This is a catch all area for thoughts and things. |
There are realms of unknown regions that contain things no human will ever understand. Those nether regions are the key to happiness and despair and must be traversed carefully lest one lose both life and spirit within those realms. It is not for the weak in spirit to explore those regions, but rather for the spiritually staunch to visit, explore and report back to the rest of us what is found, and what the denizens of the depths of extrasensory dimensions have to tell us. They were created before time and space and hold the wisdom and knowledge of the universe within their extraordinary selves. They wish only to serve us, but must relate their information through the minds and mouths of only a special few who are astute enough, brave enough to navigate the disconcerting roads and fallows of the ultra-dimensional regions. For further information, click on my name, above, and send an e-mail to coordinate your sending of a token ($100 or more, free-will token) of your sincerity, and I will pass on those words of wisdom coming directly from the nether land denizens to my mind thence on to you. Lest you die without the truth of the denizens revealed to you, I most sincerely ask you to act quickly. Archie R. Whitehill Mercenary Writer Have Words Will Write |