Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/321263-Chapter-One
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #924185
Welcome to the war between the kingdoms of Heaven and Hell...
#321263 added January 5, 2005 at 10:16am
Restrictions: None
Chapter One
Chapter I
…Spark of the Genesis…

Cascading flames flew about in a whirlwind around the falling soul; the silent creature looked only in front of himself. He observed a black hole in the wake of the flaming tornado he was within, and just then he realized, that was his portal to life. He let out a brief cry just before he shot into the dark abyss below.

The atmosphere of Hell was pitch black, lightning danced about the skies, creating what any foreign soul would feel as a sense of gloom. Stalagmites were situated randomly about the solid, barren wasteland. There were thousands of spheres that rest in large groups about one area in the dark kingdoms’ limits, the birthing grounds of the demon soldiers.
The spheres were large and moist and contained unborn demons within their centers. They looked only like dark shadows within their tough, dark skin. In an instant all of them began to ooze transparent liquids from the holes atop their peaks. The protective layers about the pods began to warp from the inside, and their skin began to stretch out, the demons within the spheres were trying to release themselves from their round prisons. All of the pods were of the same size and texture but one. The pod was larger then the rest by only a quarter, and had white crystalline skin about it. It was in front of the rest as though it was the pedestal of the creator’s efforts.
All the pods moved about in a violent frenzy, but this one was unmoving.
Three shadows approached the horde of pods and watched from a few feet away.
The being on the right was a large demon with a brown uniform about his body, four dagger emblems rest upon each opposing collar of his vest, showing his obvious high rank in Hell’s military. He had long ivory horns that wrapped behind his large, pointed ears. He had the height of about five foot eight and the length of his long tail exaggerated his height to the point of making him look taller to the naked eye. At the end of his long tail was what looked like the head of a mace, but it was of natural skin and horns from his body. All these factors added to his exponential size brought out a threatening look to any other souls about him. He had hazel irises within his eyes, and pupils that narrowed vertically each time the bright lightning above struck the dark sky. He had long, black hair about his head that looked like the mane of a lion, his old age and experience could be told by the length of his hair. With his eyes narrowed halfway and his back completely straight, he had a look of dignity about him.
The creature on the right was Damien, the son of Lucifer. His face had a look of subtle arrogance that was distinct in every way possible, eyes always somewhat narrowed with a stare that could only bring intimidation to any he spoke with. He always wore his battle armour about his body, and excluding his crimson cape, never wore a real uniform.
“I don’t believe this to be a wise decision my lord, this creature could bring about problems in our ranks. Divine blood should not be manipulated like this. Abraham has proven this already.” The elegant demon exclaimed in a distinct, smooth voice.
“I must agree with Titan in that this may have been a bad mistake Father. The other soldiers are already starting to hatch, and the new hybrid doesn’t seem to be moving.” Damien faced his father.
“He has also proven it is possible. My being alive is sufficient proof of this, have faith my son.” Lucifer said in a settling voice. The dark king stood at about six feet and had the body of a human man. He had a slim build and wore a long crimson suit that a business man of our time would fin appropriate. He had fair skin and short black hair that spiked back into small blades upon his head. He had the look of a middle aged man and hunched over a little, supporting himself with a cane with a gold skull head that he held in his right hand. His scarlet eyes seemed to only give off a feeling of unsettling comfort, and he had a powerful aura about him that only those in his very presence could feel.
The pods before them began to rip open violently as the newborn demons released themselves from the large eggs. They all fell onto the hard ground below them and began to wheeze.
With an easy wave Titan signaled two dozen demon soldiers to begin striking the backs of all the newborn demons with large clubs, allowing them better passage of air into their bodies. The large soldiers worked with haste so few would die of suffocation.
“Lord, the pod isn’t move-,” Titan was interrupted by loud sounds coming from the crystalline egg.
Titan’s eyes widened at the egg’s violent movements, Lucifer gave a small smile, and Damien cocked his head to the left in intrigue.
Without warning the egg started to crack open and flames shot out from all sides of the white sphere, and a dome like explosion engulfed a twelve foot radius about it, and blinding light began to radiate from it.
