Things I find myself only able to express in words and in this journal - welcome! |
I think since I've been putting my titles in Spanish, less people have been reading my journal. Of course, if I looked at a journal and it seemed to have a German title, I probably wouldn't check and see if the entry was or wasn't in German. I put the titles in Spanish in order to practice since one day I'd like to be able to be fluent in Spanish. I'm supposed to be working. However, I'm kinda taking it easier than I normally would. Why? I woke up this morning with the whole right side of my head hurting, being dizzy, and somewhat disorientated. I have no clue what's wrong. I'm thinking it's allergies to secondhand smoke. Perhaps. I just don't feel well, physically or emotionally. I've been so grouchy. But, I've been trying to find strength in the emotional pain I've been feeling lately. I really wanted to cry the other afternoon, but my dad never did go away. Well, I'd started crying anyway... I just never got to finish. I told Manda about that, she seemed completely surprised that I'd be crying. I'd talked to her that night and really didn't mention what was wrong. I've got where I don't normally tell whom I'm dating about what's bugging me. However, I kinda went into things with her, she was sorta quiet. She's a really caring person, but more so through her actions, not her words. I guess it was odd, considering I didn't mention it to her that night. I've started reading more. I've got 3 books started right now, I'll have 4 by the time the weekend's over, if not 5. Why am I reading? It allows me to escape. I'm also reading philosophy. In the recent 2 years, I've come to love philosophy because it challenges my perceptions more so and because sometimes it really really inspires me. Anyways, I feel a little less dizzy now. I should go back to sorting books. |