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Rated: ASR · Book · Action/Adventure · #982893
An ancient prophesy comes to life...
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#368311 added August 23, 2005 at 7:18pm
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Chapter One
         An ancient prophesy comes to life: "While the world is cloaked in shadow, a light shall arise." The world clings to this prophesy for hope, a hope that would set them free from the darkness that bound them...
         We see our hero, a young boy (about 14) by the name of Robert Trebor, as he sets off for school (an unlikely place for an adventure to begin, I know, but, nonetheless, this is how it happened)...


         Robert sighed, looking at the ground. It had been a bad day so far and it was only eight in the morning. He still had to go to school, which looked like a bit of light in this horrible morn. Luckily, the school wasn't too far away, it was even in sight, and that fact made Robert smile. Besides, his friends Jennifer and Gregory Nurope were going to be there as well, and the odds were that they'd brighten up his day.
         The small house made into a school had children all around it, playing, laughing, and talking. Robert spotted Gregory and smiled, waving and running up to him.
         "Hey! Gregory!" He finally reached him. "How are you?"
         The tall boy smirked at his friend. He was 16, two years older than Robert, and Jennifer's older brother. Robert and he had been friends ever since they had met. "I'm doing pretty well. Looks like you've had a pretty bad day so far, though, eh?" he commented, pointing to Robert's scrape on his arm and bruised face.
         Robert had been in a fight early on in the day. A bully that lived across the street from him roughed him up. He put up a good fight though, especially considering that the bully was a year older and stronger than him (and had years of training by his father, who was part of the military). Not liking this conversation anymore, Robert changed the topic. "Where's Jennifer?"
         Gregory scratched his head in confusion. "She said she was going to meet you on the dirt road on the way here. Didn't you see her?"
         Robert shook his head. "Nope."
         Gregory started to panic, so Robert, noticing this, tried to comfort him. "Perhaps she's just a little late. She'll probably be here in time for class. Let's just go inside and wait, 'kay?"
         Gregory nodded and they went inside. After a few minutes, the school bell rang and all the children went to their seats. The teacher started lecturing and Jennifer still wasn't there, making Gregory worry more and more. He couldn't focus on his work, nor on the teacher, but kept looking back at the door in hope of her coming through it. Suddenly, a sharp blow fell to his head. He held his head and looked at the culprit.
         "Would it be too much to ask that you actually listen to my lectures, Mr. Nurope?" asked Mr. Maji, the teacher. He was tall and wore a long brown mantle that dragged on the ground. His long black hair fell beneath his shoulderblades and he had a stim of wheat that he was chewing on in one hand, and his rod in the other, the weapon.
         Gregory sighed and nodded, taking one last look at the door. He then turned and went back to his work.
          A few more minutes went past (which seemed like hours for poor Gregory), and Mr. Maji stood up and walked to the distressed boy's desk. "Where is your sister, may I ask, Mr Nurope?"
         Gregory winced and looked up at the teacher. "I wish I knew. She's been missing since this morning."
         Mr. Maji nodded. "Where and when was she last seen?"
         "Leaving my house to meet Robert on his way here."
         The tall man walked over to Robert. "So... did you see her?"
         Robert shook his head. "Not since yesterday."
         Mr. Maji nodded and rubbed his chin. He glaced to the door and then put his wheat stim in his mouth and went back to his desk. "She's here."
         At that moment Jennifer burst in the door, panting. Her hair was messed up and her clothes were slightly torn. She rushed to her seat and sat down.
         Mr. Maji, without looking up from his deskwork, spoke. "Ms. Nurope--"
         Jennifer interrupted. "Yes, I'm late. I'm so sorry. I thought I would take a shortcut through the forest to Robert's house, but it didn't turn out as planned, as you can tell. I--"
         Mr. Maji shook his head. "I was simply going to welcome you to class. Thank you, anyway, for the full confession of where you've been, though. It's useful to explaining your current state."
         Jennifer blushed and tried to calm down. She opened up her bag and pulled out a writing untensil and began her work, thoroughly embarrassed.
         The rest of the school day went as usual, with Arithmetic, Social Sciences, Alchemy, and English. Finally, the day let out and all were free to go home. As Gregory, Jennifer, and Robert were about to leave the building, Mr. Maji stopped them. "May I speak with you, Mr. and Ms. Nurope?" Jennifer and Gregory turned around, looked at each other, then looked at Robert.
          Robert gave a weak smile. "I guess I'll see you later, guys. I'll meet you in town."
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