my somewhat deviant life, and experiences
this is me, take it--or leave it |
ok good greif this is going to be a LOOOOONG entry. got to fill u in on whats happened since my blind date , whats happening with jeremiah, whats with perk, and getting fired i think ill break it up into separate entries just so it wont be so long. yeah ok i will that way you can read about what you want. im an idiot i just wrote a long entry about going out with todd and forgot that i had alread written about it, but anyway heres the rest of the story since that night: ok fast forward to fri night. im hanging out at jeremiahs and jeremiah wants to meet todd. well ive been trying to call todd all day, but apparently his phone was dead. anyway, then i told jeremiah i was tired of trying to call todd so if he wanted him to come over, then he could call. so J did and first try, todd answers the phone. dave was at J's house and we were all drinking bein crazy, eventually todd comes over with adam. i wouldnt let adam have a beer just to be a bitch cause he had almost got us arrested. so adam decided that he wanted to go home and todd left to take him. he was going to come back. so about 30 min later i get this call from todd saying that another of his friends had called and needed him to help fight someone. well i hate fights, but anyway he said hed call when he got back to batesville. he did, at 6 am right after J and i had went to bed. so the point of this long story is, Todd has no chance, hes semi ok by himself, but i absolutely cannot stand adam, and im not one of those bitches that breaks up friends. wasnt all that impressed by todd anyway. so nothing is happening there. in fact we played a nice little game of ignore each other last night. oh yeah and i saw todd with melanie yesterday quite a bit, if he had a chance then he definitely doesnt now. melanie is a really, really nasty whore that i used to work with (and i dont give that title to many ppl). anyway so thats that story. later |