Opinion and views on what is and what is not being reported on... |
My son is in the Army. His first commander moved onward and upward... as is it is with the military... There is a Murphy's Law, I believe, the one that says, a person will rise till they reach their level of incompetence. Now… that is a reassuring thought…. Anyway… the NEW commander is nothing like the old commander… I don’t know him or his wife, but it has been like a slap in the face… And I have witnessed an about face in attitude and values among the other wives… I have watched as the Website, set up by the original Commander, has been transformed… from a supportive, understanding group of family members… to a bunch of ass kissing, nit picking… something that I am suppose to be OH so eternally grateful for, and never mention any frustrations, like I missed a call from my son the other day… What absolute BULLSHIT… THE NEW COMMANDER… has a two year old son… I hope that by the time his son is my son’s age… there aren’t any more wars… no more American Soldiers being deployed half a world away… so the new commander and his wife will never know my fears and frustrations. In the meantime… I do not think he is fit for command, and his wife is certainly not ready to shinning example of a military leaders wife. Pride and selfishness has fallen many a military leader… I just hope this new commander does not take my son down with him. My son's first commander had a son enlistment age... evidently him and his wife were facing some of the same fears that all of us non-military family members are, and it came through loud and clear in their interaction with us. I guess that is were experience is a major factor in the military. God help us, not only are the Army and Marines recruitment numbers off... re-enlistment of experience Officers is falling off too... and that is not something that is being broadcast. No, I do not like my son's new commander, or his wife... their attitude and values are way different than what I experienced with my son's first experienced Commander. I hope my son does not feel the same way I do, or know what I know about this new Commander. As for being so fortunate to have the Website... WE ONCE WERE... Sincerely, A Soldier's Mother |