Damien shielded his eyes from the bright light and observed a dark shadow in the center of the dancing flames. He set his arm down and glanced at his father beside him.
Lucifer, smiling softly was unfazed by the feat just done before him. And with a simple wave of his hand the fire died down and disappeared, showing the demon earlier hidden by the flames.
The demon was soaked in the translucent liquids he was spawned within, and looked nothing less then exhausted. His body was hunched over by its lack of support, and his eyes let out blood-red flames from the stress his body had just overcome. He let out a brief roar, and fell to the ground face first.
Damien, Lucifer, and Titan all moved toward the demon that lay against the ground and looked down upon it.
“Is he?” Titan began curiously.
“No, he’s alive. Damien, take him to the barracks so he may rest.” The dark king turned about and took a few steps forward, “It will be up to you two to turn him into a soldier.” Lucifer began his departure from the two high ranking soldiers, stopped, and finished, “And it will be up to him to turn the tides of this war in our kingdom’s favor.”
Damien looked down upon the young demon and glanced up into Titan’s eyes.
Titan rose his left eye brow at the situation and watched Damien haul the knocked out creature over his right shoulder.
Damien started his own way opposite of Titan.
Titan looked down at his feet and again towards Damien’s back, and followed behind him.

The newborn demon awoke with a brief cry, and looked about him, dazed and confused. His vision was blurred, and he struggled to regulate his breathing.
He took a few deep breaths, and the air started to calmly move in and out of his chest.
He noticed he was laying on a hard surface, one of many square blocks used as sleeping surfaces for all the demons. His vision cleared up and his head pivoted around as he viewed countless demons about himself, moving in and out of the large barracks he was under. Those who came in found an empty bed that seemed to suit them well and lay on them, falling asleep in an instant.
“Ah, you’re awake.” A smooth voice commented right beside him.
Titan sat on one of the hard beds to the newborn demon’s left. His reptilian tail waved about gently.
“W-what?” The newborn demon quickly sat up and looked down at himself, seeing a large cloth covering the bottom of his torso loosely.
Titan got up from the hard surface he sat upon with one hop, and stood up straight beside the bewildered demon. “Can you get up Osirius?” Titan asked him with a sort of impatient attitude.
Osirius’ eyes widened and he was curious as to the name the large demon beside him referred to him by. He subconsciously new it was his real name, he just hadn’t a clue about where and what he was, let alone how the strange demon beside him new his name.
He lifted himself off of his bed and his legs trembled, he shifted his weight to allow himself to balance himself easier. Osirius glanced into the narrow eyes of Titan and nodded subtly.
Titan rose his left eye brow towards Osirius, “I’m assuming, since you can in fact stand, that you can also walk.” Titan began to the exit of the barracks, “Follow me.”
It took Osirius little effort to get a hang of walking, and he followed Titan out of the barracks. Coming out of the large tent he was amazed by the view before him. He saw demons about everywhere, moving in and out of tunnels carrying transparent minerals in large two handed wagons. Osirius saw the countless demon soldiers moving in unison as a demon of higher rank gave orders to slash, guard, and move in place.
A whole troop of demons then jogged in one fine line from his left to his right, he noticed their armour hopping about as they kept moving at an even pace past him.
Osirius looked forward and followed the large demon, hurrying to catch up to him.
Titan, looking onward as though what was in front of him was beyond the interest of the curious demon beside him, took a small breath and began. “I am sure you have many questions, stop here.” They both met up with a large gothic cathedral that Osirius neglected to see in front of him.
The large structure fell further into the sky then the eye can see. Strange gargoyles were situated on different ledges that narrowed the structure further at the start of each one. The doors before them looked of onyx stone like the rest of the large building, and stood three times taller then Titan himself, who dwarfed the newborn demon by two feet.
Reason being Osirius had only been born but five hours ago, and his body would not completely develop until he was three years of age.
The large black doors swung open with a long moan, and both of them began walking to a destination unknown to the curious demon.
