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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/274033-Holy-Shit-that-was-fun
Rated: 18+ · Book · None · #488496
Only rule you must follow if you know me: You can't get mad at me for what I write.
#274033 added January 24, 2004 at 3:52pm
Restrictions: None
Holy Shit, that was fun!
Ok, Friday I woke up and went to class. Not too exciting there, but hey, what can you do. Got all my books except for one. My freshman seminar book. I now have $3 in my checking account and nothing on me. After I left I was passing by Abington Stop and Shop and gave Matt and call to see if he was working. He was and I stopped in.

I was updating him on my life since the last I saw him. People that want to put me in the hospital, Georgia leaving, college, Kim. After we talked for a bit, we got some food, he bought me a hot chocolate and a donut. Then we went back to the LP office. Where we continued to talk and I ate my donut. Suddenly, Matt goes "Shit! That guy's stealing!" and calls the cops. I guess this guy was known for stealing and he was loading up on meat right then. Then Matt calls the managers into the LP office and they all come in. "Which one is it? Woah, that's a lot. Hey, who's this kid?" They quickly make out a game plan cause the guy looked like he was going to run. So they all scurry out and then I keep watching the cameras. The guy runs out the door and then I see in the other camera Matt kicks the guy and one of the managers gets him in a full nelson to get him on the ground. Fuck Yeah! You don't fuck with Stop and Shop BITCH! At this time I went out of the LP office and the cops come. They talk to Matt and he's walking back to his office and says to me "I'm gonna be a little busy now, bye." So off I go. Fucking sweet! I saw an aprehension! Then when I'm going to my car, Sasha calls me.

She says that Brian and her were palnning on coming down and getting me. I said that I thought it was a good plan and I'd drive down there instead. I didn't have to work until 4 on Saturday, so it would be awesome to see everyone.

I got down there probably at 6 and then saw everyone. Brian, Sasha, Aunt Marsha, Danielle, Delancy, and SHANEEN! I've missed her so much. I found out her birthday had come and then me, Brian, and Sasha went to get some movies and food. In Convience Store Heaven, I got a few Carnations for Shaneen so I atleast had something to give her for her birthday. For the rest of the night I was just sitting around watching the Mask of Zorro. Fell asleep probably around midnight. I missed a call from Kim, I really wanted to talk to her and see how her night was and how everything was doing.

I woke up and Sasha made me some french toast because she's nice like that. We watched Super Troopers because I hadn't seen it before. Hilarious movie. Afterwards, Shaneen wanted to catch up with me on current events. I told her about College, Christmas, New Years, my hospital threats, and Kim. Showed her the picture of her in my phone and she said she was gorgeous. I know Kim will be happy when she reads or hears that, hehe. So anyways, after that she cut my hair and I had to get going. I wish I could've stayed longer. Shaneen's my baby baby baby and a day is not long enough to spend with her. So now I'm home and off to work.

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