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Theo struggles to learn to control her magic and her temper. |
Chapter Seven “Quit whining!” “Right, stop whining. Who are you to tell me what to do? I am going crazy, I keep hearing voices in my head.” I mutter. “Quit feeling sorry for yourself and get yourself out of there.” “Stop yelling at me.” I yell. I look around. “Get myself out of here? First where is here and how do I get out?” I pause a minute and don’t hear anything in my head. “No suggestions? Didn’t think so.” The here is three feet in the air suspended in a tightly woven net. I can move around pretty easily so it must be meant for a larger animal. “Don’t think about what they were trying to catch, look around and be aware of your surroundings?” I talk to myself to keep me calm. I look to the left and as far as I can see there are more nets hanging from the trees. It is too dark for me to see if there is anything in them as they are at the edge of the light. Not a bad thing, I don’t think I want to know what is in them. In front of me there is a spot where no trees are growing. That is where the nice patch of sunshine was calling my name, so close yet still dark. To my right there are more nets hanging from the trees but it doesn’t look like all these are filled. I rest my forehead against the net. “Don’t panic, breath, you can get out of this just think. I mean come on you stole from a wizard how hard can getting out of a net be?” When I stop talking I hear a whimper to my right. I can’t quite make out the net next to me but the whimpering grows louder and the next begins to sway. Farther down the line comes a noise as if answering the first. “I bet you are the baby and that is your mother farther down. Are you scared?” The sound of my voice helps me keep my focus but it causes the net next to me to make a series of noises. “I bet your trying to talk to me and I can’t understand what you are saying. I am going to make Alfred teach me how to speak to anyone so I can understand them.” I raise my voice. “I don’t know if you can understand me, stop crying. I promise I’ll get us both out of here and then we’ll go find mommy.” Hopefully mommy won’t decide that I make a good lunch. I rub the knot on my forehead and talk aloud; it seems to keep me calm. “Think Theo, you didn’t pack a knife because you are an idiot and didn’t think you would need it. What did I pack? A brush isn’t going to help, neither are books. Next time you run away, remember to pack better.” I shift in the net; there really is no comfortable position. “Know any magical words? I don’t think making the net dance is going to help and would probably make me sick. I can’t tell the rope to put itself away because I don’t know where it goes.” My voice is climbing higher and higher with each suggestion. I think baby in the next net is picking up on my panic as it begins to cry. “Sh, Sh, Its going to be okay,” I promise. “Don’t cry you don’t want anyone to come and check on us.” I had to say that didn’t I. I hadn’t even thought that someone might be back to check the nets. What am I going to do? Voice in my head is you there? Do you have any suggestions? Very faintly I hear, “remember the dragon.” “What? I can’t hear you.” I wait for a reply but I don’t hear anything. I talk to the baby. “I think it said something about a dragon. The only dragon I know is the one I met with Alfred. I cut the chord but I can’t cut the net because I don’t have a sword or anything sharp.” The net next to me begins to swing and bumps into mine a couple of times before a scrawny hairy arm grabs my net and holds on. The other arm reaches through the holes in the net. I grab the hand and hold on tightly, I don’t care what creature it is, and it’s nice not to be alone. “I don’t know what I’m suppose to know about dragons.” I hear giggling and look around. “Whose there?” I look around and see lights swirling around. “Tamekia is that you?” I hold out my hand. Tamekia is a Fae person who is three inches tall, purple with iridescent wings. She lands on my open palm. “Am I glad to see you. Can you help me get out?” In her soft musical voice which this time I can understand “No, I’m too small. My knife won’t even begin to cut these ropes. I am just to tell you to remember the dragon.” She giggles and blinks away. I groan, “this isn’t funny, I don’t understand.” Giggling, Tamekia pops up in front of my face, turns herself into a four-inch high dragon and then switches into a miniature lizard. “Very funny, I don’t know how I did that.” I berate Tamekia. She stops giggling pops in right in front of my face and looks me square in the eye. “Your magic is in your mind, use it.” She giggles again and then she is just a dot of light joining with the others and moves off. Baby tries to catch them; I can hear them giggling as they avoid it. “My magic is in my mind? What does that mean? Okay Baby, lets see if you can help me figure this out. I pictured a dragon as a childish lizard when all of a sudden he turned into one. How can that work here? Picture myself as a giant. No that might end up making the net too small and not get me out. I could picture myself smaller but I don’t want to end up Tamekia’s size permanently.” |