Zee Journal! |
Erotica shall bring us together! Well, at least for loon and myself. If you haven't checked out her portfolio, you really need to. All the cool kids are doing it too. Don't you want to be cool? You can find her port here:
To add to the list of things the cool kids are doing now, you need to check out Escape if you are an RPer. Now I'm not doing this because I have been threatened. Heaven's no. I was promised pain and suffering otherwise.
Today has been such a full day for me in my Writing.com world. I talked for hours, got a short story done(which I hate, HATE I TELL YOU!), and started out my RPing career here with Aoba from my Tes story. Even though I was called a lame ass for using a regular Katana. Oh well, can't all be perfect? ;) ::Ducks from loon's impending attack:: It's okay, she lives in Australia anyways. It's like 4 in the afternoon on the 22nd there. Shit, she's in the future. I would also like to get this little tidbit out now because I know she will probably be all kinds of busy tomorrow, and I'll make sure to call her too, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHELE! You're 22 and old like me! Woo! You guys should check out her blog too. It's very heartfelt and deserving of a look. Hell, maybe we can get her to actually post in it more! Just send her angry hate male threatening her dogs. She loves that http://www.bloglines.com/blog/MicheleRobinson?id=1 Woo! I'm out for a bit ::Pants:: |