“You are a demon soldier, like myself, breed to fight on behalf of the kingdom of Hell. You have descended from a life that had perished ages ago. The life came from a different plain called Earth.” Titan took a sharp right turn into another hallway and continued. “Our race is one of great strength and endurance, and we wish to rid all life of the curse that is archangels, who fight for the kingdom of Heaven. Their foul guidance will turn the far away Plain of Souls into a wasteland if we do not. If we gain control defeat them and their king, we may save what is left of pure souls living upon the distant land.”
They both got to another large door; Titan opened it without so much as a grunt and Osirius’ eyes widened larger then boulders at the marvelous wing before him.
He saw a large hall filled with battle ready soldiers, all organized in large square groups that were up in the thousands. On the right side of the large hall was what seemed a different type of demon breed, all with slim structures and long hair that fell halfway down each of their own backs. All seemed to have less armour on then the type on the left side, and they carried thinner battle axes and swords, so as to suit their meek frames perfectly. They seemed to compose themselves with dignity, while the opposing species let out little grunts and growls every other moment or so showing no real prestige.
“Females…” Osirius said to himself, wondering how his subconscious seemed to better know the species then the mainstream of his thoughts had.
When they had reached the large hall they had seemed to come in the middle of a rally. A different species that didn’t seem to fit the general demon description at all stood behind a podium, giving his soldiers a brief of what their goals were.
“We are better then our adversaries. Show them this, if the enemy wishes to retreat, allow them to knowing that they had failed their own cause. Fight with great strength and honor, and remember, your Father’s rule will conserve what our ignorant adversaries had left behind in their corrupt rule over the Plain of Souls. Now march on great soldiers, and help me fulfill our righteous destinies!”
Lucifer gave all of his soldiers below him a great smile as he held his free hand up in a fist.
All the soldiers let out a great roar, as if their victory was already upon them, and marched out of the large open doorways nearest them.
Damien rose from a throne that sat beside an empty one, Lucifer’s. He had been hidden behind his Father throughout the entire ceremony. The dark prince walked off the large platform he and his Father were upon, following Lucifer’s path towards Titan and the bewildered demon beside him.
Lucifer looked down upon Osirius as he walked with a soothing smile upon his face. He stopped beside him, setting his left hand upon Osirius’ shoulder and glancing at Titan. “I told you he would hold up alright.” He looked into Osirius’ eyes from his dwarfing height. “I hope you become our kingdom’s best soldier, I can see promise in your eyes.”
Osirius’ eyes then widened and images began flashing throughout his mind. He saw war-torn battlefields, filled with mayhem all about himself. Eyes of hopeful demons glanced up on him with joyful faces. He then saw himself standing before a whole army of victorious soldiers, basking in the death of their adversaries that lay fallen below them.
With a strong blink he awoke from what seemed to be a day dream and saw his king walking past him.
The dark lord looked over his shoulder and stopped, “We are all hoping you fulfill what is expected of you.”
Osirius looked down at the slick white floor below him thoughtfully. ‘What is expected of me?’
Titan interrupted the moment of silence, “I did not wish to show him anything of this measure just yet, but you had not returned to the barracks and I needed him to know of both of his teachers.”
Damien stood in front of Osirius, looking down upon him sharply. “Does he at least know of his name?”
“Osirius…” The young demon stated meekly, looking down upon his feet.
“Look me in the eyes when you speak to me.” Damien rose his voice enough to startle Osirius.
With a small jump Osirius gave Damien a quick glance and said in a sullen voice, “Yes sir.”
Damien glanced back at Titan. “We train him off and on, one month you will train him, and the next I will. He will have an even balance of knowledge and combat training.” Damien looked back down upon Osirius and began to walk away.
“So when do I begin to teach him?” Titan glanced at Damien bewildered.
“Tomorrow, and be sure to teach him the etiquette of a high ranking soldier, I will not have a pupil who will not look me into the eyes.” Damien then stopped and glanced at both Osirius and Titan from the corner of his left eye, “He will not be given leeway because of the divine power granted to him, I’ll be sure of that.”
Damien stormed forward, cape fluttering about as he disappeared into the dark shadows before them.

"...There is no good, there is no evil, there is only life..."-Paladin-
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