Right before I opened the door to his room I heard him say something about needing to go to the center of the Bermuda Triangle,” explained Stephanie. “What is this supposed to mean?” asked Bobby. “I don’t know but I do remember feeling and seeing the evil around Jessica’s stone that day. When it split she went back to normal. That stone that David has is evil, and since a necklace showed up after he touched it, it means it was meant for him.” “So you are saying he is evil?” “You should’ve seen his room.” “We have to check out this stuff on the Bermuda Triangle. We need to find a way to get to the center.” “Don’t worry I’ll be able to be an orca by this weekend I promise. I can swim you guys over there no problem.” “Then it’s settled. Although I think we should just rent a boat. Jonathan and Nick both have boaters’ licenses” “One problem, there are many different beliefs of where the Bermuda Triangle spreads.” “I’ll find every different map of it possible and put them over each other on the computer combining them into one triangle or whatever shape it is going to make.” “I’ll call the guys, you call the girls to let them know. We head out this Saturday morning. We meet at the marina. We’ll tell them the time at school. When you call them explain what you saw and heard at David’s. He also likes you the most out of us so try to find out as much as possible and see if there is anything different about him.” “OK, I’m out.” Stephanie opened the window, quickly turned into a blue jay and flew out. Stephanie continued to watch David throughout the whole week and noticed he started to become more and more isolated. She never saw his stone glow, but she suspected he probably knew what it he could use it for already. They all decided to meet up at 7:30 am on Saturday. Bobby got the coordinates to the center and they got on their rental boat. It was about a three hour boat ride. To keep everyone from getting too bored, they all practiced using their powers. Stephanie was the first to try this. Stephanie dove off the side of the boat. She then tried to become an orca whale as fast as possible. In less than ten seconds, there was an orca swimming next to the boat. There was a lot of wind at the front of the boat so Bobby jumped off the front and made the wind push up from under his body and forward from behind his legs allowing him to fly. Kemelly tried to walk on water. She jumped off the side opposite Stephanie and made the water move upward toward the surface allowing her to walk on water. She started off by running. She began to fall because the water wasn’t moving fast enough under her feet. Jessica, Jonathan, and Andrew started target practice. Jonathan would send a rock flying and Jessica would freeze the rock and try not to miss. Then Andrew would shoot a lightning bolt from his hand and disintegrate the ice rock. After three seemingly fast hours, the group arrived at the coordinates. Nick asked, “What do we do now? There is nothing here. We are completely surrounded by water.” “Simple, we dive down and have a look,” said Kemelly. “Me and Kemelly will take care of this,” said Stephanie. She then jumped off the boat again and turned into a dolphin in less than five seconds. Kemelly jumped in after her and they dove under the water with Kemelly holding Stephanie’s dorsal fin. ~Do you see anything?~ asked Stephanie. All Kemelly could do was shake her head. After about a minute holding their breaths, they arose to the surface. “We didn’t find anything, the water was way too murky,” stated Kemelly. “Did Stephanie use her echolocation?” asked Bobby. ~Oh! That’s right I forgot all about that.~ “And Kemelly did you forget that you could create currents to move all the water away?” asked Andrew. Kemelly blushed. “We will be right back,” replied Kemelly. After nearly two minutes under water, they came to the surface and Kemelly said, “There is a sort of temple all the way at the bottom and it seems to be abandoned. There seems to be an entrance.” “What are we waiting for, let’s do it,” said Jessica. “This is not good, whenever Jessica gets excited about doing something unsure, we are in trouble,” said Nick. They all laughed and then dove into the water. Stephanie became human and then went back to an orca. They all grabbed one of Stephanie’s fins and they swam down to the entrance. At the entrance, Stephanie dropped them all off and they all swam up to what looked like an opening with air. Stephanie swam back up to the surface, became human, caught her breath, and then became a dolphin again. She then swam through the passage an orca would not fit through and caught up with the others. They were all sitting on the floor of a very seemingly dark room. She then became human again and walked up the stone steps into the room. “It is really impossible to see in here. My make-up must look awful,” said Patty. “Let’s see if it does look awful,” said Nick. After he said this, his stone glowed and a fireball appeared in his hand. “Ahh!” screamed Jonathan. “What is it?” asked Jessica. “Patty’s face!” Jonathan replied. “You guys this isn’t time for dumb jokes, we have to see what is in this room,” said Andrew. They began to walk through what seemed like an endless hallway. As they were walking, Kemelly pointed out something glowing in the distance; it was a pure white glow. They continued to walk towards it. When they were about fifty feet from it, it moved towards them. They stopped walking, “Is this freaking anyone else out but me?” asked Stephanie. They all replied yes. Then the light disappeared. When they walked past the final arch, Nick was hit in the chest by something he could not see. Then the room lit up with white light. Since it was so dark on the way, they were almost blinded. “So, you finally came,” said a soothing female voice. “What took you’ll so long. I thought maybe if I flew around it might make you move faster,” said a demanding female voice. When their eyes adjusted, before them stood a beautiful Angel and floating on her shoulder was a small fairy. The angel said, “My name is Melanie. I am the Angel of Light.” They all stared in wonder at her. They stared at her beautiful long, blonde hair and the rest of her. She truly was the most beautiful creature. Then they noticed her necklace and her eight wings. Quite randomly, the fairy said, “Mah name is Carla.” “Carla do you know who you remind me of?” asked Patty. “I ain’t a mind reader girl. Tell me who I remind you of,” demanded Carla. “Tinkerbelle!” “Oh no she din’t! Girl Tell me she din’t say I look like Tinkerbelle. I am sorry, but that little perfect fairy bit off my look! Hold Mah Earrings, Hold Me Back!” and she went on and on and on until Melanie interrupted. “You have gathered eight of the ten stones I see. These stones must be gathered here in this temple along with the stones of light and dark. I possess the stone of light,” said Melanie. “We know who possesses the dark stone. It’s a boy in our class named David and we believe he will arrive here after nightfall,” said Stephanie. “I see. Did you gather the pieces for the Bermuda Triangle Tablet?” asked Melanie. “The what?” asked Nick. “The Bermuda Triangle Tablet pieces, they were scattered to the three corners of the Bermuda Triangle and put inside their own small temples underwater. The sooner you retrieve them, the sooner we can achieve balance in the world between the elements. There is unrest right now and the stones must be placed in the tablet. “There are three pieces in the corner temples. They are being guarded by titans of the elements. The top corner temple is the temple of the living elements, Plants and Animals. The temple on the far left is the temple of the transitional elements, Wind, Water, and Ice. And the closest temple to here is the temple of the uncontrollable elements, Lightning, Fire, and Earth. You must leave now and retrieve the pieces,” said Melanie. “And how do we know where the temples are?” asked Kemelly. “Two of you already possess maps of the Bermuda Triangle. Simply give one map to each group and the last group will be accompanied by Carla. You must hurry when you are done, return to this temple with the tablets,” said Melanie. They all ran to the other end of the temple and swam out. Jonathan, Andrew, and Nick took the boat. Kemelly, Jessica, and Bobby took turns moving through currents and flying. Patty rode Stephanie on the way there. Bobby and Stephanie had maps so Jonathan, Andrew, and Nick were stuck with Carla. |